I will build My church for My own glory
I will build My church for My own glory
And the gates of hell shall not prevail, I say,
I will build My church
Source: Eunice Addision
+ H D E L G H V « K H D E L G H V «
Hallelujah, he abides with me! , ¶ P U H M R L F L Q J night and day, As I walk the narrow way, For the Comforter abides with me
2. Once my heart was full of sin, Once I had no peace within Till I heard how Jesus died upon the tree, Then I fell down at his feet, And there came a peace so sweet Now the Comforter abides with me.
3. He is with me everywhere, And he knows my every care, I'm as happy as a bird and just as free For the spirit has control, Jesus satisfies my soul, Since the Comforter abides with me.
4. There's no thirsting for the things Of the world - they've taken wings; Long ago I gave them up, and instantly; All my night was turned to day, All my burdens rolled away, Now the Comforter abides with me. Herbert Buffum RH.217
160 I’m trading my sorrows, I’m trading my shame I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain I’m laying them down, For the joy of the Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes yes Lord (x3) Amen I’m pressed but not crushed, Persecuted not abandoned, Struck down but not destroyed, I’m blessed beyond the curse For his promise will endure And his joy’s gonna be my strength Though the sorrows may last for the night His joy comes with the morning Israel Houghton
161 I’m walking arm in arm with Jesus I trust in Him to lead the way I know that if I only cling to Him He will never let me go astray
For I am walking with Jesus Walking everyday Along the way For I am walking with Jesus Walking with Jesus alone
162 1. I’ve a message from the Lord, Hallelujah! The message unto you I’ll give, Tis recorded in His word, Hallelujah! It is only that you “look and live” ³ / R R N D Q G O L Y H ´ P \ brother live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in His word, Hallelujah! It is only that you “look and live”
2. I’ve a message full of love Hallelujah! A message, O my friend, for you. ‘Tis a message from above Hallelujah! Jesus said it, and I know ‘tis true.
3. Life is offered unto you, Hallelujah! Eternal life your soul shall have If you’ll only look to Him, Hallelujah! Look to Jesus who alone can save. W.A Ogden RH 299
163 1. I’ve believed the true report, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the outer court, O glory be to God! I am all on Jesus’ side On the altar sanctified, To the world and sin I’ve died, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Hallelejuh! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven veil, Here the glories never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King.
2. I’m a king and priest to God, Hallelujah to the Lamb! By the cleansing of the blood, O glory be to God!
By the Spirit’s pow’r and light, I am living day and night, In the holiest place so bright, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
3. I have passed the outer veil, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Which did once God’s light conceal O glory be to God! But the blood has brought me in To God’s holiness so clean, Where there’s death to self and sin, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
4. I’m within the holiest pale, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the inner veil, O glory be to God! I am sanctified to God By the power of the blood, Now the Lord is my abode Hallelujah to the Lamb! Charles Price Jones
164 1. If you would serve the Lord a-right, Spend some time in pray'r
If you would keep your armour bright Spend some time in pray'r
Pray'r, its value none can measure, It will bring you lasting treasure; Present help and present pleasure Spend some time in pray'r
2. If you would daily do His will, Spend some time in pray'r. For strength, his bidding to fulfil, Spend some time in pray'r.
3. For pow'r to run the Christian race, Spend some time in pray'r Come often to the throne of grace, Spend some time in pray'r
4. God only can your needs supply, Spend some time in pray'r The blessings cometh from on high, Spend some time in pray'r
Faith Gospel Message PH 301
165 1. Immortal, Invisible God only wise In light inaccessible hid from our eyes Most blessed, most glorious, The Ancient of Days Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise
2. Unresting, unhasting, And silent as light Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might Thy justice like mountains high soaring above, Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love
3. To all life Thou givest – to both great and small In all life Thou livest, the true life of all; We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, And wither and perish – but nought changeth thee.
4. Great father of Glory, Pure Father of light Thine angels adore Thee, All veiling their sight; All laud we would render, O help us to see: ‘Tis only the splendour of light hideth Thee
5. Immortal, Invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes Most blessed, most glorious; The Ancient of Days Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise Water Chalmer Smith RH 36
166 In my heart (x3) I will praise the Lord For His goodness for His kindness His faithfulness ever sure In my heart (x3) I will praise the Lord Rosina Aninkora
167 1. In our dear Lord’s garden, Planted here below, Many tiny flowerets In sweet beauty grow
2. Christ, the loving Gardener, Tends these blossoms small; Loves the little lilies As the cedars tall
3. Nothing is too little For His gentle care; Nothing is too lowly In His love to share
4. Jesus loves the children, Children such as we; Blest them when their mothers Brought them to His knee
5. Jesus calls the children, Bids them come and stand In His pleasant garden, Watered by His hand
6. Lord, Thy call we answer Take us in Thy care; Train us in Thy garden, In Thy work to share Ella Sophia Armitage, 1841-1931 MH 843
You are far above all; You are great God; King of kings; Lord of lords; Far above all things; You are great,God Opoku Onyinah
183 1. Jesus Christ is Wonderful Counsellor, God Almighty, Eternal Father, Prince of peace; We shall glorify His Name
Blessed is He, Blessed is He Blessed is our God; Blessed, blessed, blessed is our God
2. Jehovah, our God is with us; Emmanuel is in our midst; And His Kingdom spreads through the earth; Emmanuel will not depart 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q ³ < H V X . U L V W R \ 1
$ Q Z R Q Z D Q L ´ by Opoku Onyinah PAN (T) 1261
184 Jesus Christ shall never lose His power No never; No never
Jesus Christ shall never lose His power He shall never ever lose His power God’s power is so great, is so great, is so great God’s power is so great, is so great, is so great God’s power is gre-a-t Man’s power is so small, is so small, is so small Man’s power is so small, is so small, is so small Man’s power is so small–a-a-ll and at last it will fa-i-l Elijah Agyemang
185 1. Jesus, Friend of my soul Drawing me close to know The loving Father’s desire That keeps on seeking me
If I really meet You I will worship You in truth Worship You in Spirit Never turn You down
2. Jesus Friend of my soul I’m searching for You Yet You are with me Help me know You are close
3. Jesus, Friend of my soul No longer I hear You Help me clearly discern You are always with me.
4. Jesus, Friend of my soul Has drawn me to Eternal God I’ve known the depth of Your love In joy I’ll worship You 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q 0 H N U D µ G D P I R ¶
Opoku Onyinah
186 Jesus, how lovely you are! You are so gentle, so pure and so kind; You shine like the morning star: Jesus, how lovely you are! PH 314
187 1. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee. Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shall be. Perish every fond ambition, All I’ve sought or hoped or known. Yet how rich is my condition! God and heaven are still my own
2. Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour, too. Human hearts and looks deceive me; Thou art not, like them, untrue. O while Thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate and friends disown me, Show Thy face and all is bright.
3. Man may trouble and distress me, ’Twill but drive me to Thy breast Life with trials hard may press me; Heaven will bring me sweeter rest. Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me While Thy love is left to me; Oh, ’t’were not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with Thee.
4. Go, then, earthly fame and treasure, Come disaster, scorn and pain In Thy service, pain is pleasure, With Thy favor, loss is gain
I have called Thee Abba Father, I have stayed my heart on Thee Storms may howl, and clouds may gather; All must work for good to me.
5. Soul, then know thy full salvation Rise o’er sin and fear and care Joy to find in every station, Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee, Think what Father’s smiles are thine, Think that Jesus died to win thee, Child of heaven, canst thou repine.
6. Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer. Heaven’s eternal days before thee, God’s own hand shall guide us there. Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition,
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Henry Lite
188 Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Johnson Larbi Appiah
189 Jesus is Lord (x4) He is the King of kings (x3) He is Lord He is the King of kings (x3) He is Lord Eunice Johnson
190 1. Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it For by his power Each tree and flower Was planned and made Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it Sun, moon and stars in heaven cry; Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord! Praise him with Alleluias For Jesus is Lord
2. Jesus is Lord! Yet from his throne eternal In flesh he came To die in pain On Calvary's tree Jesus is Lord! From him all life proceeding He gave his life a ransom thus setting us free.
3. Jesus is Lord! O'er sin the mighty conqueror From death he rose And all his foes shall own his name Jesus is Lord! God sent his Holy Spirit To show by works of power that Jesus is Lord! David Mansel BBC Song 153
191 Jesus is the Bread of Life; He’s the Bread of Life. Jesus is the Spring of Life; He’s the Spring of Life.
Whoever feeds on Him shall hunger not, Whoever drinks of Him shall never thirst. Jesus is the Bread of Life, He’s the Bread of Life. Jesus is the Spring of Life; He’s the Spring of Life. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ < H V X \ 0 Q N Z D $ E R R G R R Q R ´
192 Jesus! Jesus, my Saviour, You are King of kings indeed! Jesus! Jesus, my Saviour, You are King of kings indeed! Translation of Jesus Agyenkwa : R Q D : R \ 0 hene ampa
193 1. Jesus, keep me near the cross There a precious fountain, Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calv'ry's mountain.
In the cross, ( x 2) Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river.
2. Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me; There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me.
3. Near the Cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadow o’er me
4. Near the cross I'll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Just beyond the river. Fanny J. Crosby RH. 396
194 1. Jesus, let me ever be Firmly grounded upon thee Ever in thy work abide, Ever in thy wounds reside.
2. Plant, and root, and fix in me All the mind that was in thee; Settled peace I then shall find; Jesu's is a quiet mind.
3. Anger I no more shall feel, Always even, always still Meekly on my God reclined Jesu's is a gentle mind.
4. I shall suffer and fulfil All my father's gracious will, Be in all alike resigned; Jesu's is a patient mind
5. When ‘tis deeply rooted here; Perfect love shall cast out fear, Fear doth servile spirits bind, Jesu’s is a noble mind.
6. I shall nothing know beside Jesus, and Him crucified; Perfectly to Him be joined Jesu’s is a loving mind
7. I shall triumph evermore, Gratefully my God adore God so good, so true, so kind, Jesu’s is a thankful mind.
8. Lowly, loving, meek and pure I shall to the end endure Be no more to sin inclined; Jesu’s is a constant mind.
9. I shall fully be restored to the image of my Lord,
witnessing to all mankind, Jesu’s is a perfect mind Charles Wesley RH 399
195 1. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high Hide me, O my saviour, hide Till the storm of life is past Safe into the haven guide; Oh, receive my soul at last.
2. Other refuge have I none Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! Leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me All my trust on thee is stayed All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing.
3. Thou, O Christ! art all I want More than all in thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind Just and holy is Thy name I am all unrighteousness;
Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace.
4. Plenteous grace with thee is found Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart Rise to all eternity. Charles Wesley RH. 312
196 1. Jesus, my King, my wonderful Saviour, All of my life is given to thee. I am rejoicing in thy salvation; Thy precious blood now maketh me free.
Wonderful Saviour, wonderful Saviour, Thou art so dear, so precious to me! Wonderful Saviour, wonderful Saviour, My heart is full with praises to Thee!
2. Freedom from sin, o wonderful story – All of its stains washed whiter as snow! Jesus has come to live in His temple, And with His love my heart is aglow.
3. Jesus, my Lord, I’ll ever adore Thee, Lay at Thy feet my treasures of love. Lead me in ways to show forth Thy glory, Ways that will end in heaven above.
4. When in that bright and beautiful city I shall behold thy glories untold, I shall be like Thee, wonderful Saviour, And I will sing while ages unfold John M. Harris Translation of Jesus, me Hen, P ¶ $ J \ H Q N Z D 1 Z D Q Z D Q \ L
197 1. Jesus, my Saviour, came from on high To die for you, to die for me; Sinful, unworthy though I may be, All this He did for me.
Wonderful story, how can it be? Jesus has died for me and for you: He left His crown and His throne All this He did for me.
2. Where the bright angels e’er sing His praise, Round the white throne, round the white throne Me from the depths, He came down to raise, Claiming me as His own.
3. What can I do my Lord to repay? On Calvary’s tree, dying for me: I’ll trust Thee, Lord, and e’er faithful be: This I will do for Thee. Translation of Agyenkwa Yesu firii soro ton Faith Gospel Message PH 307
198 Jesus, Name above all names Beautiful Saviour Glorious Lord Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
199 1. Jesus only is our message Jesus all our theme shall be We will lift up Jesus ever Jesus only we will see.
Jesus only, Jesus ever Jesus all in all we see Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, Baptizer, and coming King
2. Jesus only is our Saviour All our guilt He bore away All our righteousness He gives us All our strength from day to day.
3. Jesus is our Sanctifier Cleansing us from self and sin And with all His Spirit’s fullness Filling all our hearts within
4. Jesus only is our Healer All our sicknesses He bore
And His risen life and fullness All His members still may share.
5. Jesus only is our power His the gift of Pentecost Jesus, breathe Thy power upon us Fill us with Thy Holy Ghost.
6. For Jesus we are waiting Listening for the trumpet’s sound Then, it will be us and Jesus Living ever with our God. Albert B. Simpson
200 Jesus, our Light Jesus, our glory our glory for ever more Jesus our, Light Together, we shall praise Him, Together we shall lift him high Jesus our light, Jesus our glory, our glory for ever more. M.L. Awuku
201 1. Jesus, see me at thy feet, Nothing but thy blood can save me; Thou alone my need canst meet, Nothing but thy blood can save me
No! No! Nothing do I bring, % X W E \ I D L W K , ¶ P F O L Q J L Q J
To thy cross, O lamb of God! Nothing but thy blood can save me
2. See my heart, Lord torn with grief, Nothing but thy blood can save me; Me unpardoned do not leave, Nothing but thy blood can save me.
3. Dark, indeed, the past has been, Nothing, but thy blood can save me, Yet in mercy take me in Nothing but thy blood can save me.
4. As I am, O, hear me pray, Nothing but thy blood can save me; I can ne’er remove a stain Nothing but thy blood can save me.
5. Lord, I cast myself on thee, Nothing but thy blood can save me; From my guilt, O set me free
Nothing but thy blood can save me, R Slater PH 210
202 1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Doth his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more
2. For Him shall endless prayer be made; And praises throng to crown His head; His Name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice.
3. People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their young hosannas to His Name
4. Blessings abound where’er he reigns, The prisoner leaps to loose his chains. The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest.
5. Where He displays His healing power; Death and the curse are known no more; In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their Father lost.
6. Let every creature rise and bring, Its grateful honours to our King: Angels descend with songs again, And earth prolong the joyful strain. Isaac Watts, RH 190
203 1. Jesus, stand among us In Thy risen power, Let this time of worship Be a hallowed hour
2. Breathe Thy Holy Spirit Into every heart; Bid the fears and sorrows From each soul depart
3. Thus with quickened footsteps We’ll pursue our way, Watching for the dawning Of eternal day W. Pennefaher - RH 65
204 1. Jesus, what a beautiful name Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb that was slain Joy and peace, strength and hope, Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name
2. Jesus, what a beautiful name. Truth revealed, my future sealed, Healed my pain Love and freedom, life and warmth, Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name
3. Jesus, what a beautiful name Rescued my soul, my stronghold, Lift me from shame.
Forgiveness, security, power and love, Grace that blows all fear away; Jesus, what a beautiful name Tanya Rides
205 Jesus, you are my friend My companion, brother My Guide who always leads me, and orders my steps in your paths Translation of Jesus wo y 1
P ¶ D G D P I R E \ 2 S R N X 2 Q \ L Q D K
206 Jesus your name is great We love to sing your praise. There is no name so great. We love to lift up your name. We lift up your name on high, Jesus. We lift up your name We lift up your name on high, Jesus. We lift up your name. Opoku Onyinah
207 1. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room And heaven and nature sing
2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns! Your sweetest songs employ; While fields and streams sad hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy.
3. He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, The wonders of his love Isaac Watts (1674-1785) altd Based on Psalm 98
208 1. Joy, Joy, when we go to Heaven (x2)
2. No more sorrow when we go to Heaven (x2)
3. No more weeping when we go to Heaven (x2)
4. No more pain when we go to Heaven (x2)
209 1. Just as I am, without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidst me come to thee O, Lamb of God, I come
2. Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt Fightings and fears within without O, Lamb of God I come.
3. Just as I am, wretched, blind; Sight riches, healing of the mind, Yea all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God I come
4. Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse relieve. Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come
5. Just as I am, (thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down),
Now to be thine, yea thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come
6. Just as I am, of that free love The breadth, length, depth and height to prove, Here for a season, then above O Lamb of God I come. Charlotte Elliot BBC Songs 274
210 1. Just as I am Your presence I come With an Unveiling face Gazing at your glory Transforming to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me I come, oh my God, bless me
2. Fearless I come to you Abundance of grace Living waters flowing Drinking from the rivers Conforming to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me I come, oh my God, bless me
3. Flowing of the Blood Pleading for sinners Invitation to everybody
As I come to your presence Transform me to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
4. Sin, no longer, I live As I catch the glimpse of glory Hidden in the cleft of the Rock Lifted up sanctified To the image of Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
5. Never-ceasing glory Shining in the presence of Christ Raptured into such glory As I gaze at him in glory Conforming to Christ, his Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
6. Life-giving Spirit Abounds in the New Covenant Whosoever comes to the Father He will never him cast out Conforming to Christ, his Son
I come, oh my God, bless me (x2) Translation of ³ 0 P H U 0 P H W H \ L ara ´ E \ Opoku Onyinah
211 Just the same, just the same, God is just the same today! Just the same, just the same, God is just the same today! W. H. Jude
212 Keep me true, Lord Jesus, Keep me true! Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me true! There’s a race that I must run, There are vict’ries to be won; Give me power ev’ry hour, to be true!
213 1. King of glory, King of peace I will love thee; And that love may never cease, I will move thee, Thou hast granted my request, Thou hast heard me; Thou didst note my working breast Thou hast spared me.
2. Wherefore with my utmost art I will sing thee And the cream of all my heart I will bring thee Though my sins against me cried, Thou didst clear me; And alone, when they replied Thou didst hear me
3. Seven whole days, not one in seven I will praise thee; In my heart, though not in heaven, I can raise thee Small it is, in this poor sort To enroll thee; E'en eternity's too short To extol thee. George Herbert BBC Songs 297
214 Kissing the Son Kissing the Son The Son of God Jesus, I bow to you (x2) Jesus, the Son of God Exalted above all things Kissing the Son
Kissing the Son The Son of God Jesus, I bow to you Opoku Onyinah
215 1. Land of our Birth, we pledge to thee Our love and toil in the years to be; When we are grown, and take our place As men and women with our race.
2. Father in heaven, who lovest all O help thy children when they call; That they may build from age to age An undefiled heritage.
3. Teach us to bear the yoke in youth With steadfastness and careful truth That, in our time, Thy grace may give The truth whereby the nations live.
4. Teach us to rule ourselves alway
Controlled and cleanly night and day; That we may bring if need arise No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
5. Teach us to look, in all our ends, On Thee for Judge, and not our friends; That we, with Thee may walk uncowed By fear or favour of the crowd.
6. Teach us the strength that cannot seek By deed or thought to hurt the weak That, under Thee, we may possess Man’s strength to succor man’s distress
7. Teach us delight in simple things And mirth that has no bitter springs; Forgiveness free of evil done And love to all men ‘neath the sun!
8. Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride For whose dear sake our fathers died; O Motherland, we pledge to thee Head, heart, and hand through the years to be MHB 899
216 1. Let me walk just as Jesus walked Let me serve just as He served That I may give my whole being to you In this work You’ve appointed for me
Let Your fullness be seen in me (x2) Let Your Holy Spirit fill me now And let Your fullness be seen in me
2. My Lord Jesus, how Himself He humbled Walked completely in His perfection He went about doing good and wonders Fill me, Lord, till I overflow Seth Asare Ofei Badu
217 1. Let praises ring, Let praises ring, Lift voices up to love Him, Lift hearts and hands to touch Him O let praises ring. And fill the skies with anthems high That tell His excellencies As priests and kings who rule with Him Through all eternity;
Let praises ring, Let praises ring To our glorious king.
2. Let praises ring, Let praises ring, Bow down in adoration, Cry out His exaltation, O let praises ring. And lift the Name above all names Till every nation knows The love of God has come to men, His mercies overflow
218 Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me All His wonderful passion and purity
Oh Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.
219 Let the Fire fall The Fire of Pentecost Let it fall now May it consume sin Cleanse us of every guilt Make us whole again Placed on the altar Prepared to be offered Send a burning coal Let the Fire fall Placed on the altar Prepared to be offered Burn every chaff in us Make us whole again Opoku Onyinah
220 Let the fire fall on me Let the fire fall on me Lord God, let your fire fall That I may be a vessel A vessel of honour to You Let your fire, fire fall Grace Gakpetor
221 Let there be love shared among us Let there be love in our eyes, May now your love sweep this nation, Cause us, O Lord to arise Give us a fresh understanding Of brotherly love that is real, Let there be love shared among us Let there be love. Dave Billbrough, BBC Songs 364
222 / H W X V W D O N O H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W - H V X V
Talk about Him today, Talk about Him tomorrow / H W X V W D O N O H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W Jesus / H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W - H V X V D O Z D \ s
1. Jesus, the Son of God, Wonderful One Great Counsellor, the Prince of Peace Saviour of the world He’s my Lord and my God Let’s talk about Jesus always
2. Jesus came from on high, lived without sin,
Was crucified, rose from the dead Has gone above And is coming again Let’s talk about Jesus always Seth Asare Ofei Badu
223 1. Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He is kind;
For His mercies shall endure, ever faithful, ever sure
2. Let us sound His name abroad For of gods He is The God;
3. He, with all-commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light;
4. All things living He doth feed, His full hand supplies their need;
5. He His chosen race did bless In the wasteful wilderness;
6. He hath with a piteous eye Looked upon our misery.
7. Let us then with gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for He is kind. John Milton RH 109
224 Let Your anointing fall on us; Let Your grace abound; Let Your Holy Power; Dwell upon us Translation of ³ 0 D Z R 1 J R V U D ´
Seth Asare Ofei Badu, PAN (T) 1253
225 1. Let your fire burn (x2) Sinful works consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Sinful works consume
2. Let Your fire burn (x2) Works of flesh consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Works of flesh consume
3. Let Your fire burn (x2) Weaknesses consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Weaknesses consume Translation of Ma Wo gya no nd1w
Grace Gakpetor
226 1. Let Your living water flow over my soul, Let your Holy Spirit come and take control,
Of every situation that has troubled my mind, All my cares and burdens on to you I roll. Father, Father, Father.
2. Give your life to Jesus, let Him fill your soul, Let Him take you in His arms and make you whole, As you give your life to Him, He'll set you free, You will live and reign with Him eternally. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
3. Come now Holy Spirit and take control, Hold me in your loving arms and make me whole, Wipe away all doubt and fear and take my pride, Draw me to your love and keep me by your side. Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.
4. Let your living water flow over my soul Let your Holy spirit come and take control,
Of every situation that has troubled my mind, All my cares and burdens onto you I roll. Father, Jesus, Spirit
227 1. Let Your Love so dwell in me That I’ll be rooted well in You That I may bear fruit as you desire That You may be pleased with me (x2)
Rooted in Love Bearing fruit Living your word Pleasing You That I may bear fruit as you desire That you may be pleased with me
2. Let Your word so dwell in me That with it I'll labour for you That I’II live your word Manifesting Christ That the world may see you in me. Rooted in love Bearing fruit Living your word
Pleasing you 7 K D W , ¶ O O O L Y H \ R X U Z R U G manifesting Christ That the world may see you in me
Augustus Blay Cobbinah
228 Lift Jesus higher! Lift Jesus higher! Lift Him up for far the world to see He said “if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me.”
