1. He’s King of kings
He’s Lord of lords
He is Christ, the
King of all Above all things,
beyond all things
We shall praise Him for evermore We shall ever hail Christ our Lord,
the King He is the victorious One
There's none who can be compared to
Him We shall praise Him for evermore
2. Eternal God Everlasting Father
Ageless One, Ancient of Days
He is I am, before Abraham was
We shall praise Him for evermore 3. King of Glory Triumphant Lord
David’s Son, the Greatest of All
A light for the Gentiles, Glory to Israel
We shall praise Him for evermore
4. Majestic One Sovereign Lord
The Lion of Judah, David calls
Him Lord The Son of God, the
Son of Man We shall praise
Him for evermore
Source: Opoku Onyinah
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