229 Lift me up the higher mountain Into fellowship with You In your light I see a fountain And the blood that cleanses me
230 Light of God, lead me on; In my pilgrimage; Your guidance I need To be victorious E. K. Asamoah PAN (T) 1258
231 1. Like the woman at the well, I was seeking For things that could not satisfy
And then I heard my Saviour speaking “Draw from my well that never shall run dry”
Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, Come and quench this thirsting of my soul Bread of heaven Feed me till I want no more Fill my cup Fill it up and make me whole
2. There are millions in this world who are craving The pleasures earthly things afford But none can match the wondrous treasure That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.
3. So, my neighbor, if the things this world gave you Leave hungers that won’t pass away My blessed Lord will come and save you If you kneel to Him and humbly pray Richard E. Blanchard
232 Lord God Almighty, Alpha and Omega,
We love You, Lord, from the depths of our hearts (x2); Lord, You are worthy, Truly, You are holy, Exceeding in grace, You deserve all our praise, Your love is everlasting, We come to You trusting Your Lordship, Your Kingship, Your power and Your might, You are so awesome, It’s good to know that You are my Lord, I love you Lord, I really do (x2) Lord God Almighty, Alpha and Omega, We love You, Lord, from the depths of our hearts (x2) Gina Asante
233 1. Lord of heav'n and earth and sea To Thee all praise and glory be: How shall we show our love to Thee Who givest all?
2. Thou didst not spare Thine only Son,
But gav'st Him for a world undone; And freely with the blessed One Thou givest all?
3. We lose what on ourselves we spend We have a treasure without end Whatever Lord to Thee we lend. Who givest all;
4 To thee from whom we all derive Our life our gifts our power to give! O may we ever with Thee live Who givest all?
5. Thou giv'st the Spirit blessed dower Spirit of life, and love and power. And dost His sevenfold graces shower Upon us all.
6. For souls redeemed. For sins forgiven For means of grace and hopes of heaven
Father all praise to Thee be given Who givest all? C. Wordworth - RH 33
234 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving, I will be a living sanctuary for you
235 Lord, reign here in my heart Lord, reign here in Your church Let all the peoples see your grace O reign here, Prince of peace Lord, reign in every heart Lord reign in every land And let Your peace cover the earth O reign here, Prince of peace Seth Asare Ofei Badu
236 1. Lord, Thy Word abideth And our footsteps guideth, Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth
2. When our foes are near us Then Thy Word doth cheer us, Word of consolation, Message of salvation.
3. When the storms are o’er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth.
4. Who can tell the pleasure, Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted?
5. Word of mercy, giving Succour to the living Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dying!
6. O that we, discerning Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee! H. W. Baker MHB 308
237 1. Low in the grave he lay... Jesus, my saviour! Waiting the coming day- Jesus, my Lord!
8 S I U R P W K H J U D Y H K H D U R V H «
With a mighty triumph o'er + L V I R H V «
He arose, a victor from the dark domain, And he lives forever with his saints to reign He arose!... He arose! .. Hallelujah! Christ arose!
2. Vainly they watch his bed Jesus, my saviour! Vainly, they seal the dead Jesus, my Lord!
3. Death cannot keep his prey Jesus, my saviour! He tore the bars away Jesus, my Lord! Robert Lowry - RH.186
238 Majesty, worship His majesty; Unto Jesus be all glory, honour and praise; Majesty, kingdom authority, Flows from His throne unto his own, His anthem raise, So exalt, lift up on high
The name of Jesus; Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the king Majesty, worship His majesty; Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings. Jack Williams Hayford - PH 341
239 1. "Man of sorrows", what a name! For the son of God who came Ruined sinners to reclaim! Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
2. Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned he stood; Sealed my pardon with his blood; Hallelujah! What a saviour!
3. Guilty, vile and helpless we, Spotless lamb of God was he; "Full atonement, can it be? Hallelujah! What a saviour!
4. Lifted up was he to die, "It is finished" was his cry; Now in heaven exalted high; Hallelujah! What a saviour!
5. When he comes, our glorious King. All his ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing; Hallelujah! What a saviour! P P Bliss - RH 170
240 1. Master speak! Thy servant heareth Waiting for thy gracious word, Longing for thy voice that cheereth Master, let it now be heard. I am listening, Lord, for thee; What hast Thou to say to me!
2. Speak to me by name O master, Let me know it is to me, Speak, that I may follow faster, With a step more firm and free, Where the shepherd leads the flock In the shadow of the rock.
3. Master speak! Though least and lowest. Let me not unheard depart; Master, speak for oh, Thou knowest
All the yearning of my heart, Knowest all its truest need; Speak! And make me blest indeed.
4. Master, speak and make me ready, When thy voice is truly heard, With obedience glad and steady, Still to follow every word, I am listening Lord, for Thee, Master, speak, oh, speak to me! Frances R. Havergal RH. 487
241 May Your Will be done, oh my Lord May your will be done in my life At your feet I fall, oh my Lord May your will be done Nothing in my hand I bring To your cross I cling, oh my Lord In mercy take me in, just as I am May your will be done in my life Opoku Onyinah
242 Mighty revival’s coming so soon Mighty revival’s falling on His Church, Quickening and waking dead souls alive; Glory! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
243 Mighty warrior, man of valour; Children of grace, children of peace; Blow the trumpet in Zion; Let the weak say I am strong; Victory, great victory; The army of the Lord marches on Samuel Tetteh Doku
244 1. More about Jesus would I know More of His grace to others show More of His saving fullness see More of His love who died for me
More, more about Jesus More, more about Jesus More of His saving fullness see More of His love who died for me.
2. More about Jesus let me learn More of His holy will discern Spirit of God my teacher be Showing the things of Christ to me.
3. More about Jesus, in His Word Holding communion with my Lord Hearing His voice in every line Making each faithful saying mine.
4. More about Jesus on His throne Riches in glory all His own More of His kingdom’s sure increase More of His coming, Prince of Peace. Eliza Edmunds Hewitt
245 More and more, I want to magnify Thy name More and more, I want to spread abroad Thy fame More and more, O make my life a living flame Melt my heart, precious Lord, more and more.
246 1. My faith has found a resting place, Not in device nor creed; I trust the Ever-living one, His wounds for me shall plead. I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that he died for me
2. Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul I come to him He'll never cast me out
3. My heart is leaning on the word, The written word of God, Salvation by my saviour's name, Salvation through his blood.
4. My great Physician heals the sick The lost he came to save: For me His precious blood he shed, For me His life he gave R.H 377, L.H.E'dmonds
247 My heart is so full is so full, is so full My heart is so full , ¶ Y H W D N H Q D E D W K L Q W K H cleansing wave, , ¶ Y H W U X V W H G L Q - H V X V W K H mighty to save, My heart is so full, is so full, is so full. PH 47
248 1. My heart was distressed ‘Neath Jehovah’s dread frown, And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay, Who tenderly brought Me out to golden day He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, Hallelujah!
2. He placed me upon the strong Rock by his side, my steps were established and here I’ll abide: No danger of falling while here I remain, But stand by His grace until the crown I gain.
3. He gave me a song ‘Twas a new song of praise; By day and by night Its sweet notes I will raise; My heart’s overflowing. I’m happy and free; I’ll praise my Redeemer, Who has rescued me
4. I’ll sing of his wonderful mercy to me, I’ll praise him till all men His goodness shall see; I’ll sing of salvation
at home and abroad, Till many shall hear the truth and trust in God.
5. I’ll tell of the pit With it’s gloom and despair I’ll praise the dear father Who answered my prayer, I’ll sing my new song, the glad story of love, then join in the chorus with the saints above. Henry J. Zelley
249 1. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand
2. When darkness seems to veil his face; I rest on his unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
3. His oath, his covenant, and blood, Support me in the 'whelming flood When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay
4. When he shall come with trumpet sound. Oh, may I then in Him be found: Dressed in his righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. Edward Mote - RH 378
250 1. My Jesus, I love Thee I know Thou art mine For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign; My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour, art Thou If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.
2. I love thee because thou hast first loved me
And purchased my pardon when nailed to tree I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow If ever I loved Thee, My Jesus, ‘tis now.
3. I’ll love Thee in life I will love Thee in death And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath And say, should the death- dew lie cold on my brow if ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now!
4. In mansions of glory and endless delight; I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing, with the glittering crown On my brow; “If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now; RH 524
251 My redeemer is Jesus, He is the friend of the lost. I was lost and He found me, He has restored all my joy. Jesus Christ is my story, my story is Jesus Christ. (x2) M.L. Awuku
252 1. My strength is waning away Worthless are the counsel of flesh and blood My hope is built on You, my Strength I need you, I need you. 2. I’m hard pressed on every side Utterly burdened beyond my strength I rely on you, who raise the dead I need you, I need you 3. There’s fear and terror everywhere My friends are helpless as sinking sand You are my anchor, my Stronghold I need you, I need you 4. I’ve come to the end of myself Nothing do I hide from you my Lord Clothe me with your very self, my Righteousness I need you, I need you Opoku Onyinah
253 My soul is seeking after you My creator and my God My soul desires your fellowship Hold my hand commune with me That I’ll know you, that I’ll know you Hold my hand commune with me To be like you, to be like you Hold my hand commune with me. Translation R I ³ P H N U D U H S U H ´
Grace Gakpetor
254 My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord, My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord, Rejoice and praise the Lord PH 255 255 1. Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer to thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to thee, Nearer to thee.
2. Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams l'd be Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer to thee!
3. There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that thou send'st to me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee!
4. Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with thy praise Out of my stony griefs Bethel l'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee!
5. Or if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upwards I fly, Still all my songs shall be Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee! RH. 400, Sarah F. Adams
256 1. Now I feel the sacred fire, Kindling, flaming, glowing Higher still, and rising higher, All my soul o’er flowing Life immortal I receive; Oh, the wondrous story! I was dead, but now I live, Glory! Glory! Glory!
2. Now I am from bondage freed Every bond is riven Jesus makes me free indeed, Just as free as heaven; ‘Tis a glorious liberty, Oh, the wondrous story; I was bound, but now I’m free Glory! Glory! Glory!
3. Let the testimony roll, Roll through every nation
Witnessing from soul to soul This immense salvation Now I know it’s full and free Oh, the wondrous story! For I feel it saving me Glory! glory! glory!
4. Glory be to God on high Glory be to Jesus He hath brought salvation nigh From all sin He frees us; Let the golden harps of God, Ring the wondrous story; Let the pilgrims shout aloud Glory! Glory! Glory!
5. Let the trump of jubilee The glad tidings thunder, Jesus sets the captives free, Bursts their bonds asunder, Fetters break and dungeons fall Oh, the wondrous story This salvation’s free to all Glory! Glory! Glory! RH 216
257 1. Now thank we all our God. With hearts, and hands, and voices; Who wondrous things hath done
In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers’ arms Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love And still is ours to-day
2. O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever-joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us, And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next
3. All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven The one, eternal God Whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now And shall be evermore. Martin Rincart Trans: Catherine Winkworth RH 50
258 1. Now the labourer’s task is o’er, Now the battle-day is past; Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last.
2. There the tears of earth are dried; There its hidden things are clear; There the work of life is tried By a juster Judge than here
3. There the Shepherd, bringing home Many a lamb forlorn and strayed, Shelters each, no more to roam, Where the wolf can ne’er invade
4. There the penitents who turn To the cross their dying eyes All the love of Jesus learn At His feet in paradise
5. There no more the powers of hell Can prevail to mar their peace; Christ the Lord shall guard them well He who died for their release
6. Earth to earth, and dust to dust! Calmly now the words we say; Left behind, we wait in trust For the resurrection day John Ellerton, 1826-93 Methodist-Hymn book 976
259 1. O, come, all ye faithful Joyful and triumphant Come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him Born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him O come, let us adore him O come, let us adore him Christ the Lord!
2. True God of true God Light of light eternal Lo! He abhors not the Virgin's womb Son of the Father, Begotten, not created.
3. Sing choirs of angels Sing in exultation Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above, Glory to God in the highest
4. Yea, Lord we greet Thee Born this happy morning; Jesus, to Thee be glory given Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing Anonymous, 17th or 18 cent. Tr. Frederick Oakeley (1802-80) MHB 118
260 O, dear Lord, we praise your name, Forever be magnified; We bless You, Lord; and worship You, All power belongs to You. Translation Awurade, yeyi : ¶ D \ 0 \ 0 N D P I R : R G D D G D D nyinaa
261 O’ God I come before You I cannot do without You I need You every time so that I will be strengthened Holy Spirit fill me to the brim that I will work in Your service Holy Spirit fill me to the brim Use me now and evermore. E. K. Asamoah
262 1. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home.
2. Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defence is sure.
3. Before the hills in order stood Or earth received her frame From everlasting Thou art God To endless years the same.
4. A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun.
5. The busy tribes of flesh and blood With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in flowing years.
6. Time like an ever rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day.
7. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last And our eternal home. Isaac Watts - RH. 104
263 O Halleluia! we bless your Holy name O, Halleluia! we worship thee O Lord When we look upon thine throne How wonderful you are O, Halleluia! we worship thee O, Lord Rosina Aninkora
264 1. O happy day, that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad
Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me how to watch and pray $ Q G O L Y H U H M R L F L Q J H Y ¶ U \ G D \
Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away!
2. ‘Tis done, the great transaction’s done! I am my Lord’s and He is mine; He drew me and I followed on
Charmed to confess the voice divine.
3. Now rests my long-divided heart, Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart With Him of every good possessed
4. High heaven, that heard the solemn vow That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life’s latest hour I bow And bless in death a bond so dear. P. Doddridge - RH 619
265 1. O Jesus I have promised To serve thee to the end; Be thou for ever near me, My master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle If thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If thou wilt be my guide
2. O let me feel thee near me: the world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle The tempting sounds I hear;
My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But Jesus, draw thou nearer And shield my soul from sin.
3. O let me hear thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will O speak to reassure me, To hasten, or control; Oh speak, and make me listen
4. O Jesus, thou hast promised to all who follow thee-that where thou art in glory There shall thy servant be; And Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end O give me grace to follow, my master and my friend
5. O let me see thy footmarks. And in them plant mine own; My hope to follow duly Is in thy strength alone O guide me, call me, draw me, Uphold me to the end; And then in heaven receive me, My Saviour and my friend. J.E. Bode, BBC Songs of Praise 339
266 1. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works thy hand hath made I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee How great thou art, how great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee How great thou art, how great thou art!
2. When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze
3. And when I think that God his Son not sparing Sent him to die - I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin;
4. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart Then shall I bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim my God, how great thou art! Tr. Stuart K. Hine
267 O magnify the Lord For He is worthy to be praised, O magnify the Lord For He is worthy to be praised Hosanna! Blessed be the rock And may the God of my salvation be exalted Hosanna! Blessed be the rock And may the God of my salvation be exalted PH 302
268 1. O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There's a light for a look at the Saviour, And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.
2. Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there Over us sin no more hath dominion- For more than conquerors we are!
3. His Word shall not fail you-He promised; Believe Him, and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell! Helen H. Lemmel P.H. 81
269 1. O, sweet wonder O, sweet wonder Jesus the Son of God How, I adore you O how, I love you Jesus the Son of God
2. Do you know Jesus Our Lord, our Saviour Jesus, the son of God How I adore you Oh how I love you Jesus, the son of God
270 1. O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in O Lord, I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in!
2. O when they crown him Lord of all O when they crown him Lord of all
O Lord, I want to be in that number When they crown him Lord of all. 3. O when all knees bow at his name O when all knees bow at his name O Lord, I want to be in that number When all knees bow at his name
4. O when they sing the Saviour's praise O when they sing the Saviour's praise O Lord, I want to be in that number O when they sing the Saviour's praise
5. O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in O Lord, I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in BBC Songs 203
271 1. O worship the King All glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our shield and Defender. The Ancient of Days Pavilioned in splendour, And girded with prais 2. O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light Whose canopy space His chariots of wrath The deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path On the wings of the storm.
3. Thy bountiful care What tongue can recite? It breathes in the air. It shines in the light It streams from the hills It descends to the plain And sweetly distils In the dew and the rain
4. Frail children of dust. And feeble as frail; In Thee do we trust. Nor find Thee to fail: Thy mercies how tender How firm to the end Our Maker, Defender. Redeemer and Friend
5. O measureless might! Ineffable Love! While angels delight To hymn Thee above. The Humbler creation Though feeble their lays. With true adoration Shall lisp to Thy praise R. Grant RH 10
272 1. O Ye sons of God, sing halleluia’ To Jesus Christ, the Son of God; He is King of kings and Lord of lords. So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
2. All ye saints of the Lord, arise and shine Your light is come through Jesus Christ He is Prince of peace, Saviour wonderful; So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
3. Lamb of Calvary , no sinful man, He lived and died, for you and me;
There is victory for ever more! So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
4. Sing Halleluia! Shout Halleluia! Watch halleluia! Pray halleluia! Dance halleluia! Everything halleuia! So sing halleluia to the Messiah PH 243
273 1. Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer’s praise The Glories of my God and King The triumphs of His grace!
2. My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honour of Thy name
3. Jesus! The name that charms our fears
That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life and health and peace.
4. He breaks the power of cancelled sin He sets the pris'ner free; His blood can make the foulest clean His blood availed for me.
5. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy! Charles Wesley, RH 8
274 Oh glory! Oh glory! What rapture is mine The King in His beauty I see I’m singing His praises Since Jesus divine extended His mercies to me
275 1. Oh, teach me what it meaneth
That cross uplifted high, With one-the Man of sorrow- Condemned to bleed and die! Oh, teach me what it cost Thee To make a sinner whole; And teach me, Saviour, teach me The value of a soul! (x2)
2. Oh, teach me what it meaneth That sacred crimson tide- The blood and water flowing From Thine own wounded side Teach me that if none other Had sinned, but I alone, Yet still, thy blood, Lord Jesus, Thine only, must atone. (x2)
3. Oh, teach me what it meaneth Thy love beyond compare, The love that reacheth deeper Than depths of self-despair! Yea, teach me, till there gloweth In this cold heart of mine Some feeble, pale reflection Of that pure love of Thine (x2)
4. Oh, teach me, what it meaneth, For I am full of sin; And grace alone can reach me, And love alone can win. Oh, teach me, for I need Thee, I have no hope beside-
The chief of all the sinners For whom the saviour died!
5. O infinite Redeemer! I bring no other plea, Because Thou dost invite me I cast myself on Thee. Because thou dost accept me I love and adore; Because Thy love constraineth, I’ll praise Thee evermore! Lucy Ann Bennett
276 O the sweet and wonderful rest O the sweet and wonderful rest Found in Jesus, in Jesus Sweet and wonderful rest Quintet
277 1. Oh, what a wonderful wonderful day, Day I will never forget, After I’d wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Saviour I met Oh, what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart; Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling
He made all the darkness depart!
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the Cross the Saviour made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!
2. Born of the Spirit with life from above Into God’s family divine; Justified fully through Calvary’s love Oh, what a standing is mine! And the transaction so quickly was made When as a sinner I came Took of the offer of grace He did proffer He saved me, Oh, praise His dear Name
3. Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure After the passing of time; I have a future in Heaven for sure, There in those mansions sublime And it’s because of that wonderful day
When at the Cross I believed; Riches eternal and blessings supernal From His righteous hand I received John W. Peterson Living Songs 70
278 1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suffering and shame And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown
2. O, the old rugged cross, so despised by the world Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left his glory above To bear it to dark Calvary.
3. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine A wondrous beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died To pardon and sanctify me
4. To the old rugged cross I will ever be true Its shame and reproach gladly bear, Then he'll call me some day to my home far away, When his glory for ever I'll share George Bernard (1873-1958) BBC Songs 88
279 On the day of Pentecost In the upper room Where the saints had gathered To tarry for the Spirit Revival broke out The Holy Ghost descended And Peter preached And three thousand souls were saved Oh mighty revival, the power of the Spirit The promise of the Lord has been fulfilled And so revival broke out
The Holy Ghost descended And Peter preached and three thousand souls were saved
280 1. Onward Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before Christ, the Royal Master Leads against the foe; Forward into battle See His banners go
Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching as to War With the Cross of Jesus Going on before
2. At the sign of truimph Satan’s host doth flee; On then, Christian soldiers On to Victory! Hell’s foundations quiver At the shout of praise Brothers, lift your voices Loud your anthems raise.
3. Like a mighty army Moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod, We are not divided All one body we
One in hope in doctrine One in charity.
4. Crowns and thrones may perish Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain Gates of hell can never ‘Gainst that church prevail; We have Christ’s own promise and that cannot fail.
5. Onward then, ye people Join our happy throng Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song “Glory, laud and honour, Unto Christ the King” This, through countless ages, Men and angels sing. Baring-Gould - MHB 822
281 Open my eyes, Lord I want to see Jesus. To reach out and touch him And say that I love Him Open my ears, Lord And help me to listen Open my eyes, Lord I want to see Jesus Robert Call
282 Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord He’s been our shield and hiding Place; Our mighty tower is the Lord. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ < 0 Q D E D Q N 0 V H Q H < H K R Z D ´
283 1. Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into thy freedom, gladness, and light, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of my sickness into thy health Out of my want and into thy wealth, Out of my sin and into thyself, Jesus, I come to Thee.
2 Out of my shameful failure and loss, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the glorious gain of Thy cross Jesus, I come, to Thee; Out of earth’s sorrows into Thy balm,
Out of my want and into thy wealth Out of life’s storms and into Thy calm, Jesus, I come to Thee.
3. Out of unrest and arrogant pride Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into Thy blessed will to abide, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of myself to dwell in Thy love Out of despair into raptures above, Upward for aye on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Thee.
4. Out of the fear and dread of the tomb, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the joy and light of my home Jesus, I come, to Thee; Out of the depths of ruin untold Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold, Ever Thy glorious face to behold Jesus, I come to Thee. W.E. Witter - RH 416
284 1. Over the river they call me, Friends that are dear to my heart Soon shall I meet them in glory, Never, no never to part.
Over the river to Eden, Home to their dwelling so fair; Angels will carry me safely. Jesus will welcome me there.
2. Over the river they call me, Hark, ’tis their voices I hear, Borne on the wings of the twilight, Murmuring softly and clear.
3. Over the river, how lovely, There is no sorrow nor night; There they are walking with Jesus, Clothed in His garment of light
4. Over the river they call me, Watching with glad, beaming eyes; Over the river I’m coming, Joyful my spirit replies. Fanny J. Crosby
285 1. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling Do not pass me by
Saviour, Saviour Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling. Do not pass me by
2. Let me, at Thy throne of mercy Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition Help my unbelief.
3. Trusting only in Thy merit would I seek Thy face, Heal my wounded, broken spirit Save me by Thy grace
4. Thou, the spring of all my comfort, More than life to me Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heaven but Thee? Fanny J. Crosby - RH 314
286 1. Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within
2. Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed? To do the will of Jesus, this is rest
3. Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus' bosom naught but calm is found.
4. Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away? In Jesus' keeping we are safe and they.
5. Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown Jesus we know, and He is on the throne.
6. Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers
7. It is enough; earth's struggles soon shall cease, And Jesus calls us to Heaven's perfect peace. E.H. Bickersteth - RH.529
287 1. Pleasant are Thy courts above, In the land of light and love; Pleasant are Thy courts below In this land of sin and woe, Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy Saints For the brightness of Thy face For Thy fullness, God of Grace!
2. Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars, O Most High! Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father’s breast! Like the wandering dove that found No repose on earth around They can to their ark repair And enjoy it ever there.
3. Happy souls! Their praises flow Even in this vale of woe; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies
On they go from strength to strength Till they reach Thy throne at length; At Thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all.
4. Lord, be mine this prize to win Guide me through a world of sin; Keep me by Thy saving grace; Give me at Thy side a place Sun and shield alike Thou art; Guide and guard my erring heart; Grace and glory flow from Thee; Shower, Oh shower them, Lord on me! H.F. Lyte - RH. 100
288 Pour out your Spirit on me Ignite your fire in me Touch and make me anew My Lord Jesus Touch and make me anew My Lord Jesus Grace Gakpetor
289 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below, Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Thomas Ken (1637-1711) BBC songs 172
290 Praise Him, praise Him Praise Him, Praise Him Jesus, blessed saviour Is worthy to be praised From the rising of the sun Unto the going down of the same He’s worthy, Jesus is worthy He’s worthy, to be praised Praise Him, praise Him, Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus, blessed saviour Is worthy to be praised
291 1. Praise to the holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise: In all his words most wonderful, Most sure in all his ways.
2. O loving wisdom of our God! When all was sin and shame,
A second Adam to the fight, And to the rescue came.
3. O wisest love that flesh and blood Which did in Adam fail, Should strive afresh against the foe, Should strive and should prevail.
4. And that a higher gift than grace should flesh and blood refine; God’s presence, and his very self And essence all-divine
5. O generous love that he, who smote In man for man the foe, The double agony in man For man should undergo
6. And in the garden secretly, And on the cross on high Should teach his brethren, and inspire To suffer and to die
7. Praise to the holiest in the height And in the depth be praise
In all his words most wonderful Most sure in all his ways J.H Newman, RH 28
292 1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty The King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation; Come ye who hear, Brothers and sisters, draw near, Praise him in glad adoration!
2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things So wondrously reigneth Shelters thee under his wings, yea So gently sustaineth, Hast thou not seen All that is needful hath been Granted in what he ordaineth?
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper Thy work and defend thee! Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee; Ponder anew All the Almighty can do He who with love doth befriend thee.
4. Praise to the Lord, who when tempests their warfare are waging, Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging Biddeth them cease, Turneth their fury to peace, Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.
5. Praise to the Lord, who when darkness of sin is abounding, Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding, Sheddeth his light, Chaseth the horrors of night, Saints with his mercy surrounding.
6. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him All that hath life and breath Come now with praises before him! Let the Amen sound from his people again Gladly for aye we adore him! Joachim Neander (1650-80) Tr. Catherine Winkworth (1827-78) and others BBC Songs 19
293 1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven To His feet thy tribute bring; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like thee His praise should sing? Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise the everlasting King
2. Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress; Praise Him, still the same for ever, Slow to chide and swift to bless; Praise Him! Praise Him! Glorious in His faithfulness.
3. Father-like He tends and spares us, Well our feeble frame he knows; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes; Praise Him! Praise Him! Widely as His mercy flows.
4. Angels, help us to adore Him! Ye behold Him face to face; Sun and moon, bow down before Him; Dwellers all in time and space, Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise with us the God of grace. RH 5, H.F Lyte
294 Praises to the Lamb of God, Who shed His blood on the cross To redeem my soul from sin, For His heavenly home, Thank You, Jesus Praises to Thy name; (x2) O my Lord deep in my heart Render my thanks to Thee
295 Prepare me, Lord, prepare me, Prepare me for Your work (x2) Souls are perishing, their lives being destroyed; Their walls are demolished, Captured by their foes, Prepare me for Your work. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I < 0 P H N U D G R Q D V R P D P ¶
296 1. Preserve my life, keep me Ever at Your feet to sit
Bind me to Your will, Your will alone Oh Lord
2. The work of my salvation You wrought before I was born
3. This divine call of mine Tis a heavenly call
4. You’ve called me, Lord to be Co-servant in your work
5. Relieve me of my will For in my will is death 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ . R U D P H Q N Z D ´
Eunice Johnson, 2007
297 1. Purify my heart Let me be as gold And precious silver Purify my heart Let me be as gold Pure gold
Refiner's fire My heart's one desire Is to be holy Set apart for You, Lord I choose to be holy Set apart for You, My Master Ready to do Your will
2. Purify my heart Cleanse me from within And make me holy Purify my heart Cleanse me from my sin Deep within Brian Doerksen
298 Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me, Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me Captivate my heart, Let your Kingdom come Establish there your throne Let your will be done! Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me Reign in me Sovereign Lord, Reign in me Chris Bowater BBC Songs 158
299 Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice Rejoice, rejoice And again I say rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice PH 37
300 1. Rejoice, the Lord is king, Your Lord and king adore, Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore;
Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
2. Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love When he had purged our stains, He took his seat above; Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
3. His kingdom cannot fail; He rules o'er earth and heaven; The keys of death and hell Are to our saviour given; Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice!
4. Rejoice in glorious hope Jesus the judge shall come, And take his servants up To their eternal home We soon shall hear the archangel's voice The trump of God shall sound, rejoice! Charles Wesley - RH.195
301 1. Rescue the perishing Care for the dying Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave Weep o’er the erring one Lift up the fallen Tell them of Jesus The Mighty to save Rescue the perishing Care for the dying Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save
2. Though they are slighting Him Still He is waiting Waiting the penitent child to receive, Plead with them earnestly Plead with them gently. He will forgive, if they only believe
3. Down in the human heart Crushed by the tempter Feelings lie buried that grace can restore Touched by a loving hand, Wakened by kindness Chords that were broken will Vibrate once more.
4. Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it;
Strength for thy labour the Lord will provide Back to the narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wand’rer a Saviour has died Fanny J. Crosby - RH 561
302 Revive me, O Lord Let Your Spirit lead me So that I may know Your way So that I will do Your will Justice Nana Aggrey
303 1. Revive Thy work, O Lord Thy mighty arm make bare; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear!
Revive Thy work, O Lord While here to Thee we bow; Descend, O gracious Lord descend, Oh, come and bless us now!
2. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Disturb this sleep of death; Quicken the smouldering embers now By Thine Almighty breath.
3. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Create soul-thirst for Thee; And hungering for the bread of life, Oh may our spirit be!
4. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Exalt Thy precious name, And by the Holy Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine inflame Albert Midlane Err: F.J. Crosby - RH 246
304 Rise now upon your feet, Put on the armor of the Lord, There is victory for you. There is victory for those, Who will fight the fight of faith; A crown awaits those who endure, And eternal rest with Him P. B. Appiah-Adu Translation of ³ S re gyina Z œ D Q D P n so š
305 Rise, shine, give God the glory, Rise, shine, give God the glory Rise, shine, give God the glory, Soldiers of the Cross.
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ S re hyer 0n, fa D Q R X Q \ D P P D 2 Q \ D P H ´
PH 161
306 River of God, Full of grace Full of power and strength Invitation to all To come and swim I am swimming in the river of God Swimming in the river Swimming in the river I am swimming in the river of God Swimming in the river Swimming in the river I am swimming in the river of God Opoku Onyinah
307 1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee! Let the water and the blood, From thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure; Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
2. Not the labours of my hands, Can fulfil thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save and thou alone
3. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for grace Helpless, look to thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, saviour, or I die.
4. While I draw this fleeting breath When my eyelids close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See thee on thy judgement throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee A M Toplady RH 341
308 1. Saviour, blessed Saviour, Listen whilst we sing, Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King; All we have to offer, All we hope to be,.
Body, soul, and spirit All we yield to Thee.
2. Nearer, ever nearer Christ, we draw to Thee, Deep in adoration Bending low the knee: Thou, for our redemption, Cam’st on earth to die; Thou, that we might follow Hast gone up on high
3. Clearer still, and clearer Dawns the light from heaven, In our sadness bringing News of sin forgiven; Life has lost its shadows, Pure the light within Thou hast shed thy radiance On a world of sin
4. Onward, ever onward Journeying o’er the road Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to God; Leaving all behind us, May we hasten on Backward never looking till the prize is won
5. Higher, then, and higher Bear the ransomed soul, Earthly toils forgotten,
Saviour, to its goal; where, in joys unthought of, Saints with angels sing, Never, weary, raising Praises to their King. Golden Bells 25
309 1. Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Lord and know my thoughts, I pray, See if there be some wicked way in me; Cleanse me from ev’ry sin and set me free.
2. I praise thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin; Fulfil thy Word and make me pure within Fill me with fire where once I burned with shame; Grant my desire to magnify thy name.
3. Lord, take my life and make it wholly thine; Fill my poor heart with thy great love divine Take all my will, my passion, self, and pride,
I now surrender, Lord, in me abide.
4. O Holy Ghost, revival comes from thee; Send a revival-start the work in me Thy word declares thou will supply our need For blessings now, O Lord, I humbly plead. Edwin Orr - RH. 257
310 See the victory Granted in Jesus’ name We shall overcome See the victory Granted in Jesus’ name We shall overcome Surely, we shall overcome Surely, we shall overcome See the victory, we shall overcome Rosina Aninkorah
311 1. Seek ye first the kingdom of God And his righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you, Hallelu! Halleluia!
Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Hallelu! Halleluia!
2. Men shall not live by bread alone But by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God Hallelu! Halleluia!
3. Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto You; Hallelu! Halleluia! PH 97
312 Send us the Rain, Lord, send us the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain; We need the Rain, Lord, we need the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain. Healing the sick and raising the dead, Send us the Latter Rain; We need the Rain, Lord, we need the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I 0 D \ 0 Q Q V X Q R E L P D \ 0 Q Q V X
PH 166
313 Show us Thy glory, O Lord, Show us Thy glory, O Lord; Let the dew of heaven bring us refreshing And show us thy glory once more. PH 118
314 1. Simply trusting everyday Trusting through a stormy way; Even, when my faith is small Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by; Trusting him what'er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all
2. Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While he leads I cannot fall; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
3. Singing if my way be clear; Praying if the path be drear; If in danger for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
4. Trusting Him while life shall last Trusting him till earth be past; Till within the jasper wall; Trusting Jesus that is all. E. Page - RH 480
315 Sing unto the Lord a new song Sing unto the Lord, all ye earth, Sing a holy song from your hearts Oh Hallelujah, the Lord, is king, Oh Hallelujah, Almighty king, Oh Hallelujah the Prince of peace, Wonderful, wonderful, Wonderful is the Lord Oh Hallelujah, the Lord is king
316 Smile, my brother, smile Though the days be long Smile, my brother, smile Let your heart be strong Dark are the days we are passing through
I know a friend who will keep you through And He’ll lead you all the while And you’ll smile, smile, smile. PH 80
317 1. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Calling for you and for me See on the portal He's waiting and watching Watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home, Ye who are weary come home; Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling Calling, "O sinner, come home!"
2. Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies Mercies for you and for me?
3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing Passing from you and from me, Shadows are gathering, death-beds are coming Coming for you and for me?
4. Oh, for the wonderful love He has promised Promised for you and for me Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon Pardon for you and for me Will Thompson PH 282
318 Sons of God, march forward In the power of the latter rain Sons of God, march forward, For Jesus is ever the same, Sons of God, march forward We are more than conqu'rors in His Name Sons of God, march forward, In the power of the latter rain RH 94
319 1. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eves; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in the sheaves! We shall come rejoicing Bringing in the sheaves! (x2)
2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows Fearing neither clouds nor winters chilling breeze By and by the harvest, and the labour ended We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves! Golden Bells 438
320 1. Speak to me now, my God Speak to me now, my God Lord I have opened my ears for you Speak to me now, my Lord Speak to me now.
2. Fill me now my God Fill me now my Lord I have emptied myself for you Fill me now, my Lord Fill me now.
321 1. Speak to me, Lord, speak, that I may hear Your servant waits upon you Longing for you to show me your ways That bring me eternal life If I daily keep your ways And I am obedient to you, I shall be like a vessel of honour prepared for every good work.
2. Speak to me, Lord, speak, let me hear you My ears are itching for your word Your word is full of power and might Your word shows me your good path If my ears are opened to you And I am obedient to you I shall be like a tree by streams of water yielding fruit in season
3. Speak to me, Lord speak, let there be light Your servant waits upon you Waiting for your own good direction
That brings me light on my path If I live in your light And I am obedient to you, I shall be like a light that shines to show the right ways in this dark world.
4. Speak to me, Lord, speak, speak so sweetly Your servant waits upon you Longing for your word that is so sweet Which soothes and comforts the heart If I walk in your good path And I am obedient to you I shall be like a tasty salt on earth that heals the world of sickness
5. Speak to me, Lord, speak, let me prosper Your servant waits upon you Longing for your very good statutes For they would make me prosper If your word dwells in my heart And I am obedient to you I shall be like a kinsman redeemer who brings life to his nation.
6. Speak to me, Lord, speak, to me in Christ I am looking unto Christ Fullness of Godhead in bodily form Perfection manifests in Christ If I lift Christ up on high And I am obedient to you I shall be like a true servant who draws all people to his Master
7. Speak to me, Lord, speak, show me your way Waiting on the Holy Spirit I am yielded to the Holy Spirit He 's the One who shows me your way If I follow his leadings And I am obedient to you I shall be like a good mentor who shows your way to generations Translation of Awurade Kasa by Opoku Onyinah
322 1. Spirit Divine, attend our prayers And make our hearts Thy home; Descend with all Thy gracious powers. O come, great Spirit, come.
2. Come as the light - to us reveal Our need of Thee below; And lead us in those paths of life Where all the righteous go.
3. Come as the fire - and purge our hearts With sacrificial flame; Let our whole self an offering be To our Redeemer’s name
4 Come as the dew - and sweetly bless This consecrated hour May barrenness rejoice to own Thy fertilising power.
5. Come as the Dove - and spread Thy wings The wings of peaceful love; And let Thy Church on earth become Blest as the Church above.
6. Come as the wind - with rushing sound And Pentecostal grace; That all of woman born may see The glory of Thy face A Reed, RH 210
323 Spirit of God, take full control I surrender to your lead So that I will what you will And do what you do Opoku Onyinah
324 Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me. Daniel Iverson PH 54
325 1. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner It must not suffer loss, From vict’ry unto vict’ry His army shall he lead Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed.
2. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day; Ye that are men now serve Him
Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose.
3. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own, Put on the gospel armour, And watching unto prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there.
4. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle The next the victor’s song; To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the king of glory Shall reign eternally. RH 438 G. Duffield
326 Sweep over my soul, Sweep over my soul Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul; My rest is complete as I sit at Thy feet, Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul. Rev. A. H. Ackley Translation of B bra me kra do PH 171
327 1. Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee, Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise
2. Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee.
3. Take my voice and let me sing Always! Only, for my King Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages for Thee.
4. Take my silver and my gold; Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose
5. Take my will and make it Thine It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne.
6. Take my love; my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure-store; Take myself and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. RH 582 Frances Ridley Havergal
328 1. Tarry for the Spirit He shall come in showers, Energising wholly All your ransomed powers; Signs shall follow service In the Holy Ghost, Then the Church of Jesus Prove a mighty host
On, then, Church of Jesus Claim your Pentecost: God shall now baptise thee In the Holy Ghost
2. Rivers is Thy promise, This shall be our plea Less than this can never Meet our cry for Thee; Tired of lukewarm service,
And the loss it brings We would live entirely For eternal things
3. When the Spirit cometh Loosened lips shall tell, Of the wondrous blessing Which upon them fell; Life of Jesus springing Like a well within Hearts with loud hosannas Constantly shall ring.
4. When with joy we follow In Christ’s triumph train, and our lives are flooded With the Latter Rain; Then the world around us Shall the impact feel, Of a Church with vision Fired with holy zeal.
5. Then the Lord of glory Shall be magnified, He who trod the winepress, fully satisfied: Walking in the Spirit, Condemnation o’er Blessed Life of worship, Now and evermore. E.C.W Boulton RH 235
329 Thank You, my Lord Thank You, Father Thank You, for the blessings from above Lord I thank you, Lord I thank you Thank You for the abundant grace Rosina Aninkora
330 That day of Pentecost; The source of Divine Power; Came down from above; To revive the Church Revival, revival, revival, revival Revival, revival, revival has come today Peter Adjei
331 The Ancient Pentecost Power Is still with us today (2x) All you need to do: take the Word of God; Make some time to fast, daily watch and pray When you wait on the Lord in fervent pray’r Then you’ll see the Ancient Pow’r 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 7 H W H 3 H Q W H N R V W H 7 X P L Q R ´
Eunice Johnson
332 1. The blood that Jesus shed for me Way back on Calvary The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power
It reaches to the highest mountain And it flows to the lowest valley The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power.
2. It soothes my doubts and calms my fears And it dries all my tears The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power. Andree Crouche
333 The Church is marching on The Church is marching on; The gates of hell shall not prevail, The Church is marching on. Eunice Addison PH 340
334 1. The Church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; She is his new creation By water and the word; From heaven he came and sought her To be his holy bride With his own blood he bought her And for her life he died
2. Elect from every nation Yet one o’er all the earth Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth: One holy name she blesses Partakes one holy food And to one hope she presses With every grace endured.
3. Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore oppressed By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed, Yet saints their watch are keeping Their cry goes up ‘How long? And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of songs
4. ‘Mid toil, and tribulation, and tumult of her war She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore; ‘Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest And the great Church victorous Shall be the Church at rest.
5. Yet she on earth hath union With God the three in One And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we, Like them, the meek and lowly On high may dwell with thee. Samuel John Stone - RH 682
335 The cloud of glory is moving Move with the cloud Move with the cloud Let your spirit arise And your mouth filled with praise Come, let us worship together And wherever He will be New heights will be achieved Move with the cloud (x2)
336 The conqueror in whose camp I am is my Lord Jesus The Mighty One in whose camp I am is my Lord Jesus He overcame the evil one And He overcame this very world And that is why I am victorious in all I do (x2) Seth Asare Ofei Badu
337 1. The day Thou gavest, Lord is ended. The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
2. We thank Thee that Thy church unsleeping While earth rolls onward into light Through all the world her watch is keeping And rests not now by day or night.
3. As o’er each continent and island
The dawn leads on another day. The voice of prayer is never silent Nor dies the strain of praise away.
4. The sun that bids us rest is waking Our brethren ‘neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
5. So be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never, Like earth’s proud empires pass away; Thy kingdom stands and grows forever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway. John Ellerton, RH 798
338 The Fire is burning in my soul The fire is burning in my soul; The flame of glory maketh whole, Hallelujah! It’s burning in my soul. Hugh Mitchell - PH 26
339 The fire will never die The fire will never die The fire will never die Never die, Never die Jesus’ fire will never die 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 2 J \ D Q R U H Q Q X P G D ´
340 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob He is the same to you and me He is a mighty God Wonderful God today and evermore Rosina Aninkora
341 The heavens are all Yours And all the earth is Yours There is no other king like You Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ $ soro y 1 Z R G H ´
342 The Lord has set the fire of Pentecost This fire will never die
The Pentecost fire burns The Pentecost fire burns It’s ablaze in my heart, everyday It’s ablaze, it’s ablaze, ablaze The fire burns, it will never die The fire burns, it will never die The fire burns, it will never die The Pentecost fire burns 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ™ $ Z X U D G H D V 3 H Q W H N R V W H * \ D Q š E \ Ebenezer Amissah Bimpong
343 The Lord is mighty, in power and strength The Lord is mighty, in all His works The Lord is Mighty, in all He does The Lord, the Lord, Most High (x2) You are the Lord, the Faithful one Who keeps us on, to the very end None is like you, in power and strength You are the Lord, the Faithful one. Opoku Onyinah 344 The Lord is the defender of the helpless; He is the protector of the vulnerable; A mighty rock and a solid fortress The hope of the hopeless has loved you. Peter Adjei
345 1. The Lord is the Sovereign One He knows and weighs everything He does I bow to him in humility May His will be accomplished
It is the Lord; I look up to Him Nothing can I offer to please Him I look to Him for grace and mercy It is the Lord; may His will be done
2. The Lord is the First and the Last No One can change His sovereign will He brings one down and lifts another up May He cause me to do His will
3. The Lord is the King of kings He delights not just in sacrifice He seeks to cap-ti-vate my heart And use me to accomplish His will
4. The Lord is the All-knowing One He shows no sign of injustice He bestows gifts freely to all His Will shall certainly be done Opoku Onyinah
346 1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’II not want He makes me lie in pastures green, He leads me by the still, still waters, His goodness restores my soul.
And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. (Descent) I will trust, I will trust in You. I will trust, I will trust in You.
Endless mercy follows me, Goodness will lead me home.
2. He guides my ways in righteousness, And He anoints my head with oil And my cup, it overflows with joy, I feast on His pure delights. And though I walk the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one, For You are with me, and Your rod and staff Are the comfort I need to know
347 1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want He makes me down to lie In pastures green; he leadeth me The quiet waters by
2. My soul he doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E’en for His own name’s sake.
3. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still.
4. My Table Thou has furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint And my cup overflows
5. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me, And in God’s house for ever more My dwelling place shall be RH 99, Whitingham Rous
348 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end, They are new every morning New every morning Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord Great is Thy faithfulness Edith McNeil Songs of fellowship 549
349 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord And He delighteth in his ways Though he falls, though he falls, he will not be cast down For the Lord upholdeth him with His hands. With His hands With His hands For the Lord upholdeth him With His hands Though he falls Though he falls He will not be cast down For the Lord upholdeth him with His hands
350 1. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains.
2. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away.
3. O dying Lamb! Thy precious blood Shall never lose his power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more
4. E’er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme And shall be till I die
5. Then in a nobler sweeter song I’ll sing thy power to some When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. William Copwer MHB 201
351 1. There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth, It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth.
Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Because he first loved me
2. It tells me of a Saviour's love, Who died to set me free, It tells me of his precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea
3. It bids my trembling soul rejoice, And dries each rising tear, It tells me in a 'still small voice To trust and never fear.
4. Jesus, the name I love so well, The name I love to hear, No saints on earth its worth can tell, No heart conceive how dear.
5. This name shall shed its fragrance still Along this thorny road Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill That leads me up to God.
6. And there, with all the Blood bought throng From sin and sorrow free, I'll sing the new eternal song Of Jesus' love to me. Frederick Whitfiekd
352 1. There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God's own Son, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One Thank you, O my Father For giving us your Son, And leaving your Spirit till The work on earth is done.
2. Jesus, my Redeemer, Name above all names, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah O for sinners slain.
3. When I stand in glory I will see his face And there I'll serve my King for ever In that holy place Green Melody
353 There is fire burning within my heart ‘Tis the fire of Pentecost ‘Will fan Your fire ever burning in me Till the whole world comes to You Abide, abide And move always in us
In the oneness of the Holy Ghost We surrender to Your will Seth Ofei Badu
354 1. There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven The name before His wondrous birth, To Christ, the Saviour given. We love to sing of Christ our King And hail Him, blessed Jesus! ) R U W K H U H ¶ V Q R Z R U G H D U H Y H U heard, 6 R G H D U V R V Z H H W D V ³ - H V X V ´
2. “Twas Gabriel first that did Proclaim To His most blessed mother, That name which now and evermore We praise above all other.
3. And when He hung upon the tree, They wrote His name above Him That all might see the reason we For evermore must love Him.
4. So now, upon His Father’s throne, Almighty to release us From sin and pain He ever reigns The Prince and Saviour Jesus.
5. O Jesus! By that matchless name Thy grace shall fail us never, Today as yesterday the same. Thou art the same forever.
6. To Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow And ev’ry tongue confess Him And we unite with saints in light Our only Lord, to bless Him. Geo W. Bethune PH 280
355 There is none holy as the Lord There is none beside Him Neither is there any rock like our God There is none holy as the Lord
356 There is victory for me, There is victory for me, In the Blood of Christ, my Saviour
There is victory for me, For me, yes me, for me, yes me, In the blood of Christ, my Saviour: There is victory. Hugh Mitchell
357 There never was a day like this day to me, There never was a day like this day I see There never was a light that shineth so bright As this day, this glorious day PH 134
358 1. There shall be showers of blessing This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above.
Sho...wers of blessing Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling But for the showers we plead.
2. “There shall be showers of blessing” Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys Sound of abundance of rain
3. “There shall be showers of blessing” Send them upon us, O Lord Grant to us now a refreshing; Come, and now honour Thy word.
4. “There shall be showers of blessing” Oh, that to-day they might fall Now, as to God, we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call.
5. “There shall be showers of blessing” If we but trust and obey There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way El Nathan, RH245
359 1. There’s a fight to be fought, and a race to be run There are dangers to meet by the way; But the Lord is my light and the Lord is my life
And the Lord is my strength and stay On His word I depend, He’s my Saviour and Friend; And He tells me to trust and obey;
For the Lord is my light and the Lord is my life And the Lord is my strength and stay.
2. In His wonderful love, He came down from above To suffer and die on the tree Now He’s reigning up there; where He’s gone to prepare A place in His Kingdom for me Let us sing as we go, for He loveth us so We can never be lost by the way;
3. Then He’ll bring us at length, by His infinite strength To the land that is fairer than day; So we’ll sing to His praise, to the end of our days As we travel each dangerous way; Golden Bells 539
360 There’s a fine, fine, fine, fine Morning coming soon, coming soon, coming soon; The sun will shine, shine, shine shine, Banishing the gloom very soon, very soon, We shall gather all together over on the other shore All our trials and our troubles will be gone for ever more; There is a fine, fine, fine, fine Morning coming soon, coming soon, yes soon. PH 190
361 There’s a land that is fairer than day And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there
In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore
2. We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest
3. To our bountiful Father above We will offer our tribute of praise, For the glorious gift of His love, And the blessing that hallow our days PH 273, S. Bennet
362 1. There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus No, not one! No, not one! None else could heal all my soul’s diseases No, not one! No, not one! Jesus knows all about my struggles He will guide till the day is done There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus No, not one! No, not one!
2. No friend like Him is so high and holy, No, not one! No, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, not one! No, not one!
3. There’s not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! No, not one! No night so dark, but His love can cheer us. No not one! No, not one!
4. Did ever saint find this Friend forsake him? No, not one! No, not one! Or sinner find that He would not take him? No, not one! No, not one!
5. Was e’er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! No, not one! Will He refuse us the bliss of heaven? No, not one! No, not one! Johnson Oatman, Jr.
363 1. There’s revival in the air today, There’s revival in the air today; There’s revival in the air,
We can bring it down with pray’r, There’s revival in the air today.
2. There’s revival in my heart today, There’s revival in my heart today, There’s revival in my heart, And you can have a part, There’s revival in my heart today. Thos Kemp P H 103
364 They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles Run their race and weary not They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles They shall walk and never faint They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength Isaac Anane Sarfo W 4 n a w 4tw1 n Awurade no ´ Translation by John Odoi Korang
365 1. This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground For the Lord is present and where He is is holy This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground For the Lord is present And where He is is holy
We are standing on holy ground and I know that there are angels all around Let us praise Jesus now For we are standing in His presence On holy ground.
2. These are holy hands He's given us holy hands, He works through these hands And so these hands are holy These are holy hands He's given us holy hands, He works through these hands And so these hands are holy
3. He works through these hands And so these are holy hand We’re standing in your presence We’re standing in your presence
We’re standing in your presence on holy ground Christopher Beatty, Joshua 5:15
366 1. This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures are laid up Somewhere beyond the blue; The Saviour beckons me From heaven’s open door And I can’t feel at home In this world any more
O Lord, You know I have no friend like You: , I K H D Y H Q ¶ V Q R W P \ K R P H
Then, Lord what will I do? The Saviour beckons me ) U R P + H D Y H Q ¶ V R S H Q G R R U
$ Q G , F D Q ¶ W I H H O D W K R P H L Q this world any more
2. They’re all expecting me, And that’s one thing I know; My Saviour pardoned me, Now onward I must go; I know He’ll take me through, Though I am weak and poor, And I can’t feel at home In this world any more.
3. Just over in glory We’ll live eternally, The saints on every hand Are shouting victory; their songs of sweetest praise Drift back from Heaven’s shore And I can’t feel at home In this world any more. Living songs 112 Albert E. Brumley
367 1. Thou art worthy (x2) Thou are worthy, O Lord Thou art worthy to receive glory Glory and honour and power For Thou hast created Hast all things created For thou hast created all things And for Thy pleasure they are Created; Thou art worthy, O Lord
2. Thou art worthy (x2) Thou art worthy, O Lord Thou art worthy to receive blessing Riches and wisdom and power For Thou has redeemed us, Thy blood hast redeemed us, For thou hast redeemed us to God;
And from all nations made us a kingdom Thou art worthy, O Lord Living Songs 36
368 1. Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble and in joy The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ.
2. Of His deliverance I will boast Till all that are distressed From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest
3. O magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt His name; When in distress to Him I called, He to my rescue came
4. The Hosts of God encamp around The dwelling of the just; Deliverance He affords to all Who on His succour trust
5. O make but trial of His love; Experience will decide
How blest they are, and only they, Who in His truth confide.
6. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear Make you His service your delight He’ll make your wants His Care MHB 427
369 1. Through the love of God our saviour, All will be well; Free and changeless is his favour, All, all is well Precious is the blood that healed us; Perfect is the grace that sealed us Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us All must be well.
2. Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well Ours is such a full salvation ,
All, all is well Happy still in God confiding, Fruitful if in Christ abiding; Holy through the Spirit's guiding; All must be well
3. We expect a bright tomorrow All will be well; Faith can sing through days of sorrow All, all is well On our father's love relying, Jesus every need supplying Or in living or in dying All must be well. Mary Peters - RH.372
370 1. Thy Kingdom come, O God Thy rule, O Christ, begin Break with thine iron rod The tyrannies of sin
2. Where is thy reign of peace? And purity and love? When shall all hatred cease? As in the realms above?
3. When comes the promised time? That war shall be no more
And lust, oppression, crime Shall flee thy face before?
4. We pray thee, Lord, arise, And come in thy great might; Revive our longing eyes, Which languish for thy sight.
5. O'er lands both near and far Thick darkness broodeth yet; Arise, O Morning star Arise, and never set! Lewis Hensley (1824-1905) BBC Songs 24
371 ‘Tis a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle Washed in the Blood of the Lamb ‘Tis a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, Washed in the Blood of the Lamb PH 76
372 1. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! + R Z , ¶ Y H S U R Y H G + L P R ¶ H U D Q G R ¶ H U
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
2. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me ‘Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
3. Yes, ‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simple taking Life and rest, and joy and peace
4. I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.
373 1. To be in your presence To sit at your feet, Where Your love surrounds me, And makes me complete.
This is my desire, O Lord, This is my desire, This is my desire, O Lord, This is my desire
2. To rest in Your presence Not rushing away; To cherish each moment, Here I would stay Noel Richards Songs of Fellowship, 1067
374 To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus; All I ask is to be like Him; Through all life’s journey; From earth to glory; All I ask is to be like Him
375 1. To God be the glory, Great things He hath done, So loved he the world that He gave us His son Who yielded His life an atonement for sin And opened the Life Gate that all may go in
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord Let the people rejoice; O come to the Father through Jesus the Son And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.
2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes; That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.
3. Great things He hath taught us, Great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see Fanny J. Crosby - RH. 47
376 1. Upon the hill of Calvary, God’s only Son, Jesus, was crucified; It is Jesus, my own Saviour, It is Jesus, my own Saviour (x2)
2. l shall not forget the suffering of Christ, From Gethsemane to Calvary; A precious price He paid for me, A precious price He paid for me. Translation of W Kalvary bep no so
377 Victory! Victory! Precious blood -bought victory Victory! Victory! Victory all the time As Jehovah liveth, Strength divine He giveth Unto those who trust Him Vict'ry all the time Mrs. C.H. Morris - PH 231
378 Waiting for His coming To the mansions in the sky I’m waiting for Jesus, For He’s coming by and by I’m watching His returning to the clouds far up on high
I’m waiting for Jesus For He’s coming by and by He’s promised to take me To dwell with Him in His glory fair He’s promised to give me A crown of victory to wear I’m waiting and I’m listening For the sound of the mid-night cry I’m waiting for Jesus For He’s coming by and by Gospel Quintet Choruses
379 We are able to go up and take the country To possess the land from Jordan to the sea; Though the lions may be there our way to hinder, God will surely give the victory PH. 187
380 We are in your hands, O Lord Prepare us, give us grace and help Prepare us, give us grace Help us in every way We are in your hands, O Lord Prepare us, give us grace and help Translation of ³ : R 1 V D P Q D Y1 w4 ´
Seth Asare Ofei Badu
381 We are laying a foundation A very strong foundation For the coming generation We are laying a foundation A very strong foundation For the children behind us now. With Jesus, the solid Rock We shall lay for our children With Jesus the solid Rock We shall lay and never fail. Ebenezer Amissah Bimpong
382 1. We are often tossed and driv’n On the restless sea of time, Sombre skies and howling tempest Oft succeed a bright sun-shine In that land of perfect day, When the mists have rolled away We will understand it better by and by
By and by, when the morning comes When all the saints of God are gathered home : H ¶ O O W H O O W K H V W R U \ K R Z Z H ¶ Y H overcome; ) R U : H ¶ O O understand it better by and by
2. We are often destitute of the things that life demands, Want of food and want of shelter Thirsty hills and barren lands, We are trusting in the Lord, And according to His Word, We will understand it better by and by
3. Trials dark on ev’ery hand, And we cannot understand All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land; But He guides us with His eye And we’ll follow till we die For we’ll understand it better by and by
4. Temptation, hidden snares Often take us unawares, And our hearts are made to bleed for many a thought-less word or deed And we wonder why the test When we try to do our best But we’ll understand it better by and by Melodies of Praise 91
383 We give glory to the Lord, He reigns We give glory to the Lord, He reigns He reigns, He reigns, He reigns We give glory to the Lord, He reigns
384 1. We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Him We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Him We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
2. So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Him So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Him So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Christ the Lord
Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
3. He is all my righteousness, I stand complete in Him and worship Him He is all my righteousness, I stand complete in Him and worship Him He is all my righteousness I stand complete in Him and worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
4. Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name and worship Him Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name and worship Him Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name, and worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord
385 We have no power of our own We have no power of our own We depend on you, Holy Spirit We have no power of our own
386 1. We love the blessed Bible The glorious Word of God; The lamp for those who travel O’er all life’s dreary road The watchword in life’s battle The chart on life’s dark sea; The everlasting Bible It shall our teacher be.
2. Who would not love the Bible So beautiful and wise! Its teaching charm the simple, And all point to the skies, Its stories all so mighty Of men so brave to see, Divinely-given Bible It shall our teacher be.
3. But most we love the Bible, For there we Children learn How Christ took on our childhood, Our hearts to Him to turn; And how He bowed to sorrow, That we His face might see; The Bible, oh! the Bible- It shall our teacher be
4. Then we will hold the Bible The glorious Book of God; We’ll ne’er forsake the Bible,
Through all life’s future road. And when we shall be dying, Whenever that may be, The comfort of the Bible shall still our solace be. Golden Bells 573
387 We praise Thee O God For the son of thy love For Jesus who died And is now gone above
Halleluyah Thine the glory Halleluyah Amen Halleluyah Thine the glory Revive us again
388 We praise you, O Lord, We lift high Your Name You are Lord of lords You we glorify Who’s like unto You? You are Christ, our King We praise You, O Lord We lift high Your Name
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ™ < H \ L : R ' L Q $ \ š
by Opoku Onyinah
389 We praise you, wonderful God, We glorify your name. We glorify your name: Amen, hallelujah! Here on earth with hymns and songs We extol your holy name; Then one day we’ll sing above: Amen, hallelujah! Asempa Hymns 1
390 1. We praise your name We praise your name To you, the Lord, our God On our knees we bow To you the Lord our God On our knees we bow To you the Lord our God
2. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we fall To you the Lord our God On our knees we fall
3. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we plead
To you the Lord our God On our knees we plead
4. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we pray To you the Lord our God On our knees we pray
5. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we serve To you the Lord our God On our knees we serve Opoku Onyinah
391 We will celebrate our God; We will celebrate our God; Let His banner be raised, And His glory be seen We will celebrate our God.
392 We will praise your holy name, You’ve won the victory. The Lamb that was slain, Is worthy to be praised, O, Lamb of God, we will praise your holy name. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I < 0 E H \ L : R G L Q D \ 0
393 We’ll be like Him, When Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him We’ll be like Him, When Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him Presently, He’s preparing us Presently, He is nurturing our souls with His Word We’ll be like Him, when Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ Y1b1s1 No ´
Eunice Addison
394 We’ll follow Him together wherever He leads. Beside the living waters, our souls He doth feed; Whatever be the conflict, He’ll meet our every need. We’ll follow Him together Wherever He may lead PH 41
395 We’re building a road, Building a road Helping the weak and blind, We’re smoothening the road That leads to heaven above, To make easy for those behind. PH 143
396 1. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear, What a privilege to carry Ev’rything to God in prayer Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Ev’rything to God in prayer.
2. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer, Can we find a Friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer
3. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He’ll take and shield thee Thou wilt find a solace there. Joseph Scriven - RH 532
397 1. What a Master I follow; His name is the Lord Jesus; Will serve Him, never deny him; What a master I follow A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; What a master I follow
2. I am a disciple of Christ; He’s promised He’ll not leave me; I will preach and make disciples; I 'm a disciple of Christ A true disciple I will be always,
Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I 'm a disciple of Christ
3. On His faithful Word I’ll stand; And teach others all His ways; There is power for those who believe; On His faithful Word I’ll stand A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; On His faithful Word I’ll stand;
4. My Lord is Jesus Christ; And all pow’r belong to Him; He is the world’s one Saviour; My Lord is Jesus Christ A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; My Lord is Jesus Christ
5. He has promised He’s with us; To the very end of the world; Faithful is He who has promised He has promised He’s with us.
A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; He has promised He’s with us
6. The Comforter is with us; From the Father and the Son; Faithful, He, the Holy Spirit; The Comforter is with us A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; The Comforter is with us
7. I will go preaching Good News; That the Christ rose from the dead; He is King of our Salvation; I will go preaching Good News A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I will go preaching Good News
8. He‘ll reward obedient ones; Who will walk by His good Word Many crowns the Lord will give them;
He‘ll reward obedient ones A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; He‘ll reward obedient ones
9. I will be among the crowned ones; I will receive it with great joy; I will see the King in glory; I will be among the crowned ones A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I will be among the crowned ones
10. I’ll rejoice greatly that day; In the Kingdom of the Christ; I will sing to glorify Him; I’ll rejoice greatly that day A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I’ll rejoice greatly that day Translation R I ³ 2 Z X U D E L D ´ Opoku Onyinah
398 What a Sovereign God He is! What a mighty God He is! He is the Sovereign God, He is the mighty God. Translation of Onyame kokuroko E 0 Q Q L
399 What a wonderful treasure; Gift of God without measure; We will travel together; My Bible and I
400 1. What an example I have In Christ Jesus! You alone I look to Imitating your works In all my ways I will follow you Then others will follow me
What an example I have! Christ Jesus I love You Rely on You Lord Depend on, look to You my all
2. What an example I have Christ the Son of God! You left Your glory
Took the form of a servant If I learn your meekness My life will be like Yours Then others will follow me
3. What an example I have! Christ the Son of Man! No sin was found in Your human nature If I trust in You I will become like You Then others will follow me
4. What an example I have Christ the Righteous One! You went to the tree Because of my sins Consumed of this love I deny myself Then others will follow me
5. What an example I have Christ the Victorious One! Resurrected from death Went to heaven above Pondering on Your victory gives me a-ssurance Then others will follow me
Opoku Onyinah
401 1. What can I offer to your, oh Lord For Your grace has taken me through. I bring up my sacrifice of praise For Your grace has done it again. Your grace has taken me through, oh Lord Your grace has done it again, oh Lord Gracious One, I bow down to you Gracious One, I bow down to you
2. What can we offer to you, oh Lord For your grace has tean us through We bring our sacrifice of praise For your grace has done it again Your grace has taken us through, oh Lord Your grace has done it again, oh Lord Gracious One, we bow down to you Gracious One, we bow down to you Opoku Onyinah
402 1. What can wash away my stain? Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
O! Precious is the flow; That makes me white as snow No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus
2. For my cleansing this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus For my pardon ,this my plea. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
3. Nothing can for sin atone. Nothing but the blood of Jesus, Nought of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
4. This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus, He is all my righteousness Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
5. Now by this I overcome; Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Now by this I’ll reach my home Nothing but the blood of Jesus! R. Lowry - RH. 33
403 What name is given here among all men And by which men must be saved? (x2) O, what name has got all power? O, what pow’r beyond compare! It is the mighty Name of Jesus Christ Who rose up from the dead Seth Asare Ofei Badu
404 What singing there will be up there, What singing there will be up there, When face to face with Jesus we shall stand. And join the heavenly choir in the better land; What singing there will be up there, What glory for the saints to share,
O Glory, glory, glory! What singing there will be up there. Hugh Mitchell PH 151
405 1. When I consider Your love for me It gives me hope of eternal life Should you take your love away from me Sin would make me wander away.
2. You called me with Your very own voice And I followed Your love and came to You To find the hope of eternal life I am walking in righteousness
3. Let Your voice of love always speak to me So I should see and do what You would do To bear much fruit in my generation Bringing others the hope of glory. Seth Asare Ofei Badu
406 When I feel the touch Of your hand upon my life It causes me to sing a song That I love you, Lord. So from deep within My spirit singeth unto Thee You are my King, You are my God And I love You, Lord. Keri Jones & David Matthew Songs of fellowship 594
407 When I look into your holiness When I gaze into your loveliness When all things that surround Become shadows in the light of you! When I’ve found the joy of reaching your heart When my heart becomes enthroned in your love, When all things that surround, Become shadows in the light of you
I worship you, I worship you The reason I live is to worship you I worship you, I worship you The reason I live is to worship you Kent Henry
408 1. When I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride
2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood
3. See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown
4. Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small; Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all. Isaac Watts - RH. 161
409 1. When peace, like a river attendeth my way When sorrows, like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know, "It is well, it is well with my soul , W L V Z H O O « Z L W K P \ V R X O «
It is well, it is well with my soul
2. Though, Satan should buffet, If trials should come Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
3. My sin-oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin - not in part but the whole Is nailed to his cross; and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.
4. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live! If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life. Thou wilt whisper thy peace to my soul.
5. But Lord, 'tis for thee, for thy coming we wait The sky, not the grave, is our goal Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord' Blessed hope! Blessed rest of my soul. H.G. Spatted R.H. 527
410 1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest- tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done. Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessing, every doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by 3. When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold, Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high
4. So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all, Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end. Johnson Oatman Jr. RH 427
411 1. When we walk with the Lord In the light of His word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey
Trust and obey! For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey
2. Not a shadow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly drives it away Not a doubt nor a fear, Not a sigh nor a tear Can abide while we trust and obey
3. Not a burden we bear, Not a sorrow we share, But our toil he doth richly repay, Not a grief nor a loss, Not a frown nor a cross. But is blest if we trust and obey.
4. But we never can prove The delights of His love, Until all on the altar we lay, For the favour He shows, And the joy he bestows Are for them who will trust And obey
5. Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at His feet; Or we'll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do, Where he sends we will go, Never fear, only trust and obey J.H. Sammis RH. 477
412 1. Where will you spend eternity? This question comes to you and me. Tell me, what shall your answer be? Where will you spend eternity?
Eternity! Eternity! Where will you spend eternity?
2. Many are choosing Christ today Turning from all their sins away Heav'n shall their happy portion be, Where will you spend eternity
3. Leaving the straight and narrow way Going the downward road today, Sad will their final ending be Lost thro' a long eternity
4. Repent, believe this very hour, Trust in the Saviour's grace and power Then will your joyous answer be, Saved thro' a long eternity
413 1. While I was praying somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord
2. While I was wond’ring somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord
3. Glory, glory glory, somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord PH 99
414 Who am I to boast in Your presence? Dust and clay, I was made of Adam's seed, I’m flesh and blood I am saved by Your grace It's only grace It is grace that sets me free It's only grace Surely grace will sail me through
2. On my knees, I am before Your throne Jar of clay, weak and feeble By nature, I am a child of wrath My only hope is Your grace It's only grace
It is grace that makes me whole It's only grace Surely grace will take me home Opoku Onyinah
415 Who is like You In power and glory? Who is like You? Majestic and splendorous! Who is like You, In beauty and radiance? My Jesus, the Shining One (x2) Shine on me, Bright Morning Star Shine on me, my closest Friend Shine on me, Jesus, shine on me Opoku Onyinah
416 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the king? Who will be his helpers? Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go? By Thy call of mercy, By Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are thine!
2. Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army Raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom he died; He whom Jesus nameth Must be on his side; By thy love constraining By thy grace divine We are on the Lord's side Saviour, we are thine!
3. Jesus, thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with thine own life-blood For thy diadem; With thy blessing filling All who come to thee, Thou hast made us willing Thou hast made us free By thy grand redemption. By thy grace divine We are on the Lord's side Saviour we are thine!
4. Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe; But the king's own army
None can overthrow, Round his standard ranging, Victory is secure, For his truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure, Joyfully enlisting, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side; Saviour, we are thine. Frances R Havergal - RH. 431
417 1. “Whosoever heareth!” Shout, shout, the sound! Send the blessed tidings all the world around! Spread the joyful news wherever man is found “Whosoever will may come
³ : K R V R H Y H U Z L O O Whosoever will! Send the proclamation over vale and hill!; µ 7 L V D O R Y L Q J ) D W K H U F D O O V W K H wanderer home ³ : K R V R H Y H U Z L O O P D \ F R P H ´
2. “Whosoever cometh! Need not delay; Now the door is open, enter while you may;
Jesus is the true, the only Living way; “Whosoever will may come”
3. “Whosoever will! the promise is secure; “Whosoever will! for ever shall endure; “Whosoever will” ‘tis life for evermore; “Whosoever will may come!” Golden Bells 228
418 Why did He love me? I never can tell. Why did He suffer to save me from hell? Nothing but infinite grace from above Could have conceived such a story of love. Grace! Grace! Infinite grace! Flowing to you and me. Grace! Grace! Infinite grace From the cross of Calvary! Centenary Praise SU choruses 35
419 1. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife; When the strong tides lift and the cables strain, Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll: Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in W K H 6 D Y L R X U ¶ V O R Y H
2. It is safely moored, ‘twill the storm withstand, For ‘tis well secured by the Saviour’s hand; And the cables passed from His heart to mine, Can defy the blast, through strength divine
3. It will firmly hold in the straits of fear, When the breakers have told the reef is near, Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
4. It will surely hold in the floods of death, When the waters cold, chill our latest breath On the rising tide it can never fail, While our hopes abide within the veil!
5. When our eyes behold, through the gathering night The city of gold, our harbour bright, We shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore, With the storms all past for evermore Priscilla J. Owens RH 322
420 With my lips I will praise you Lord; These my lips shall pra-ise You; With my lips I will show you forth; For the whole world to know you They shall tell of Your salvation; To ev’ry perishing soul With my lips I will praise you Lord; These my lips shall pra-ise You 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 0 H de P ¶ D Q R ´
Grace Gakpetor
421 Wonderful! Wonderful! This man Jesus, He is wonderful Wonderful! Wonderful! He’s reconciled us unto our God. E. K. Asamoah
422 1. Worshipping the Lord In spirit and truth That’s the kind the Father seeks I celebrate your awesome greatness Glory and power belong to our king Worshipping the Lord In spirit and truth That’s the kind the Father seeks.
2. Ascribing to the Lord Glory due His name With my lifestyle Lord, that’s my desire I celebrate Your awesome greatness Glory and power belong to our king Ascribing to the Lord Glory due His name With my lifestyle Lord! That’s my desire James Quaicoe
423 Worthy, worthy is the Lamb Worthy, worthy is the lamb Worthy , worthy is the lamb; that was slain Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise ye the Lord PH 1
424 1. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because my blessed Saviour From my sins has ransomed me.
This is why... I love my Je...sus This is why... I love Him so... He has par... doned my transgress..sions He has washed me... white as snow
2. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because the blood of Jesus Fully saves and cleanses me.
3. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because, amid temptation, He supports and strengthens me.
4. Would you know why I love Jesus Why He is so dear to me? “Tis because, in ev’ry conflict. Jesus gives me victory.
5. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because my Friend and Saviour He will ever, ever be. E.A. Hoffmonn - RH 645
425 1. Wounded for me, wounded for me, There on the cross he was wounded for me, Gone my transgressions and now I am free All because Jesus was wounded for me.
2. Dying for me,dying for me There on the cross he was dying For me, Now in his death my redemption I see, All because Jesus was dying for me
3. Risen for me, risen for me Up from the grave he has risen for me; Now evermore from death’s sting I am free, All because Jesus has risen for me.
4. Living for me, living for me, There on the throne he is living for me: Saved to the uttermost now I shall be. All because Jesus is living for me.
5. Coming for me ,coming for me. One day to earth he is coming for me; Then with what joy his dear face I shall see. O how I praise Him-He’s coming for me. AGR - PH 228
426 Yes, it's true, the Saviour of the world, Found himself in the arms of Simeon. Anna got a glimpse of His glory Jesus Christ, the Son of God Showed himself in the temple of the Lord He that is greater than the temple Found himself in the arms of Simeon Blessed is He who held the Lord of glory His glory has impacted him The Most High God has blessed him by shining on him. Come and see the glory of the temple Greater than the temple is here Found himself in the arms of Simeon Anna got a glimpse of Him Come to Him, the Centre of glory Come to Him, the Redeeming One Come to Him, the Saviour of the world Jesus Christ, the Son of God Opoku Onyinah
427 Yesterday, to-day, forever Jesus is the same; All may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His Name! Glory to His Name, glory to His Name All may change, but Jesus never Glory to His Name Living Songs 54
428 You are Alpha and Omega, We worship you, our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give you all the glory We worship you, our Lord You are worthy to be praised Israel Houghton
429 You are awesomely wonderful, God Creator God, Almighty God, You are awesomely wonderful, God Omnipotent God, there is none like You We worship You Grace Gakpetor
430 1. You are beautiful beyond description, Too marvellous for words Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty, enthroned above.
And I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You.
2. You are beautiful beyond description Yet God crushed You for my sin In agony and deep affliction Cut off that I might enter in Who can grasp such tender compassion? Who can fathom this mercy so free? You are beautiful beyond description Lamb of God who died for me Mark Altrogge Songs of fellowship 621
431 You are holy, You are holy You are holy, oh Lord, our God You are Majestic, You are Holy You are Holy, oh Lord our God You are Majestic, You are Holy You are Holy, oh Lord our God. Samuel Otu Appiah
432 You are my Great Redeemer, Great Redeemer You are My God, Lo-rd of lords My hope is built on you You are my fortress Hold me up, keep me on, Bind me to Yourself, Oh Lord You are my only hope 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 0 H * \ H I R . H V H $ Z X U D G H ´ by - Opoku Onyinah
433 You are my Lord, You are my King You are my everything (x2) I will not die, but I will live To glorify the Lord (x2) J. Odoi Korang
434 You are the King of kings And the Lord of lords (x2) Who can be compared unto You? (x2) J. Odoi Korang 435 You are the Lord, you never change, We bow to you, and worship you 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I : R \ 0 2 Q \ D P H D Wonsakra da
436 You are the one I need Cause me to know Bring me to my knees You are my desire Cause me to see Hold me in your arms Bring me to your brook And feed me with your very self A touch of you can change my life And set my soul on fire To do your will Opoku Onyinah
437 You are the only Lord, Jesus We bow and worship You Your Name we glorify, Jesus You deserve glory We lift Your Name on high, Jesus Your name is so great You are the only Lord, Jesus We worship You Opoku Onyinah
438 You are the potter, I am the clay Make me what you want me to be You are the potter, I am the clay Samuel Otu Appiah
439 You are worthy of our thanks You are worthy of praise Forever, we praise your name Christ Jesus: “The Lo-rd is Conqueror, you are worthy of o-ur praise You are worthy of thanks and praise 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ \ H G D Z ¶ D V H D 1 fata Z R ´ by - Opoku Onyinah
440 You were born for me You died for me To save my soul (x2) You suffered on the cross You suffered to save me Jesus my Lord, The King of kings Your death has set me free Jesus my Lord, The Lord of lords Your death has set me free Jesus my Lord, The Prince of Peace Your death has set me free A.L. Angoh
441 1. You’ve got to move, you’ve got to move You’ve got to move, you’ve got to move When the Lord gets ready, You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move
2. You may be high you may be low, The way to heaven; you may not know, But when the Lord gets ready, You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move
3. You may be rich, you may be poor, The way to heaven; you may not know, But when the Lord gets ready You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move, PH 174
442 Your Name is great above all names We praise your Holy Name (x2) We praise your Holy Name, We praise your Holy name Your name is great above all names, We praise your Holy Name Grace Gakpetor
443 1. Your resting place! I come To Heaven's Holiest place Presence of Almighty Full of goodness and grace My cup has overflowed All goodness is now mine My heart is full of praises
2. Your Presence I desire There I find rest in you Your presence soothes my heart Surrounded by Your love You fill my mouth so full Your praises I will sing My heart is full of praises
3. Before your heavenly throne Where angles surround You Adoring You always Your saints jointly declare You are the only Lord We glorify your name My heart is full of praises
4. Grace and Mercy descend From heaven’s holiest throne Upon the sons of God Receiving grace on grace Eternal God you are: Your grace will never cease My heart is full of praises Translation of ³ 0 D E D : o nwunu ase ´
Opoku Onyinah
444 Your will, not mine, be done, Your will, not mine be done; Help me to know your will for me, Your will, not mine be done. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I : R S 0 Q \ 0 P H S 0 Q D 0 Q \ 0
P.B. Appiah-Adu
445 Zion's Strong Tower is You Christ Jesus Whoever believes in You Will not be put to shame (x2) A strong Tower is You Christ Jesus The Chosen Cornerstone Whoever believes won’t be put to shame Zion's Strong Tower is You Translation of Zion Abandenden by Opoku Onyinah Tags Eunice addison PS(A)
I will build My church for My own glory
And the gates of hell shall not prevail, I say,
I will build My church
Source: Eunice Addision
+ H D E L G H V « K H D E L G H V «
Hallelujah, he abides with me! , ¶ P U H M R L F L Q J night and day, As I walk the narrow way, For the Comforter abides with me
2. Once my heart was full of sin, Once I had no peace within Till I heard how Jesus died upon the tree, Then I fell down at his feet, And there came a peace so sweet Now the Comforter abides with me.
3. He is with me everywhere, And he knows my every care, I'm as happy as a bird and just as free For the spirit has control, Jesus satisfies my soul, Since the Comforter abides with me.
4. There's no thirsting for the things Of the world - they've taken wings; Long ago I gave them up, and instantly; All my night was turned to day, All my burdens rolled away, Now the Comforter abides with me. Herbert Buffum RH.217
160 I’m trading my sorrows, I’m trading my shame I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain I’m laying them down, For the joy of the Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes yes Lord (x3) Amen I’m pressed but not crushed, Persecuted not abandoned, Struck down but not destroyed, I’m blessed beyond the curse For his promise will endure And his joy’s gonna be my strength Though the sorrows may last for the night His joy comes with the morning Israel Houghton
161 I’m walking arm in arm with Jesus I trust in Him to lead the way I know that if I only cling to Him He will never let me go astray
For I am walking with Jesus Walking everyday Along the way For I am walking with Jesus Walking with Jesus alone
162 1. I’ve a message from the Lord, Hallelujah! The message unto you I’ll give, Tis recorded in His word, Hallelujah! It is only that you “look and live” ³ / R R N D Q G O L Y H ´ P \ brother live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in His word, Hallelujah! It is only that you “look and live”
2. I’ve a message full of love Hallelujah! A message, O my friend, for you. ‘Tis a message from above Hallelujah! Jesus said it, and I know ‘tis true.
3. Life is offered unto you, Hallelujah! Eternal life your soul shall have If you’ll only look to Him, Hallelujah! Look to Jesus who alone can save. W.A Ogden RH 299
163 1. I’ve believed the true report, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the outer court, O glory be to God! I am all on Jesus’ side On the altar sanctified, To the world and sin I’ve died, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Hallelejuh! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven veil, Here the glories never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King.
2. I’m a king and priest to God, Hallelujah to the Lamb! By the cleansing of the blood, O glory be to God!
By the Spirit’s pow’r and light, I am living day and night, In the holiest place so bright, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
3. I have passed the outer veil, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Which did once God’s light conceal O glory be to God! But the blood has brought me in To God’s holiness so clean, Where there’s death to self and sin, Hallelujah to the Lamb!
4. I’m within the holiest pale, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the inner veil, O glory be to God! I am sanctified to God By the power of the blood, Now the Lord is my abode Hallelujah to the Lamb! Charles Price Jones
164 1. If you would serve the Lord a-right, Spend some time in pray'r
If you would keep your armour bright Spend some time in pray'r
Pray'r, its value none can measure, It will bring you lasting treasure; Present help and present pleasure Spend some time in pray'r
2. If you would daily do His will, Spend some time in pray'r. For strength, his bidding to fulfil, Spend some time in pray'r.
3. For pow'r to run the Christian race, Spend some time in pray'r Come often to the throne of grace, Spend some time in pray'r
4. God only can your needs supply, Spend some time in pray'r The blessings cometh from on high, Spend some time in pray'r
Faith Gospel Message PH 301
165 1. Immortal, Invisible God only wise In light inaccessible hid from our eyes Most blessed, most glorious, The Ancient of Days Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise
2. Unresting, unhasting, And silent as light Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might Thy justice like mountains high soaring above, Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love
3. To all life Thou givest – to both great and small In all life Thou livest, the true life of all; We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, And wither and perish – but nought changeth thee.
4. Great father of Glory, Pure Father of light Thine angels adore Thee, All veiling their sight; All laud we would render, O help us to see: ‘Tis only the splendour of light hideth Thee
5. Immortal, Invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes Most blessed, most glorious; The Ancient of Days Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise Water Chalmer Smith RH 36
166 In my heart (x3) I will praise the Lord For His goodness for His kindness His faithfulness ever sure In my heart (x3) I will praise the Lord Rosina Aninkora
167 1. In our dear Lord’s garden, Planted here below, Many tiny flowerets In sweet beauty grow
2. Christ, the loving Gardener, Tends these blossoms small; Loves the little lilies As the cedars tall
3. Nothing is too little For His gentle care; Nothing is too lowly In His love to share
4. Jesus loves the children, Children such as we; Blest them when their mothers Brought them to His knee
5. Jesus calls the children, Bids them come and stand In His pleasant garden, Watered by His hand
6. Lord, Thy call we answer Take us in Thy care; Train us in Thy garden, In Thy work to share Ella Sophia Armitage, 1841-1931 MH 843
You are far above all; You are great God; King of kings; Lord of lords; Far above all things; You are great,God Opoku Onyinah
183 1. Jesus Christ is Wonderful Counsellor, God Almighty, Eternal Father, Prince of peace; We shall glorify His Name
Blessed is He, Blessed is He Blessed is our God; Blessed, blessed, blessed is our God
2. Jehovah, our God is with us; Emmanuel is in our midst; And His Kingdom spreads through the earth; Emmanuel will not depart 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q ³ < H V X . U L V W R \ 1
$ Q Z R Q Z D Q L ´ by Opoku Onyinah PAN (T) 1261
184 Jesus Christ shall never lose His power No never; No never
Jesus Christ shall never lose His power He shall never ever lose His power God’s power is so great, is so great, is so great God’s power is so great, is so great, is so great God’s power is gre-a-t Man’s power is so small, is so small, is so small Man’s power is so small, is so small, is so small Man’s power is so small–a-a-ll and at last it will fa-i-l Elijah Agyemang
185 1. Jesus, Friend of my soul Drawing me close to know The loving Father’s desire That keeps on seeking me
If I really meet You I will worship You in truth Worship You in Spirit Never turn You down
2. Jesus Friend of my soul I’m searching for You Yet You are with me Help me know You are close
3. Jesus, Friend of my soul No longer I hear You Help me clearly discern You are always with me.
4. Jesus, Friend of my soul Has drawn me to Eternal God I’ve known the depth of Your love In joy I’ll worship You 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q 0 H N U D µ G D P I R ¶
Opoku Onyinah
186 Jesus, how lovely you are! You are so gentle, so pure and so kind; You shine like the morning star: Jesus, how lovely you are! PH 314
187 1. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee. Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shall be. Perish every fond ambition, All I’ve sought or hoped or known. Yet how rich is my condition! God and heaven are still my own
2. Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour, too. Human hearts and looks deceive me; Thou art not, like them, untrue. O while Thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate and friends disown me, Show Thy face and all is bright.
3. Man may trouble and distress me, ’Twill but drive me to Thy breast Life with trials hard may press me; Heaven will bring me sweeter rest. Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me While Thy love is left to me; Oh, ’t’were not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with Thee.
4. Go, then, earthly fame and treasure, Come disaster, scorn and pain In Thy service, pain is pleasure, With Thy favor, loss is gain
I have called Thee Abba Father, I have stayed my heart on Thee Storms may howl, and clouds may gather; All must work for good to me.
5. Soul, then know thy full salvation Rise o’er sin and fear and care Joy to find in every station, Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee, Think what Father’s smiles are thine, Think that Jesus died to win thee, Child of heaven, canst thou repine.
6. Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer. Heaven’s eternal days before thee, God’s own hand shall guide us there. Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition,
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Henry Lite
188 Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Jesus is King Wonderful King Johnson Larbi Appiah
189 Jesus is Lord (x4) He is the King of kings (x3) He is Lord He is the King of kings (x3) He is Lord Eunice Johnson
190 1. Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it For by his power Each tree and flower Was planned and made Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it Sun, moon and stars in heaven cry; Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord! Praise him with Alleluias For Jesus is Lord
2. Jesus is Lord! Yet from his throne eternal In flesh he came To die in pain On Calvary's tree Jesus is Lord! From him all life proceeding He gave his life a ransom thus setting us free.
3. Jesus is Lord! O'er sin the mighty conqueror From death he rose And all his foes shall own his name Jesus is Lord! God sent his Holy Spirit To show by works of power that Jesus is Lord! David Mansel BBC Song 153
191 Jesus is the Bread of Life; He’s the Bread of Life. Jesus is the Spring of Life; He’s the Spring of Life.
Whoever feeds on Him shall hunger not, Whoever drinks of Him shall never thirst. Jesus is the Bread of Life, He’s the Bread of Life. Jesus is the Spring of Life; He’s the Spring of Life. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ < H V X \ 0 Q N Z D $ E R R G R R Q R ´
192 Jesus! Jesus, my Saviour, You are King of kings indeed! Jesus! Jesus, my Saviour, You are King of kings indeed! Translation of Jesus Agyenkwa : R Q D : R \ 0 hene ampa
193 1. Jesus, keep me near the cross There a precious fountain, Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calv'ry's mountain.
In the cross, ( x 2) Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river.
2. Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me; There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me.
3. Near the Cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadow o’er me
4. Near the cross I'll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Just beyond the river. Fanny J. Crosby RH. 396
194 1. Jesus, let me ever be Firmly grounded upon thee Ever in thy work abide, Ever in thy wounds reside.
2. Plant, and root, and fix in me All the mind that was in thee; Settled peace I then shall find; Jesu's is a quiet mind.
3. Anger I no more shall feel, Always even, always still Meekly on my God reclined Jesu's is a gentle mind.
4. I shall suffer and fulfil All my father's gracious will, Be in all alike resigned; Jesu's is a patient mind
5. When ‘tis deeply rooted here; Perfect love shall cast out fear, Fear doth servile spirits bind, Jesu’s is a noble mind.
6. I shall nothing know beside Jesus, and Him crucified; Perfectly to Him be joined Jesu’s is a loving mind
7. I shall triumph evermore, Gratefully my God adore God so good, so true, so kind, Jesu’s is a thankful mind.
8. Lowly, loving, meek and pure I shall to the end endure Be no more to sin inclined; Jesu’s is a constant mind.
9. I shall fully be restored to the image of my Lord,
witnessing to all mankind, Jesu’s is a perfect mind Charles Wesley RH 399
195 1. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high Hide me, O my saviour, hide Till the storm of life is past Safe into the haven guide; Oh, receive my soul at last.
2. Other refuge have I none Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! Leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me All my trust on thee is stayed All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing.
3. Thou, O Christ! art all I want More than all in thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind Just and holy is Thy name I am all unrighteousness;
Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace.
4. Plenteous grace with thee is found Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart Rise to all eternity. Charles Wesley RH. 312
196 1. Jesus, my King, my wonderful Saviour, All of my life is given to thee. I am rejoicing in thy salvation; Thy precious blood now maketh me free.
Wonderful Saviour, wonderful Saviour, Thou art so dear, so precious to me! Wonderful Saviour, wonderful Saviour, My heart is full with praises to Thee!
2. Freedom from sin, o wonderful story – All of its stains washed whiter as snow! Jesus has come to live in His temple, And with His love my heart is aglow.
3. Jesus, my Lord, I’ll ever adore Thee, Lay at Thy feet my treasures of love. Lead me in ways to show forth Thy glory, Ways that will end in heaven above.
4. When in that bright and beautiful city I shall behold thy glories untold, I shall be like Thee, wonderful Saviour, And I will sing while ages unfold John M. Harris Translation of Jesus, me Hen, P ¶ $ J \ H Q N Z D 1 Z D Q Z D Q \ L
197 1. Jesus, my Saviour, came from on high To die for you, to die for me; Sinful, unworthy though I may be, All this He did for me.
Wonderful story, how can it be? Jesus has died for me and for you: He left His crown and His throne All this He did for me.
2. Where the bright angels e’er sing His praise, Round the white throne, round the white throne Me from the depths, He came down to raise, Claiming me as His own.
3. What can I do my Lord to repay? On Calvary’s tree, dying for me: I’ll trust Thee, Lord, and e’er faithful be: This I will do for Thee. Translation of Agyenkwa Yesu firii soro ton Faith Gospel Message PH 307
198 Jesus, Name above all names Beautiful Saviour Glorious Lord Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
199 1. Jesus only is our message Jesus all our theme shall be We will lift up Jesus ever Jesus only we will see.
Jesus only, Jesus ever Jesus all in all we see Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, Baptizer, and coming King
2. Jesus only is our Saviour All our guilt He bore away All our righteousness He gives us All our strength from day to day.
3. Jesus is our Sanctifier Cleansing us from self and sin And with all His Spirit’s fullness Filling all our hearts within
4. Jesus only is our Healer All our sicknesses He bore
And His risen life and fullness All His members still may share.
5. Jesus only is our power His the gift of Pentecost Jesus, breathe Thy power upon us Fill us with Thy Holy Ghost.
6. For Jesus we are waiting Listening for the trumpet’s sound Then, it will be us and Jesus Living ever with our God. Albert B. Simpson
200 Jesus, our Light Jesus, our glory our glory for ever more Jesus our, Light Together, we shall praise Him, Together we shall lift him high Jesus our light, Jesus our glory, our glory for ever more. M.L. Awuku
201 1. Jesus, see me at thy feet, Nothing but thy blood can save me; Thou alone my need canst meet, Nothing but thy blood can save me
No! No! Nothing do I bring, % X W E \ I D L W K , ¶ P F O L Q J L Q J
To thy cross, O lamb of God! Nothing but thy blood can save me
2. See my heart, Lord torn with grief, Nothing but thy blood can save me; Me unpardoned do not leave, Nothing but thy blood can save me.
3. Dark, indeed, the past has been, Nothing, but thy blood can save me, Yet in mercy take me in Nothing but thy blood can save me.
4. As I am, O, hear me pray, Nothing but thy blood can save me; I can ne’er remove a stain Nothing but thy blood can save me.
5. Lord, I cast myself on thee, Nothing but thy blood can save me; From my guilt, O set me free
Nothing but thy blood can save me, R Slater PH 210
202 1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Doth his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more
2. For Him shall endless prayer be made; And praises throng to crown His head; His Name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice.
3. People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their young hosannas to His Name
4. Blessings abound where’er he reigns, The prisoner leaps to loose his chains. The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest.
5. Where He displays His healing power; Death and the curse are known no more; In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their Father lost.
6. Let every creature rise and bring, Its grateful honours to our King: Angels descend with songs again, And earth prolong the joyful strain. Isaac Watts, RH 190
203 1. Jesus, stand among us In Thy risen power, Let this time of worship Be a hallowed hour
2. Breathe Thy Holy Spirit Into every heart; Bid the fears and sorrows From each soul depart
3. Thus with quickened footsteps We’ll pursue our way, Watching for the dawning Of eternal day W. Pennefaher - RH 65
204 1. Jesus, what a beautiful name Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb that was slain Joy and peace, strength and hope, Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name
2. Jesus, what a beautiful name. Truth revealed, my future sealed, Healed my pain Love and freedom, life and warmth, Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name
3. Jesus, what a beautiful name Rescued my soul, my stronghold, Lift me from shame.
Forgiveness, security, power and love, Grace that blows all fear away; Jesus, what a beautiful name Tanya Rides
205 Jesus, you are my friend My companion, brother My Guide who always leads me, and orders my steps in your paths Translation of Jesus wo y 1
P ¶ D G D P I R E \ 2 S R N X 2 Q \ L Q D K
206 Jesus your name is great We love to sing your praise. There is no name so great. We love to lift up your name. We lift up your name on high, Jesus. We lift up your name We lift up your name on high, Jesus. We lift up your name. Opoku Onyinah
207 1. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room And heaven and nature sing
2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns! Your sweetest songs employ; While fields and streams sad hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy.
3. He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, The wonders of his love Isaac Watts (1674-1785) altd Based on Psalm 98
208 1. Joy, Joy, when we go to Heaven (x2)
2. No more sorrow when we go to Heaven (x2)
3. No more weeping when we go to Heaven (x2)
4. No more pain when we go to Heaven (x2)
209 1. Just as I am, without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidst me come to thee O, Lamb of God, I come
2. Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt Fightings and fears within without O, Lamb of God I come.
3. Just as I am, wretched, blind; Sight riches, healing of the mind, Yea all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God I come
4. Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse relieve. Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come
5. Just as I am, (thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down),
Now to be thine, yea thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come
6. Just as I am, of that free love The breadth, length, depth and height to prove, Here for a season, then above O Lamb of God I come. Charlotte Elliot BBC Songs 274
210 1. Just as I am Your presence I come With an Unveiling face Gazing at your glory Transforming to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me I come, oh my God, bless me
2. Fearless I come to you Abundance of grace Living waters flowing Drinking from the rivers Conforming to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me I come, oh my God, bless me
3. Flowing of the Blood Pleading for sinners Invitation to everybody
As I come to your presence Transform me to Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
4. Sin, no longer, I live As I catch the glimpse of glory Hidden in the cleft of the Rock Lifted up sanctified To the image of Christ, your Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
5. Never-ceasing glory Shining in the presence of Christ Raptured into such glory As I gaze at him in glory Conforming to Christ, his Son I come, oh my God, bless me (x2)
6. Life-giving Spirit Abounds in the New Covenant Whosoever comes to the Father He will never him cast out Conforming to Christ, his Son
I come, oh my God, bless me (x2) Translation of ³ 0 P H U 0 P H W H \ L ara ´ E \ Opoku Onyinah
211 Just the same, just the same, God is just the same today! Just the same, just the same, God is just the same today! W. H. Jude
212 Keep me true, Lord Jesus, Keep me true! Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me true! There’s a race that I must run, There are vict’ries to be won; Give me power ev’ry hour, to be true!
213 1. King of glory, King of peace I will love thee; And that love may never cease, I will move thee, Thou hast granted my request, Thou hast heard me; Thou didst note my working breast Thou hast spared me.
2. Wherefore with my utmost art I will sing thee And the cream of all my heart I will bring thee Though my sins against me cried, Thou didst clear me; And alone, when they replied Thou didst hear me
3. Seven whole days, not one in seven I will praise thee; In my heart, though not in heaven, I can raise thee Small it is, in this poor sort To enroll thee; E'en eternity's too short To extol thee. George Herbert BBC Songs 297
214 Kissing the Son Kissing the Son The Son of God Jesus, I bow to you (x2) Jesus, the Son of God Exalted above all things Kissing the Son
Kissing the Son The Son of God Jesus, I bow to you Opoku Onyinah
215 1. Land of our Birth, we pledge to thee Our love and toil in the years to be; When we are grown, and take our place As men and women with our race.
2. Father in heaven, who lovest all O help thy children when they call; That they may build from age to age An undefiled heritage.
3. Teach us to bear the yoke in youth With steadfastness and careful truth That, in our time, Thy grace may give The truth whereby the nations live.
4. Teach us to rule ourselves alway
Controlled and cleanly night and day; That we may bring if need arise No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
5. Teach us to look, in all our ends, On Thee for Judge, and not our friends; That we, with Thee may walk uncowed By fear or favour of the crowd.
6. Teach us the strength that cannot seek By deed or thought to hurt the weak That, under Thee, we may possess Man’s strength to succor man’s distress
7. Teach us delight in simple things And mirth that has no bitter springs; Forgiveness free of evil done And love to all men ‘neath the sun!
8. Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride For whose dear sake our fathers died; O Motherland, we pledge to thee Head, heart, and hand through the years to be MHB 899
216 1. Let me walk just as Jesus walked Let me serve just as He served That I may give my whole being to you In this work You’ve appointed for me
Let Your fullness be seen in me (x2) Let Your Holy Spirit fill me now And let Your fullness be seen in me
2. My Lord Jesus, how Himself He humbled Walked completely in His perfection He went about doing good and wonders Fill me, Lord, till I overflow Seth Asare Ofei Badu
217 1. Let praises ring, Let praises ring, Lift voices up to love Him, Lift hearts and hands to touch Him O let praises ring. And fill the skies with anthems high That tell His excellencies As priests and kings who rule with Him Through all eternity;
Let praises ring, Let praises ring To our glorious king.
2. Let praises ring, Let praises ring, Bow down in adoration, Cry out His exaltation, O let praises ring. And lift the Name above all names Till every nation knows The love of God has come to men, His mercies overflow
218 Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me All His wonderful passion and purity
Oh Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.
219 Let the Fire fall The Fire of Pentecost Let it fall now May it consume sin Cleanse us of every guilt Make us whole again Placed on the altar Prepared to be offered Send a burning coal Let the Fire fall Placed on the altar Prepared to be offered Burn every chaff in us Make us whole again Opoku Onyinah
220 Let the fire fall on me Let the fire fall on me Lord God, let your fire fall That I may be a vessel A vessel of honour to You Let your fire, fire fall Grace Gakpetor
221 Let there be love shared among us Let there be love in our eyes, May now your love sweep this nation, Cause us, O Lord to arise Give us a fresh understanding Of brotherly love that is real, Let there be love shared among us Let there be love. Dave Billbrough, BBC Songs 364
222 / H W X V W D O N O H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W - H V X V
Talk about Him today, Talk about Him tomorrow / H W X V W D O N O H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W Jesus / H W ¶ V W D O N D E R X W - H V X V D O Z D \ s
1. Jesus, the Son of God, Wonderful One Great Counsellor, the Prince of Peace Saviour of the world He’s my Lord and my God Let’s talk about Jesus always
2. Jesus came from on high, lived without sin,
Was crucified, rose from the dead Has gone above And is coming again Let’s talk about Jesus always Seth Asare Ofei Badu
223 1. Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He is kind;
For His mercies shall endure, ever faithful, ever sure
2. Let us sound His name abroad For of gods He is The God;
3. He, with all-commanding might, Filled the new-made world with light;
4. All things living He doth feed, His full hand supplies their need;
5. He His chosen race did bless In the wasteful wilderness;
6. He hath with a piteous eye Looked upon our misery.
7. Let us then with gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for He is kind. John Milton RH 109
224 Let Your anointing fall on us; Let Your grace abound; Let Your Holy Power; Dwell upon us Translation of ³ 0 D Z R 1 J R V U D ´
Seth Asare Ofei Badu, PAN (T) 1253
225 1. Let your fire burn (x2) Sinful works consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Sinful works consume
2. Let Your fire burn (x2) Works of flesh consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Works of flesh consume
3. Let Your fire burn (x2) Weaknesses consume Let Your fire burn (x2) Weaknesses consume Translation of Ma Wo gya no nd1w
Grace Gakpetor
226 1. Let Your living water flow over my soul, Let your Holy Spirit come and take control,
Of every situation that has troubled my mind, All my cares and burdens on to you I roll. Father, Father, Father.
2. Give your life to Jesus, let Him fill your soul, Let Him take you in His arms and make you whole, As you give your life to Him, He'll set you free, You will live and reign with Him eternally. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
3. Come now Holy Spirit and take control, Hold me in your loving arms and make me whole, Wipe away all doubt and fear and take my pride, Draw me to your love and keep me by your side. Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.
4. Let your living water flow over my soul Let your Holy spirit come and take control,
Of every situation that has troubled my mind, All my cares and burdens onto you I roll. Father, Jesus, Spirit
227 1. Let Your Love so dwell in me That I’ll be rooted well in You That I may bear fruit as you desire That You may be pleased with me (x2)
Rooted in Love Bearing fruit Living your word Pleasing You That I may bear fruit as you desire That you may be pleased with me
2. Let Your word so dwell in me That with it I'll labour for you That I’II live your word Manifesting Christ That the world may see you in me. Rooted in love Bearing fruit Living your word
Pleasing you 7 K D W , ¶ O O O L Y H \ R X U Z R U G manifesting Christ That the world may see you in me
Augustus Blay Cobbinah
228 Lift Jesus higher! Lift Jesus higher! Lift Him up for far the world to see He said “if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me.”
229 Lift me up the higher mountain Into fellowship with You In your light I see a fountain And the blood that cleanses me
230 Light of God, lead me on; In my pilgrimage; Your guidance I need To be victorious E. K. Asamoah PAN (T) 1258
231 1. Like the woman at the well, I was seeking For things that could not satisfy
And then I heard my Saviour speaking “Draw from my well that never shall run dry”
Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, Come and quench this thirsting of my soul Bread of heaven Feed me till I want no more Fill my cup Fill it up and make me whole
2. There are millions in this world who are craving The pleasures earthly things afford But none can match the wondrous treasure That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.
3. So, my neighbor, if the things this world gave you Leave hungers that won’t pass away My blessed Lord will come and save you If you kneel to Him and humbly pray Richard E. Blanchard
232 Lord God Almighty, Alpha and Omega,
We love You, Lord, from the depths of our hearts (x2); Lord, You are worthy, Truly, You are holy, Exceeding in grace, You deserve all our praise, Your love is everlasting, We come to You trusting Your Lordship, Your Kingship, Your power and Your might, You are so awesome, It’s good to know that You are my Lord, I love you Lord, I really do (x2) Lord God Almighty, Alpha and Omega, We love You, Lord, from the depths of our hearts (x2) Gina Asante
233 1. Lord of heav'n and earth and sea To Thee all praise and glory be: How shall we show our love to Thee Who givest all?
2. Thou didst not spare Thine only Son,
But gav'st Him for a world undone; And freely with the blessed One Thou givest all?
3. We lose what on ourselves we spend We have a treasure without end Whatever Lord to Thee we lend. Who givest all;
4 To thee from whom we all derive Our life our gifts our power to give! O may we ever with Thee live Who givest all?
5. Thou giv'st the Spirit blessed dower Spirit of life, and love and power. And dost His sevenfold graces shower Upon us all.
6. For souls redeemed. For sins forgiven For means of grace and hopes of heaven
Father all praise to Thee be given Who givest all? C. Wordworth - RH 33
234 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving, I will be a living sanctuary for you
235 Lord, reign here in my heart Lord, reign here in Your church Let all the peoples see your grace O reign here, Prince of peace Lord, reign in every heart Lord reign in every land And let Your peace cover the earth O reign here, Prince of peace Seth Asare Ofei Badu
236 1. Lord, Thy Word abideth And our footsteps guideth, Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth
2. When our foes are near us Then Thy Word doth cheer us, Word of consolation, Message of salvation.
3. When the storms are o’er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth.
4. Who can tell the pleasure, Who recount the treasure, By Thy word imparted To the simple-hearted?
5. Word of mercy, giving Succour to the living Word of life, supplying Comfort to the dying!
6. O that we, discerning Its most holy learning, Lord, may love and fear Thee, Evermore be near Thee! H. W. Baker MHB 308
237 1. Low in the grave he lay... Jesus, my saviour! Waiting the coming day- Jesus, my Lord!
8 S I U R P W K H J U D Y H K H D U R V H «
With a mighty triumph o'er + L V I R H V «
He arose, a victor from the dark domain, And he lives forever with his saints to reign He arose!... He arose! .. Hallelujah! Christ arose!
2. Vainly they watch his bed Jesus, my saviour! Vainly, they seal the dead Jesus, my Lord!
3. Death cannot keep his prey Jesus, my saviour! He tore the bars away Jesus, my Lord! Robert Lowry - RH.186
238 Majesty, worship His majesty; Unto Jesus be all glory, honour and praise; Majesty, kingdom authority, Flows from His throne unto his own, His anthem raise, So exalt, lift up on high
The name of Jesus; Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the king Majesty, worship His majesty; Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings. Jack Williams Hayford - PH 341
239 1. "Man of sorrows", what a name! For the son of God who came Ruined sinners to reclaim! Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
2. Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned he stood; Sealed my pardon with his blood; Hallelujah! What a saviour!
3. Guilty, vile and helpless we, Spotless lamb of God was he; "Full atonement, can it be? Hallelujah! What a saviour!
4. Lifted up was he to die, "It is finished" was his cry; Now in heaven exalted high; Hallelujah! What a saviour!
5. When he comes, our glorious King. All his ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing; Hallelujah! What a saviour! P P Bliss - RH 170
240 1. Master speak! Thy servant heareth Waiting for thy gracious word, Longing for thy voice that cheereth Master, let it now be heard. I am listening, Lord, for thee; What hast Thou to say to me!
2. Speak to me by name O master, Let me know it is to me, Speak, that I may follow faster, With a step more firm and free, Where the shepherd leads the flock In the shadow of the rock.
3. Master speak! Though least and lowest. Let me not unheard depart; Master, speak for oh, Thou knowest
All the yearning of my heart, Knowest all its truest need; Speak! And make me blest indeed.
4. Master, speak and make me ready, When thy voice is truly heard, With obedience glad and steady, Still to follow every word, I am listening Lord, for Thee, Master, speak, oh, speak to me! Frances R. Havergal RH. 487
241 May Your Will be done, oh my Lord May your will be done in my life At your feet I fall, oh my Lord May your will be done Nothing in my hand I bring To your cross I cling, oh my Lord In mercy take me in, just as I am May your will be done in my life Opoku Onyinah
242 Mighty revival’s coming so soon Mighty revival’s falling on His Church, Quickening and waking dead souls alive; Glory! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
243 Mighty warrior, man of valour; Children of grace, children of peace; Blow the trumpet in Zion; Let the weak say I am strong; Victory, great victory; The army of the Lord marches on Samuel Tetteh Doku
244 1. More about Jesus would I know More of His grace to others show More of His saving fullness see More of His love who died for me
More, more about Jesus More, more about Jesus More of His saving fullness see More of His love who died for me.
2. More about Jesus let me learn More of His holy will discern Spirit of God my teacher be Showing the things of Christ to me.
3. More about Jesus, in His Word Holding communion with my Lord Hearing His voice in every line Making each faithful saying mine.
4. More about Jesus on His throne Riches in glory all His own More of His kingdom’s sure increase More of His coming, Prince of Peace. Eliza Edmunds Hewitt
245 More and more, I want to magnify Thy name More and more, I want to spread abroad Thy fame More and more, O make my life a living flame Melt my heart, precious Lord, more and more.
246 1. My faith has found a resting place, Not in device nor creed; I trust the Ever-living one, His wounds for me shall plead. I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that he died for me
2. Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul I come to him He'll never cast me out
3. My heart is leaning on the word, The written word of God, Salvation by my saviour's name, Salvation through his blood.
4. My great Physician heals the sick The lost he came to save: For me His precious blood he shed, For me His life he gave R.H 377, L.H.E'dmonds
247 My heart is so full is so full, is so full My heart is so full , ¶ Y H W D N H Q D E D W K L Q W K H cleansing wave, , ¶ Y H W U X V W H G L Q - H V X V W K H mighty to save, My heart is so full, is so full, is so full. PH 47
248 1. My heart was distressed ‘Neath Jehovah’s dread frown, And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay, Who tenderly brought Me out to golden day He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, Hallelujah!
2. He placed me upon the strong Rock by his side, my steps were established and here I’ll abide: No danger of falling while here I remain, But stand by His grace until the crown I gain.
3. He gave me a song ‘Twas a new song of praise; By day and by night Its sweet notes I will raise; My heart’s overflowing. I’m happy and free; I’ll praise my Redeemer, Who has rescued me
4. I’ll sing of his wonderful mercy to me, I’ll praise him till all men His goodness shall see; I’ll sing of salvation
at home and abroad, Till many shall hear the truth and trust in God.
5. I’ll tell of the pit With it’s gloom and despair I’ll praise the dear father Who answered my prayer, I’ll sing my new song, the glad story of love, then join in the chorus with the saints above. Henry J. Zelley
249 1. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand
2. When darkness seems to veil his face; I rest on his unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
3. His oath, his covenant, and blood, Support me in the 'whelming flood When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay
4. When he shall come with trumpet sound. Oh, may I then in Him be found: Dressed in his righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. Edward Mote - RH 378
250 1. My Jesus, I love Thee I know Thou art mine For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign; My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour, art Thou If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.
2. I love thee because thou hast first loved me
And purchased my pardon when nailed to tree I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow If ever I loved Thee, My Jesus, ‘tis now.
3. I’ll love Thee in life I will love Thee in death And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath And say, should the death- dew lie cold on my brow if ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now!
4. In mansions of glory and endless delight; I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing, with the glittering crown On my brow; “If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now; RH 524
251 My redeemer is Jesus, He is the friend of the lost. I was lost and He found me, He has restored all my joy. Jesus Christ is my story, my story is Jesus Christ. (x2) M.L. Awuku
252 1. My strength is waning away Worthless are the counsel of flesh and blood My hope is built on You, my Strength I need you, I need you. 2. I’m hard pressed on every side Utterly burdened beyond my strength I rely on you, who raise the dead I need you, I need you 3. There’s fear and terror everywhere My friends are helpless as sinking sand You are my anchor, my Stronghold I need you, I need you 4. I’ve come to the end of myself Nothing do I hide from you my Lord Clothe me with your very self, my Righteousness I need you, I need you Opoku Onyinah
253 My soul is seeking after you My creator and my God My soul desires your fellowship Hold my hand commune with me That I’ll know you, that I’ll know you Hold my hand commune with me To be like you, to be like you Hold my hand commune with me. Translation R I ³ P H N U D U H S U H ´
Grace Gakpetor
254 My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord, My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord Rejoice and praise the Lord My soul, rejoice and praise the Lord, Rejoice and praise the Lord PH 255 255 1. Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer to thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to thee, Nearer to thee.
2. Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams l'd be Nearer, my God to thee, Nearer to thee!
3. There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that thou send'st to me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee!
4. Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with thy praise Out of my stony griefs Bethel l'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee!
5. Or if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upwards I fly, Still all my songs shall be Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee! RH. 400, Sarah F. Adams
256 1. Now I feel the sacred fire, Kindling, flaming, glowing Higher still, and rising higher, All my soul o’er flowing Life immortal I receive; Oh, the wondrous story! I was dead, but now I live, Glory! Glory! Glory!
2. Now I am from bondage freed Every bond is riven Jesus makes me free indeed, Just as free as heaven; ‘Tis a glorious liberty, Oh, the wondrous story; I was bound, but now I’m free Glory! Glory! Glory!
3. Let the testimony roll, Roll through every nation
Witnessing from soul to soul This immense salvation Now I know it’s full and free Oh, the wondrous story! For I feel it saving me Glory! glory! glory!
4. Glory be to God on high Glory be to Jesus He hath brought salvation nigh From all sin He frees us; Let the golden harps of God, Ring the wondrous story; Let the pilgrims shout aloud Glory! Glory! Glory!
5. Let the trump of jubilee The glad tidings thunder, Jesus sets the captives free, Bursts their bonds asunder, Fetters break and dungeons fall Oh, the wondrous story This salvation’s free to all Glory! Glory! Glory! RH 216
257 1. Now thank we all our God. With hearts, and hands, and voices; Who wondrous things hath done
In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers’ arms Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love And still is ours to-day
2. O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever-joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us, And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next
3. All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven The one, eternal God Whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now And shall be evermore. Martin Rincart Trans: Catherine Winkworth RH 50
258 1. Now the labourer’s task is o’er, Now the battle-day is past; Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last.
2. There the tears of earth are dried; There its hidden things are clear; There the work of life is tried By a juster Judge than here
3. There the Shepherd, bringing home Many a lamb forlorn and strayed, Shelters each, no more to roam, Where the wolf can ne’er invade
4. There the penitents who turn To the cross their dying eyes All the love of Jesus learn At His feet in paradise
5. There no more the powers of hell Can prevail to mar their peace; Christ the Lord shall guard them well He who died for their release
6. Earth to earth, and dust to dust! Calmly now the words we say; Left behind, we wait in trust For the resurrection day John Ellerton, 1826-93 Methodist-Hymn book 976
259 1. O, come, all ye faithful Joyful and triumphant Come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him Born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him O come, let us adore him O come, let us adore him Christ the Lord!
2. True God of true God Light of light eternal Lo! He abhors not the Virgin's womb Son of the Father, Begotten, not created.
3. Sing choirs of angels Sing in exultation Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above, Glory to God in the highest
4. Yea, Lord we greet Thee Born this happy morning; Jesus, to Thee be glory given Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing Anonymous, 17th or 18 cent. Tr. Frederick Oakeley (1802-80) MHB 118
260 O, dear Lord, we praise your name, Forever be magnified; We bless You, Lord; and worship You, All power belongs to You. Translation Awurade, yeyi : ¶ D \ 0 \ 0 N D P I R : R G D D G D D nyinaa
261 O’ God I come before You I cannot do without You I need You every time so that I will be strengthened Holy Spirit fill me to the brim that I will work in Your service Holy Spirit fill me to the brim Use me now and evermore. E. K. Asamoah
262 1. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home.
2. Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defence is sure.
3. Before the hills in order stood Or earth received her frame From everlasting Thou art God To endless years the same.
4. A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun.
5. The busy tribes of flesh and blood With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in flowing years.
6. Time like an ever rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day.
7. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last And our eternal home. Isaac Watts - RH. 104
263 O Halleluia! we bless your Holy name O, Halleluia! we worship thee O Lord When we look upon thine throne How wonderful you are O, Halleluia! we worship thee O, Lord Rosina Aninkora
264 1. O happy day, that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad
Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me how to watch and pray $ Q G O L Y H U H M R L F L Q J H Y ¶ U \ G D \
Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away!
2. ‘Tis done, the great transaction’s done! I am my Lord’s and He is mine; He drew me and I followed on
Charmed to confess the voice divine.
3. Now rests my long-divided heart, Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart With Him of every good possessed
4. High heaven, that heard the solemn vow That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life’s latest hour I bow And bless in death a bond so dear. P. Doddridge - RH 619
265 1. O Jesus I have promised To serve thee to the end; Be thou for ever near me, My master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle If thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If thou wilt be my guide
2. O let me feel thee near me: the world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle The tempting sounds I hear;
My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But Jesus, draw thou nearer And shield my soul from sin.
3. O let me hear thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will O speak to reassure me, To hasten, or control; Oh speak, and make me listen
4. O Jesus, thou hast promised to all who follow thee-that where thou art in glory There shall thy servant be; And Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end O give me grace to follow, my master and my friend
5. O let me see thy footmarks. And in them plant mine own; My hope to follow duly Is in thy strength alone O guide me, call me, draw me, Uphold me to the end; And then in heaven receive me, My Saviour and my friend. J.E. Bode, BBC Songs of Praise 339
266 1. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works thy hand hath made I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee How great thou art, how great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee How great thou art, how great thou art!
2. When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze
3. And when I think that God his Son not sparing Sent him to die - I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin;
4. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart Then shall I bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim my God, how great thou art! Tr. Stuart K. Hine
267 O magnify the Lord For He is worthy to be praised, O magnify the Lord For He is worthy to be praised Hosanna! Blessed be the rock And may the God of my salvation be exalted Hosanna! Blessed be the rock And may the God of my salvation be exalted PH 302
268 1. O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There's a light for a look at the Saviour, And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.
2. Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there Over us sin no more hath dominion- For more than conquerors we are!
3. His Word shall not fail you-He promised; Believe Him, and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell! Helen H. Lemmel P.H. 81
269 1. O, sweet wonder O, sweet wonder Jesus the Son of God How, I adore you O how, I love you Jesus the Son of God
2. Do you know Jesus Our Lord, our Saviour Jesus, the son of God How I adore you Oh how I love you Jesus, the son of God
270 1. O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in O Lord, I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in!
2. O when they crown him Lord of all O when they crown him Lord of all
O Lord, I want to be in that number When they crown him Lord of all. 3. O when all knees bow at his name O when all knees bow at his name O Lord, I want to be in that number When all knees bow at his name
4. O when they sing the Saviour's praise O when they sing the Saviour's praise O Lord, I want to be in that number O when they sing the Saviour's praise
5. O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in O Lord, I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in BBC Songs 203
271 1. O worship the King All glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our shield and Defender. The Ancient of Days Pavilioned in splendour, And girded with prais 2. O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light Whose canopy space His chariots of wrath The deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path On the wings of the storm.
3. Thy bountiful care What tongue can recite? It breathes in the air. It shines in the light It streams from the hills It descends to the plain And sweetly distils In the dew and the rain
4. Frail children of dust. And feeble as frail; In Thee do we trust. Nor find Thee to fail: Thy mercies how tender How firm to the end Our Maker, Defender. Redeemer and Friend
5. O measureless might! Ineffable Love! While angels delight To hymn Thee above. The Humbler creation Though feeble their lays. With true adoration Shall lisp to Thy praise R. Grant RH 10
272 1. O Ye sons of God, sing halleluia’ To Jesus Christ, the Son of God; He is King of kings and Lord of lords. So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
2. All ye saints of the Lord, arise and shine Your light is come through Jesus Christ He is Prince of peace, Saviour wonderful; So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
3. Lamb of Calvary , no sinful man, He lived and died, for you and me;
There is victory for ever more! So sing Halleluia to the Messiah!
4. Sing Halleluia! Shout Halleluia! Watch halleluia! Pray halleluia! Dance halleluia! Everything halleuia! So sing halleluia to the Messiah PH 243
273 1. Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer’s praise The Glories of my God and King The triumphs of His grace!
2. My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honour of Thy name
3. Jesus! The name that charms our fears
That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life and health and peace.
4. He breaks the power of cancelled sin He sets the pris'ner free; His blood can make the foulest clean His blood availed for me.
5. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy! Charles Wesley, RH 8
274 Oh glory! Oh glory! What rapture is mine The King in His beauty I see I’m singing His praises Since Jesus divine extended His mercies to me
275 1. Oh, teach me what it meaneth
That cross uplifted high, With one-the Man of sorrow- Condemned to bleed and die! Oh, teach me what it cost Thee To make a sinner whole; And teach me, Saviour, teach me The value of a soul! (x2)
2. Oh, teach me what it meaneth That sacred crimson tide- The blood and water flowing From Thine own wounded side Teach me that if none other Had sinned, but I alone, Yet still, thy blood, Lord Jesus, Thine only, must atone. (x2)
3. Oh, teach me what it meaneth Thy love beyond compare, The love that reacheth deeper Than depths of self-despair! Yea, teach me, till there gloweth In this cold heart of mine Some feeble, pale reflection Of that pure love of Thine (x2)
4. Oh, teach me, what it meaneth, For I am full of sin; And grace alone can reach me, And love alone can win. Oh, teach me, for I need Thee, I have no hope beside-
The chief of all the sinners For whom the saviour died!
5. O infinite Redeemer! I bring no other plea, Because Thou dost invite me I cast myself on Thee. Because thou dost accept me I love and adore; Because Thy love constraineth, I’ll praise Thee evermore! Lucy Ann Bennett
276 O the sweet and wonderful rest O the sweet and wonderful rest Found in Jesus, in Jesus Sweet and wonderful rest Quintet
277 1. Oh, what a wonderful wonderful day, Day I will never forget, After I’d wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Saviour I met Oh, what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart; Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling
He made all the darkness depart!
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul When at the Cross the Saviour made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!
2. Born of the Spirit with life from above Into God’s family divine; Justified fully through Calvary’s love Oh, what a standing is mine! And the transaction so quickly was made When as a sinner I came Took of the offer of grace He did proffer He saved me, Oh, praise His dear Name
3. Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure After the passing of time; I have a future in Heaven for sure, There in those mansions sublime And it’s because of that wonderful day
When at the Cross I believed; Riches eternal and blessings supernal From His righteous hand I received John W. Peterson Living Songs 70
278 1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suffering and shame And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown
2. O, the old rugged cross, so despised by the world Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left his glory above To bear it to dark Calvary.
3. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine A wondrous beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died To pardon and sanctify me
4. To the old rugged cross I will ever be true Its shame and reproach gladly bear, Then he'll call me some day to my home far away, When his glory for ever I'll share George Bernard (1873-1958) BBC Songs 88
279 On the day of Pentecost In the upper room Where the saints had gathered To tarry for the Spirit Revival broke out The Holy Ghost descended And Peter preached And three thousand souls were saved Oh mighty revival, the power of the Spirit The promise of the Lord has been fulfilled And so revival broke out
The Holy Ghost descended And Peter preached and three thousand souls were saved
280 1. Onward Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before Christ, the Royal Master Leads against the foe; Forward into battle See His banners go
Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching as to War With the Cross of Jesus Going on before
2. At the sign of truimph Satan’s host doth flee; On then, Christian soldiers On to Victory! Hell’s foundations quiver At the shout of praise Brothers, lift your voices Loud your anthems raise.
3. Like a mighty army Moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod, We are not divided All one body we
One in hope in doctrine One in charity.
4. Crowns and thrones may perish Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain Gates of hell can never ‘Gainst that church prevail; We have Christ’s own promise and that cannot fail.
5. Onward then, ye people Join our happy throng Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song “Glory, laud and honour, Unto Christ the King” This, through countless ages, Men and angels sing. Baring-Gould - MHB 822
281 Open my eyes, Lord I want to see Jesus. To reach out and touch him And say that I love Him Open my ears, Lord And help me to listen Open my eyes, Lord I want to see Jesus Robert Call
282 Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord Our mighty tower is the Lord He’s been our shield and hiding Place; Our mighty tower is the Lord. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ < 0 Q D E D Q N 0 V H Q H < H K R Z D ´
283 1. Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into thy freedom, gladness, and light, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of my sickness into thy health Out of my want and into thy wealth, Out of my sin and into thyself, Jesus, I come to Thee.
2 Out of my shameful failure and loss, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the glorious gain of Thy cross Jesus, I come, to Thee; Out of earth’s sorrows into Thy balm,
Out of my want and into thy wealth Out of life’s storms and into Thy calm, Jesus, I come to Thee.
3. Out of unrest and arrogant pride Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into Thy blessed will to abide, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of myself to dwell in Thy love Out of despair into raptures above, Upward for aye on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Thee.
4. Out of the fear and dread of the tomb, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the joy and light of my home Jesus, I come, to Thee; Out of the depths of ruin untold Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold, Ever Thy glorious face to behold Jesus, I come to Thee. W.E. Witter - RH 416
284 1. Over the river they call me, Friends that are dear to my heart Soon shall I meet them in glory, Never, no never to part.
Over the river to Eden, Home to their dwelling so fair; Angels will carry me safely. Jesus will welcome me there.
2. Over the river they call me, Hark, ’tis their voices I hear, Borne on the wings of the twilight, Murmuring softly and clear.
3. Over the river, how lovely, There is no sorrow nor night; There they are walking with Jesus, Clothed in His garment of light
4. Over the river they call me, Watching with glad, beaming eyes; Over the river I’m coming, Joyful my spirit replies. Fanny J. Crosby
285 1. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling Do not pass me by
Saviour, Saviour Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling. Do not pass me by
2. Let me, at Thy throne of mercy Find a sweet relief, Kneeling there in deep contrition Help my unbelief.
3. Trusting only in Thy merit would I seek Thy face, Heal my wounded, broken spirit Save me by Thy grace
4. Thou, the spring of all my comfort, More than life to me Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heaven but Thee? Fanny J. Crosby - RH 314
286 1. Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within
2. Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed? To do the will of Jesus, this is rest
3. Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus' bosom naught but calm is found.
4. Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away? In Jesus' keeping we are safe and they.
5. Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown Jesus we know, and He is on the throne.
6. Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers
7. It is enough; earth's struggles soon shall cease, And Jesus calls us to Heaven's perfect peace. E.H. Bickersteth - RH.529
287 1. Pleasant are Thy courts above, In the land of light and love; Pleasant are Thy courts below In this land of sin and woe, Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy Saints For the brightness of Thy face For Thy fullness, God of Grace!
2. Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars, O Most High! Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father’s breast! Like the wandering dove that found No repose on earth around They can to their ark repair And enjoy it ever there.
3. Happy souls! Their praises flow Even in this vale of woe; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies
On they go from strength to strength Till they reach Thy throne at length; At Thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all.
4. Lord, be mine this prize to win Guide me through a world of sin; Keep me by Thy saving grace; Give me at Thy side a place Sun and shield alike Thou art; Guide and guard my erring heart; Grace and glory flow from Thee; Shower, Oh shower them, Lord on me! H.F. Lyte - RH. 100
288 Pour out your Spirit on me Ignite your fire in me Touch and make me anew My Lord Jesus Touch and make me anew My Lord Jesus Grace Gakpetor
289 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below, Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Thomas Ken (1637-1711) BBC songs 172
290 Praise Him, praise Him Praise Him, Praise Him Jesus, blessed saviour Is worthy to be praised From the rising of the sun Unto the going down of the same He’s worthy, Jesus is worthy He’s worthy, to be praised Praise Him, praise Him, Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus, blessed saviour Is worthy to be praised
291 1. Praise to the holiest in the height, And in the depth be praise: In all his words most wonderful, Most sure in all his ways.
2. O loving wisdom of our God! When all was sin and shame,
A second Adam to the fight, And to the rescue came.
3. O wisest love that flesh and blood Which did in Adam fail, Should strive afresh against the foe, Should strive and should prevail.
4. And that a higher gift than grace should flesh and blood refine; God’s presence, and his very self And essence all-divine
5. O generous love that he, who smote In man for man the foe, The double agony in man For man should undergo
6. And in the garden secretly, And on the cross on high Should teach his brethren, and inspire To suffer and to die
7. Praise to the holiest in the height And in the depth be praise
In all his words most wonderful Most sure in all his ways J.H Newman, RH 28
292 1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty The King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation; Come ye who hear, Brothers and sisters, draw near, Praise him in glad adoration!
2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things So wondrously reigneth Shelters thee under his wings, yea So gently sustaineth, Hast thou not seen All that is needful hath been Granted in what he ordaineth?
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper Thy work and defend thee! Surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee; Ponder anew All the Almighty can do He who with love doth befriend thee.
4. Praise to the Lord, who when tempests their warfare are waging, Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging Biddeth them cease, Turneth their fury to peace, Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.
5. Praise to the Lord, who when darkness of sin is abounding, Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding, Sheddeth his light, Chaseth the horrors of night, Saints with his mercy surrounding.
6. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him All that hath life and breath Come now with praises before him! Let the Amen sound from his people again Gladly for aye we adore him! Joachim Neander (1650-80) Tr. Catherine Winkworth (1827-78) and others BBC Songs 19
293 1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven To His feet thy tribute bring; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like thee His praise should sing? Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise the everlasting King
2. Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress; Praise Him, still the same for ever, Slow to chide and swift to bless; Praise Him! Praise Him! Glorious in His faithfulness.
3. Father-like He tends and spares us, Well our feeble frame he knows; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes; Praise Him! Praise Him! Widely as His mercy flows.
4. Angels, help us to adore Him! Ye behold Him face to face; Sun and moon, bow down before Him; Dwellers all in time and space, Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise with us the God of grace. RH 5, H.F Lyte
294 Praises to the Lamb of God, Who shed His blood on the cross To redeem my soul from sin, For His heavenly home, Thank You, Jesus Praises to Thy name; (x2) O my Lord deep in my heart Render my thanks to Thee
295 Prepare me, Lord, prepare me, Prepare me for Your work (x2) Souls are perishing, their lives being destroyed; Their walls are demolished, Captured by their foes, Prepare me for Your work. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I < 0 P H N U D G R Q D V R P D P ¶
296 1. Preserve my life, keep me Ever at Your feet to sit
Bind me to Your will, Your will alone Oh Lord
2. The work of my salvation You wrought before I was born
3. This divine call of mine Tis a heavenly call
4. You’ve called me, Lord to be Co-servant in your work
5. Relieve me of my will For in my will is death 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ . R U D P H Q N Z D ´
Eunice Johnson, 2007
297 1. Purify my heart Let me be as gold And precious silver Purify my heart Let me be as gold Pure gold
Refiner's fire My heart's one desire Is to be holy Set apart for You, Lord I choose to be holy Set apart for You, My Master Ready to do Your will
2. Purify my heart Cleanse me from within And make me holy Purify my heart Cleanse me from my sin Deep within Brian Doerksen
298 Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me, Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me Captivate my heart, Let your Kingdom come Establish there your throne Let your will be done! Reign in me, Sovereign Lord, reign in me Reign in me Sovereign Lord, Reign in me Chris Bowater BBC Songs 158
299 Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice Rejoice, rejoice And again I say rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say, rejoice PH 37
300 1. Rejoice, the Lord is king, Your Lord and king adore, Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore;
Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
2. Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love When he had purged our stains, He took his seat above; Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
3. His kingdom cannot fail; He rules o'er earth and heaven; The keys of death and hell Are to our saviour given; Lift up your heart; lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice!
4. Rejoice in glorious hope Jesus the judge shall come, And take his servants up To their eternal home We soon shall hear the archangel's voice The trump of God shall sound, rejoice! Charles Wesley - RH.195
301 1. Rescue the perishing Care for the dying Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave Weep o’er the erring one Lift up the fallen Tell them of Jesus The Mighty to save Rescue the perishing Care for the dying Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save
2. Though they are slighting Him Still He is waiting Waiting the penitent child to receive, Plead with them earnestly Plead with them gently. He will forgive, if they only believe
3. Down in the human heart Crushed by the tempter Feelings lie buried that grace can restore Touched by a loving hand, Wakened by kindness Chords that were broken will Vibrate once more.
4. Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it;
Strength for thy labour the Lord will provide Back to the narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wand’rer a Saviour has died Fanny J. Crosby - RH 561
302 Revive me, O Lord Let Your Spirit lead me So that I may know Your way So that I will do Your will Justice Nana Aggrey
303 1. Revive Thy work, O Lord Thy mighty arm make bare; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear!
Revive Thy work, O Lord While here to Thee we bow; Descend, O gracious Lord descend, Oh, come and bless us now!
2. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Disturb this sleep of death; Quicken the smouldering embers now By Thine Almighty breath.
3. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Create soul-thirst for Thee; And hungering for the bread of life, Oh may our spirit be!
4. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Exalt Thy precious name, And by the Holy Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine inflame Albert Midlane Err: F.J. Crosby - RH 246
304 Rise now upon your feet, Put on the armor of the Lord, There is victory for you. There is victory for those, Who will fight the fight of faith; A crown awaits those who endure, And eternal rest with Him P. B. Appiah-Adu Translation of ³ S re gyina Z œ D Q D P n so š
305 Rise, shine, give God the glory, Rise, shine, give God the glory Rise, shine, give God the glory, Soldiers of the Cross.
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ S re hyer 0n, fa D Q R X Q \ D P P D 2 Q \ D P H ´
PH 161
306 River of God, Full of grace Full of power and strength Invitation to all To come and swim I am swimming in the river of God Swimming in the river Swimming in the river I am swimming in the river of God Swimming in the river Swimming in the river I am swimming in the river of God Opoku Onyinah
307 1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee! Let the water and the blood, From thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure; Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
2. Not the labours of my hands, Can fulfil thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save and thou alone
3. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for grace Helpless, look to thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, saviour, or I die.
4. While I draw this fleeting breath When my eyelids close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See thee on thy judgement throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee A M Toplady RH 341
308 1. Saviour, blessed Saviour, Listen whilst we sing, Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King; All we have to offer, All we hope to be,.
Body, soul, and spirit All we yield to Thee.
2. Nearer, ever nearer Christ, we draw to Thee, Deep in adoration Bending low the knee: Thou, for our redemption, Cam’st on earth to die; Thou, that we might follow Hast gone up on high
3. Clearer still, and clearer Dawns the light from heaven, In our sadness bringing News of sin forgiven; Life has lost its shadows, Pure the light within Thou hast shed thy radiance On a world of sin
4. Onward, ever onward Journeying o’er the road Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to God; Leaving all behind us, May we hasten on Backward never looking till the prize is won
5. Higher, then, and higher Bear the ransomed soul, Earthly toils forgotten,
Saviour, to its goal; where, in joys unthought of, Saints with angels sing, Never, weary, raising Praises to their King. Golden Bells 25
309 1. Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Lord and know my thoughts, I pray, See if there be some wicked way in me; Cleanse me from ev’ry sin and set me free.
2. I praise thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin; Fulfil thy Word and make me pure within Fill me with fire where once I burned with shame; Grant my desire to magnify thy name.
3. Lord, take my life and make it wholly thine; Fill my poor heart with thy great love divine Take all my will, my passion, self, and pride,
I now surrender, Lord, in me abide.
4. O Holy Ghost, revival comes from thee; Send a revival-start the work in me Thy word declares thou will supply our need For blessings now, O Lord, I humbly plead. Edwin Orr - RH. 257
310 See the victory Granted in Jesus’ name We shall overcome See the victory Granted in Jesus’ name We shall overcome Surely, we shall overcome Surely, we shall overcome See the victory, we shall overcome Rosina Aninkorah
311 1. Seek ye first the kingdom of God And his righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you, Hallelu! Halleluia!
Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia! Hallelu! Halleluia!
2. Men shall not live by bread alone But by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God Hallelu! Halleluia!
3. Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto You; Hallelu! Halleluia! PH 97
312 Send us the Rain, Lord, send us the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain; We need the Rain, Lord, we need the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain. Healing the sick and raising the dead, Send us the Latter Rain; We need the Rain, Lord, we need the Rain, Send us the Latter Rain. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I 0 D \ 0 Q Q V X Q R E L P D \ 0 Q Q V X
PH 166
313 Show us Thy glory, O Lord, Show us Thy glory, O Lord; Let the dew of heaven bring us refreshing And show us thy glory once more. PH 118
314 1. Simply trusting everyday Trusting through a stormy way; Even, when my faith is small Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by; Trusting him what'er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all
2. Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While he leads I cannot fall; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
3. Singing if my way be clear; Praying if the path be drear; If in danger for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all.
4. Trusting Him while life shall last Trusting him till earth be past; Till within the jasper wall; Trusting Jesus that is all. E. Page - RH 480
315 Sing unto the Lord a new song Sing unto the Lord, all ye earth, Sing a holy song from your hearts Oh Hallelujah, the Lord, is king, Oh Hallelujah, Almighty king, Oh Hallelujah the Prince of peace, Wonderful, wonderful, Wonderful is the Lord Oh Hallelujah, the Lord is king
316 Smile, my brother, smile Though the days be long Smile, my brother, smile Let your heart be strong Dark are the days we are passing through
I know a friend who will keep you through And He’ll lead you all the while And you’ll smile, smile, smile. PH 80
317 1. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Calling for you and for me See on the portal He's waiting and watching Watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home, Ye who are weary come home; Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling Calling, "O sinner, come home!"
2. Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies Mercies for you and for me?
3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing Passing from you and from me, Shadows are gathering, death-beds are coming Coming for you and for me?
4. Oh, for the wonderful love He has promised Promised for you and for me Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon Pardon for you and for me Will Thompson PH 282
318 Sons of God, march forward In the power of the latter rain Sons of God, march forward, For Jesus is ever the same, Sons of God, march forward We are more than conqu'rors in His Name Sons of God, march forward, In the power of the latter rain RH 94
319 1. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eves; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in the sheaves! We shall come rejoicing Bringing in the sheaves! (x2)
2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows Fearing neither clouds nor winters chilling breeze By and by the harvest, and the labour ended We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves! Golden Bells 438
320 1. Speak to me now, my God Speak to me now, my God Lord I have opened my ears for you Speak to me now, my Lord Speak to me now.
2. Fill me now my God Fill me now my Lord I have emptied myself for you Fill me now, my Lord Fill me now.
321 1. Speak to me, Lord, speak, that I may hear Your servant waits upon you Longing for you to show me your ways That bring me eternal life If I daily keep your ways And I am obedient to you, I shall be like a vessel of honour prepared for every good work.
2. Speak to me, Lord, speak, let me hear you My ears are itching for your word Your word is full of power and might Your word shows me your good path If my ears are opened to you And I am obedient to you I shall be like a tree by streams of water yielding fruit in season
3. Speak to me, Lord speak, let there be light Your servant waits upon you Waiting for your own good direction
That brings me light on my path If I live in your light And I am obedient to you, I shall be like a light that shines to show the right ways in this dark world.
4. Speak to me, Lord, speak, speak so sweetly Your servant waits upon you Longing for your word that is so sweet Which soothes and comforts the heart If I walk in your good path And I am obedient to you I shall be like a tasty salt on earth that heals the world of sickness
5. Speak to me, Lord, speak, let me prosper Your servant waits upon you Longing for your very good statutes For they would make me prosper If your word dwells in my heart And I am obedient to you I shall be like a kinsman redeemer who brings life to his nation.
6. Speak to me, Lord, speak, to me in Christ I am looking unto Christ Fullness of Godhead in bodily form Perfection manifests in Christ If I lift Christ up on high And I am obedient to you I shall be like a true servant who draws all people to his Master
7. Speak to me, Lord, speak, show me your way Waiting on the Holy Spirit I am yielded to the Holy Spirit He 's the One who shows me your way If I follow his leadings And I am obedient to you I shall be like a good mentor who shows your way to generations Translation of Awurade Kasa by Opoku Onyinah
322 1. Spirit Divine, attend our prayers And make our hearts Thy home; Descend with all Thy gracious powers. O come, great Spirit, come.
2. Come as the light - to us reveal Our need of Thee below; And lead us in those paths of life Where all the righteous go.
3. Come as the fire - and purge our hearts With sacrificial flame; Let our whole self an offering be To our Redeemer’s name
4 Come as the dew - and sweetly bless This consecrated hour May barrenness rejoice to own Thy fertilising power.
5. Come as the Dove - and spread Thy wings The wings of peaceful love; And let Thy Church on earth become Blest as the Church above.
6. Come as the wind - with rushing sound And Pentecostal grace; That all of woman born may see The glory of Thy face A Reed, RH 210
323 Spirit of God, take full control I surrender to your lead So that I will what you will And do what you do Opoku Onyinah
324 Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh on me. Daniel Iverson PH 54
325 1. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner It must not suffer loss, From vict’ry unto vict’ry His army shall he lead Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed.
2. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day; Ye that are men now serve Him
Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose.
3. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own, Put on the gospel armour, And watching unto prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there.
4. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle The next the victor’s song; To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the king of glory Shall reign eternally. RH 438 G. Duffield
326 Sweep over my soul, Sweep over my soul Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul; My rest is complete as I sit at Thy feet, Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul. Rev. A. H. Ackley Translation of B bra me kra do PH 171
327 1. Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee, Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise
2. Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee.
3. Take my voice and let me sing Always! Only, for my King Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages for Thee.
4. Take my silver and my gold; Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose
5. Take my will and make it Thine It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne.
6. Take my love; my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure-store; Take myself and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. RH 582 Frances Ridley Havergal
328 1. Tarry for the Spirit He shall come in showers, Energising wholly All your ransomed powers; Signs shall follow service In the Holy Ghost, Then the Church of Jesus Prove a mighty host
On, then, Church of Jesus Claim your Pentecost: God shall now baptise thee In the Holy Ghost
2. Rivers is Thy promise, This shall be our plea Less than this can never Meet our cry for Thee; Tired of lukewarm service,
And the loss it brings We would live entirely For eternal things
3. When the Spirit cometh Loosened lips shall tell, Of the wondrous blessing Which upon them fell; Life of Jesus springing Like a well within Hearts with loud hosannas Constantly shall ring.
4. When with joy we follow In Christ’s triumph train, and our lives are flooded With the Latter Rain; Then the world around us Shall the impact feel, Of a Church with vision Fired with holy zeal.
5. Then the Lord of glory Shall be magnified, He who trod the winepress, fully satisfied: Walking in the Spirit, Condemnation o’er Blessed Life of worship, Now and evermore. E.C.W Boulton RH 235
329 Thank You, my Lord Thank You, Father Thank You, for the blessings from above Lord I thank you, Lord I thank you Thank You for the abundant grace Rosina Aninkora
330 That day of Pentecost; The source of Divine Power; Came down from above; To revive the Church Revival, revival, revival, revival Revival, revival, revival has come today Peter Adjei
331 The Ancient Pentecost Power Is still with us today (2x) All you need to do: take the Word of God; Make some time to fast, daily watch and pray When you wait on the Lord in fervent pray’r Then you’ll see the Ancient Pow’r 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 7 H W H 3 H Q W H N R V W H 7 X P L Q R ´
Eunice Johnson
332 1. The blood that Jesus shed for me Way back on Calvary The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power
It reaches to the highest mountain And it flows to the lowest valley The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power.
2. It soothes my doubts and calms my fears And it dries all my tears The blood that gives me strength From day to day It will never lose its power. Andree Crouche
333 The Church is marching on The Church is marching on; The gates of hell shall not prevail, The Church is marching on. Eunice Addison PH 340
334 1. The Church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; She is his new creation By water and the word; From heaven he came and sought her To be his holy bride With his own blood he bought her And for her life he died
2. Elect from every nation Yet one o’er all the earth Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth: One holy name she blesses Partakes one holy food And to one hope she presses With every grace endured.
3. Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore oppressed By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed, Yet saints their watch are keeping Their cry goes up ‘How long? And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of songs
4. ‘Mid toil, and tribulation, and tumult of her war She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore; ‘Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest And the great Church victorous Shall be the Church at rest.
5. Yet she on earth hath union With God the three in One And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we, Like them, the meek and lowly On high may dwell with thee. Samuel John Stone - RH 682
335 The cloud of glory is moving Move with the cloud Move with the cloud Let your spirit arise And your mouth filled with praise Come, let us worship together And wherever He will be New heights will be achieved Move with the cloud (x2)
336 The conqueror in whose camp I am is my Lord Jesus The Mighty One in whose camp I am is my Lord Jesus He overcame the evil one And He overcame this very world And that is why I am victorious in all I do (x2) Seth Asare Ofei Badu
337 1. The day Thou gavest, Lord is ended. The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
2. We thank Thee that Thy church unsleeping While earth rolls onward into light Through all the world her watch is keeping And rests not now by day or night.
3. As o’er each continent and island
The dawn leads on another day. The voice of prayer is never silent Nor dies the strain of praise away.
4. The sun that bids us rest is waking Our brethren ‘neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
5. So be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never, Like earth’s proud empires pass away; Thy kingdom stands and grows forever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway. John Ellerton, RH 798
338 The Fire is burning in my soul The fire is burning in my soul; The flame of glory maketh whole, Hallelujah! It’s burning in my soul. Hugh Mitchell - PH 26
339 The fire will never die The fire will never die The fire will never die Never die, Never die Jesus’ fire will never die 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 2 J \ D Q R U H Q Q X P G D ´
340 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob He is the same to you and me He is a mighty God Wonderful God today and evermore Rosina Aninkora
341 The heavens are all Yours And all the earth is Yours There is no other king like You Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! Reign O Lord! 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ $ soro y 1 Z R G H ´
342 The Lord has set the fire of Pentecost This fire will never die
The Pentecost fire burns The Pentecost fire burns It’s ablaze in my heart, everyday It’s ablaze, it’s ablaze, ablaze The fire burns, it will never die The fire burns, it will never die The fire burns, it will never die The Pentecost fire burns 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ™ $ Z X U D G H D V 3 H Q W H N R V W H * \ D Q š E \ Ebenezer Amissah Bimpong
343 The Lord is mighty, in power and strength The Lord is mighty, in all His works The Lord is Mighty, in all He does The Lord, the Lord, Most High (x2) You are the Lord, the Faithful one Who keeps us on, to the very end None is like you, in power and strength You are the Lord, the Faithful one. Opoku Onyinah 344 The Lord is the defender of the helpless; He is the protector of the vulnerable; A mighty rock and a solid fortress The hope of the hopeless has loved you. Peter Adjei
345 1. The Lord is the Sovereign One He knows and weighs everything He does I bow to him in humility May His will be accomplished
It is the Lord; I look up to Him Nothing can I offer to please Him I look to Him for grace and mercy It is the Lord; may His will be done
2. The Lord is the First and the Last No One can change His sovereign will He brings one down and lifts another up May He cause me to do His will
3. The Lord is the King of kings He delights not just in sacrifice He seeks to cap-ti-vate my heart And use me to accomplish His will
4. The Lord is the All-knowing One He shows no sign of injustice He bestows gifts freely to all His Will shall certainly be done Opoku Onyinah
346 1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’II not want He makes me lie in pastures green, He leads me by the still, still waters, His goodness restores my soul.
And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. (Descent) I will trust, I will trust in You. I will trust, I will trust in You.
Endless mercy follows me, Goodness will lead me home.
2. He guides my ways in righteousness, And He anoints my head with oil And my cup, it overflows with joy, I feast on His pure delights. And though I walk the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one, For You are with me, and Your rod and staff Are the comfort I need to know
347 1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want He makes me down to lie In pastures green; he leadeth me The quiet waters by
2. My soul he doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E’en for His own name’s sake.
3. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still.
4. My Table Thou has furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint And my cup overflows
5. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me, And in God’s house for ever more My dwelling place shall be RH 99, Whitingham Rous
348 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end, They are new every morning New every morning Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord Great is Thy faithfulness Edith McNeil Songs of fellowship 549
349 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord And He delighteth in his ways Though he falls, though he falls, he will not be cast down For the Lord upholdeth him with His hands. With His hands With His hands For the Lord upholdeth him With His hands Though he falls Though he falls He will not be cast down For the Lord upholdeth him with His hands
350 1. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains.
2. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away.
3. O dying Lamb! Thy precious blood Shall never lose his power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more
4. E’er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme And shall be till I die
5. Then in a nobler sweeter song I’ll sing thy power to some When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. William Copwer MHB 201
351 1. There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth, It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth.
Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Because he first loved me
2. It tells me of a Saviour's love, Who died to set me free, It tells me of his precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea
3. It bids my trembling soul rejoice, And dries each rising tear, It tells me in a 'still small voice To trust and never fear.
4. Jesus, the name I love so well, The name I love to hear, No saints on earth its worth can tell, No heart conceive how dear.
5. This name shall shed its fragrance still Along this thorny road Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill That leads me up to God.
6. And there, with all the Blood bought throng From sin and sorrow free, I'll sing the new eternal song Of Jesus' love to me. Frederick Whitfiekd
352 1. There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God's own Son, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One Thank you, O my Father For giving us your Son, And leaving your Spirit till The work on earth is done.
2. Jesus, my Redeemer, Name above all names, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah O for sinners slain.
3. When I stand in glory I will see his face And there I'll serve my King for ever In that holy place Green Melody
353 There is fire burning within my heart ‘Tis the fire of Pentecost ‘Will fan Your fire ever burning in me Till the whole world comes to You Abide, abide And move always in us
In the oneness of the Holy Ghost We surrender to Your will Seth Ofei Badu
354 1. There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven The name before His wondrous birth, To Christ, the Saviour given. We love to sing of Christ our King And hail Him, blessed Jesus! ) R U W K H U H ¶ V Q R Z R U G H D U H Y H U heard, 6 R G H D U V R V Z H H W D V ³ - H V X V ´
2. “Twas Gabriel first that did Proclaim To His most blessed mother, That name which now and evermore We praise above all other.
3. And when He hung upon the tree, They wrote His name above Him That all might see the reason we For evermore must love Him.
4. So now, upon His Father’s throne, Almighty to release us From sin and pain He ever reigns The Prince and Saviour Jesus.
5. O Jesus! By that matchless name Thy grace shall fail us never, Today as yesterday the same. Thou art the same forever.
6. To Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow And ev’ry tongue confess Him And we unite with saints in light Our only Lord, to bless Him. Geo W. Bethune PH 280
355 There is none holy as the Lord There is none beside Him Neither is there any rock like our God There is none holy as the Lord
356 There is victory for me, There is victory for me, In the Blood of Christ, my Saviour
There is victory for me, For me, yes me, for me, yes me, In the blood of Christ, my Saviour: There is victory. Hugh Mitchell
357 There never was a day like this day to me, There never was a day like this day I see There never was a light that shineth so bright As this day, this glorious day PH 134
358 1. There shall be showers of blessing This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above.
Sho...wers of blessing Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling But for the showers we plead.
2. “There shall be showers of blessing” Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys Sound of abundance of rain
3. “There shall be showers of blessing” Send them upon us, O Lord Grant to us now a refreshing; Come, and now honour Thy word.
4. “There shall be showers of blessing” Oh, that to-day they might fall Now, as to God, we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call.
5. “There shall be showers of blessing” If we but trust and obey There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way El Nathan, RH245
359 1. There’s a fight to be fought, and a race to be run There are dangers to meet by the way; But the Lord is my light and the Lord is my life
And the Lord is my strength and stay On His word I depend, He’s my Saviour and Friend; And He tells me to trust and obey;
For the Lord is my light and the Lord is my life And the Lord is my strength and stay.
2. In His wonderful love, He came down from above To suffer and die on the tree Now He’s reigning up there; where He’s gone to prepare A place in His Kingdom for me Let us sing as we go, for He loveth us so We can never be lost by the way;
3. Then He’ll bring us at length, by His infinite strength To the land that is fairer than day; So we’ll sing to His praise, to the end of our days As we travel each dangerous way; Golden Bells 539
360 There’s a fine, fine, fine, fine Morning coming soon, coming soon, coming soon; The sun will shine, shine, shine shine, Banishing the gloom very soon, very soon, We shall gather all together over on the other shore All our trials and our troubles will be gone for ever more; There is a fine, fine, fine, fine Morning coming soon, coming soon, yes soon. PH 190
361 There’s a land that is fairer than day And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there
In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore
2. We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest
3. To our bountiful Father above We will offer our tribute of praise, For the glorious gift of His love, And the blessing that hallow our days PH 273, S. Bennet
362 1. There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus No, not one! No, not one! None else could heal all my soul’s diseases No, not one! No, not one! Jesus knows all about my struggles He will guide till the day is done There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus No, not one! No, not one!
2. No friend like Him is so high and holy, No, not one! No, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, not one! No, not one!
3. There’s not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! No, not one! No night so dark, but His love can cheer us. No not one! No, not one!
4. Did ever saint find this Friend forsake him? No, not one! No, not one! Or sinner find that He would not take him? No, not one! No, not one!
5. Was e’er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! No, not one! Will He refuse us the bliss of heaven? No, not one! No, not one! Johnson Oatman, Jr.
363 1. There’s revival in the air today, There’s revival in the air today; There’s revival in the air,
We can bring it down with pray’r, There’s revival in the air today.
2. There’s revival in my heart today, There’s revival in my heart today, There’s revival in my heart, And you can have a part, There’s revival in my heart today. Thos Kemp P H 103
364 They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles Run their race and weary not They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles They shall walk and never faint They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength Isaac Anane Sarfo W 4 n a w 4tw1 n Awurade no ´ Translation by John Odoi Korang
365 1. This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground For the Lord is present and where He is is holy This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground For the Lord is present And where He is is holy
We are standing on holy ground and I know that there are angels all around Let us praise Jesus now For we are standing in His presence On holy ground.
2. These are holy hands He's given us holy hands, He works through these hands And so these hands are holy These are holy hands He's given us holy hands, He works through these hands And so these hands are holy
3. He works through these hands And so these are holy hand We’re standing in your presence We’re standing in your presence
We’re standing in your presence on holy ground Christopher Beatty, Joshua 5:15
366 1. This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures are laid up Somewhere beyond the blue; The Saviour beckons me From heaven’s open door And I can’t feel at home In this world any more
O Lord, You know I have no friend like You: , I K H D Y H Q ¶ V Q R W P \ K R P H
Then, Lord what will I do? The Saviour beckons me ) U R P + H D Y H Q ¶ V R S H Q G R R U
$ Q G , F D Q ¶ W I H H O D W K R P H L Q this world any more
2. They’re all expecting me, And that’s one thing I know; My Saviour pardoned me, Now onward I must go; I know He’ll take me through, Though I am weak and poor, And I can’t feel at home In this world any more.
3. Just over in glory We’ll live eternally, The saints on every hand Are shouting victory; their songs of sweetest praise Drift back from Heaven’s shore And I can’t feel at home In this world any more. Living songs 112 Albert E. Brumley
367 1. Thou art worthy (x2) Thou are worthy, O Lord Thou art worthy to receive glory Glory and honour and power For Thou hast created Hast all things created For thou hast created all things And for Thy pleasure they are Created; Thou art worthy, O Lord
2. Thou art worthy (x2) Thou art worthy, O Lord Thou art worthy to receive blessing Riches and wisdom and power For Thou has redeemed us, Thy blood hast redeemed us, For thou hast redeemed us to God;
And from all nations made us a kingdom Thou art worthy, O Lord Living Songs 36
368 1. Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble and in joy The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ.
2. Of His deliverance I will boast Till all that are distressed From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest
3. O magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt His name; When in distress to Him I called, He to my rescue came
4. The Hosts of God encamp around The dwelling of the just; Deliverance He affords to all Who on His succour trust
5. O make but trial of His love; Experience will decide
How blest they are, and only they, Who in His truth confide.
6. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear Make you His service your delight He’ll make your wants His Care MHB 427
369 1. Through the love of God our saviour, All will be well; Free and changeless is his favour, All, all is well Precious is the blood that healed us; Perfect is the grace that sealed us Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us All must be well.
2. Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well Ours is such a full salvation ,
All, all is well Happy still in God confiding, Fruitful if in Christ abiding; Holy through the Spirit's guiding; All must be well
3. We expect a bright tomorrow All will be well; Faith can sing through days of sorrow All, all is well On our father's love relying, Jesus every need supplying Or in living or in dying All must be well. Mary Peters - RH.372
370 1. Thy Kingdom come, O God Thy rule, O Christ, begin Break with thine iron rod The tyrannies of sin
2. Where is thy reign of peace? And purity and love? When shall all hatred cease? As in the realms above?
3. When comes the promised time? That war shall be no more
And lust, oppression, crime Shall flee thy face before?
4. We pray thee, Lord, arise, And come in thy great might; Revive our longing eyes, Which languish for thy sight.
5. O'er lands both near and far Thick darkness broodeth yet; Arise, O Morning star Arise, and never set! Lewis Hensley (1824-1905) BBC Songs 24
371 ‘Tis a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle Washed in the Blood of the Lamb ‘Tis a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, Washed in the Blood of the Lamb PH 76
372 1. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! + R Z , ¶ Y H S U R Y H G + L P R ¶ H U D Q G R ¶ H U
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
2. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me ‘Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
3. Yes, ‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simple taking Life and rest, and joy and peace
4. I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.
373 1. To be in your presence To sit at your feet, Where Your love surrounds me, And makes me complete.
This is my desire, O Lord, This is my desire, This is my desire, O Lord, This is my desire
2. To rest in Your presence Not rushing away; To cherish each moment, Here I would stay Noel Richards Songs of Fellowship, 1067
374 To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus; All I ask is to be like Him; Through all life’s journey; From earth to glory; All I ask is to be like Him
375 1. To God be the glory, Great things He hath done, So loved he the world that He gave us His son Who yielded His life an atonement for sin And opened the Life Gate that all may go in
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord Let the people rejoice; O come to the Father through Jesus the Son And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.
2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes; That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.
3. Great things He hath taught us, Great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see Fanny J. Crosby - RH. 47
376 1. Upon the hill of Calvary, God’s only Son, Jesus, was crucified; It is Jesus, my own Saviour, It is Jesus, my own Saviour (x2)
2. l shall not forget the suffering of Christ, From Gethsemane to Calvary; A precious price He paid for me, A precious price He paid for me. Translation of W Kalvary bep no so
377 Victory! Victory! Precious blood -bought victory Victory! Victory! Victory all the time As Jehovah liveth, Strength divine He giveth Unto those who trust Him Vict'ry all the time Mrs. C.H. Morris - PH 231
378 Waiting for His coming To the mansions in the sky I’m waiting for Jesus, For He’s coming by and by I’m watching His returning to the clouds far up on high
I’m waiting for Jesus For He’s coming by and by He’s promised to take me To dwell with Him in His glory fair He’s promised to give me A crown of victory to wear I’m waiting and I’m listening For the sound of the mid-night cry I’m waiting for Jesus For He’s coming by and by Gospel Quintet Choruses
379 We are able to go up and take the country To possess the land from Jordan to the sea; Though the lions may be there our way to hinder, God will surely give the victory PH. 187
380 We are in your hands, O Lord Prepare us, give us grace and help Prepare us, give us grace Help us in every way We are in your hands, O Lord Prepare us, give us grace and help Translation of ³ : R 1 V D P Q D Y1 w4 ´
Seth Asare Ofei Badu
381 We are laying a foundation A very strong foundation For the coming generation We are laying a foundation A very strong foundation For the children behind us now. With Jesus, the solid Rock We shall lay for our children With Jesus the solid Rock We shall lay and never fail. Ebenezer Amissah Bimpong
382 1. We are often tossed and driv’n On the restless sea of time, Sombre skies and howling tempest Oft succeed a bright sun-shine In that land of perfect day, When the mists have rolled away We will understand it better by and by
By and by, when the morning comes When all the saints of God are gathered home : H ¶ O O W H O O W K H V W R U \ K R Z Z H ¶ Y H overcome; ) R U : H ¶ O O understand it better by and by
2. We are often destitute of the things that life demands, Want of food and want of shelter Thirsty hills and barren lands, We are trusting in the Lord, And according to His Word, We will understand it better by and by
3. Trials dark on ev’ery hand, And we cannot understand All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land; But He guides us with His eye And we’ll follow till we die For we’ll understand it better by and by
4. Temptation, hidden snares Often take us unawares, And our hearts are made to bleed for many a thought-less word or deed And we wonder why the test When we try to do our best But we’ll understand it better by and by Melodies of Praise 91
383 We give glory to the Lord, He reigns We give glory to the Lord, He reigns He reigns, He reigns, He reigns We give glory to the Lord, He reigns
384 1. We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Him We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Him We have come into His house And gathered in His Name to worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
2. So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Him So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Him So forget about yourself And concentrate on Him, and worship Christ the Lord
Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
3. He is all my righteousness, I stand complete in Him and worship Him He is all my righteousness, I stand complete in Him and worship Him He is all my righteousness I stand complete in Him and worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
4. Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name and worship Him Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name and worship Him Let us lift up holy hands And magnify His Name, and worship Christ the Lord Worship Him, Christ the Lord
385 We have no power of our own We have no power of our own We depend on you, Holy Spirit We have no power of our own
386 1. We love the blessed Bible The glorious Word of God; The lamp for those who travel O’er all life’s dreary road The watchword in life’s battle The chart on life’s dark sea; The everlasting Bible It shall our teacher be.
2. Who would not love the Bible So beautiful and wise! Its teaching charm the simple, And all point to the skies, Its stories all so mighty Of men so brave to see, Divinely-given Bible It shall our teacher be.
3. But most we love the Bible, For there we Children learn How Christ took on our childhood, Our hearts to Him to turn; And how He bowed to sorrow, That we His face might see; The Bible, oh! the Bible- It shall our teacher be
4. Then we will hold the Bible The glorious Book of God; We’ll ne’er forsake the Bible,
Through all life’s future road. And when we shall be dying, Whenever that may be, The comfort of the Bible shall still our solace be. Golden Bells 573
387 We praise Thee O God For the son of thy love For Jesus who died And is now gone above
Halleluyah Thine the glory Halleluyah Amen Halleluyah Thine the glory Revive us again
388 We praise you, O Lord, We lift high Your Name You are Lord of lords You we glorify Who’s like unto You? You are Christ, our King We praise You, O Lord We lift high Your Name
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ™ < H \ L : R ' L Q $ \ š
by Opoku Onyinah
389 We praise you, wonderful God, We glorify your name. We glorify your name: Amen, hallelujah! Here on earth with hymns and songs We extol your holy name; Then one day we’ll sing above: Amen, hallelujah! Asempa Hymns 1
390 1. We praise your name We praise your name To you, the Lord, our God On our knees we bow To you the Lord our God On our knees we bow To you the Lord our God
2. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we fall To you the Lord our God On our knees we fall
3. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we plead
To you the Lord our God On our knees we plead
4. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we pray To you the Lord our God On our knees we pray
5. We praise your name We praise your name To you the Lord our God On our knees we serve To you the Lord our God On our knees we serve Opoku Onyinah
391 We will celebrate our God; We will celebrate our God; Let His banner be raised, And His glory be seen We will celebrate our God.
392 We will praise your holy name, You’ve won the victory. The Lamb that was slain, Is worthy to be praised, O, Lamb of God, we will praise your holy name. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I < 0 E H \ L : R G L Q D \ 0
393 We’ll be like Him, When Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him We’ll be like Him, When Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him Presently, He’s preparing us Presently, He is nurturing our souls with His Word We’ll be like Him, when Jesus Christ the Son of God appears, We shall be like Him
7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ Y1b1s1 No ´
Eunice Addison
394 We’ll follow Him together wherever He leads. Beside the living waters, our souls He doth feed; Whatever be the conflict, He’ll meet our every need. We’ll follow Him together Wherever He may lead PH 41
395 We’re building a road, Building a road Helping the weak and blind, We’re smoothening the road That leads to heaven above, To make easy for those behind. PH 143
396 1. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear, What a privilege to carry Ev’rything to God in prayer Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Ev’rything to God in prayer.
2. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer, Can we find a Friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer
3. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He’ll take and shield thee Thou wilt find a solace there. Joseph Scriven - RH 532
397 1. What a Master I follow; His name is the Lord Jesus; Will serve Him, never deny him; What a master I follow A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; What a master I follow
2. I am a disciple of Christ; He’s promised He’ll not leave me; I will preach and make disciples; I 'm a disciple of Christ A true disciple I will be always,
Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I 'm a disciple of Christ
3. On His faithful Word I’ll stand; And teach others all His ways; There is power for those who believe; On His faithful Word I’ll stand A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; On His faithful Word I’ll stand;
4. My Lord is Jesus Christ; And all pow’r belong to Him; He is the world’s one Saviour; My Lord is Jesus Christ A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; My Lord is Jesus Christ
5. He has promised He’s with us; To the very end of the world; Faithful is He who has promised He has promised He’s with us.
A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; He has promised He’s with us
6. The Comforter is with us; From the Father and the Son; Faithful, He, the Holy Spirit; The Comforter is with us A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; The Comforter is with us
7. I will go preaching Good News; That the Christ rose from the dead; He is King of our Salvation; I will go preaching Good News A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I will go preaching Good News
8. He‘ll reward obedient ones; Who will walk by His good Word Many crowns the Lord will give them;
He‘ll reward obedient ones A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; He‘ll reward obedient ones
9. I will be among the crowned ones; I will receive it with great joy; I will see the King in glory; I will be among the crowned ones A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I will be among the crowned ones
10. I’ll rejoice greatly that day; In the Kingdom of the Christ; I will sing to glorify Him; I’ll rejoice greatly that day A true disciple I will be always, Follow Him, deny Him not; Will love Him, and take up my cross always; I’ll rejoice greatly that day Translation R I ³ 2 Z X U D E L D ´ Opoku Onyinah
398 What a Sovereign God He is! What a mighty God He is! He is the Sovereign God, He is the mighty God. Translation of Onyame kokuroko E 0 Q Q L
399 What a wonderful treasure; Gift of God without measure; We will travel together; My Bible and I
400 1. What an example I have In Christ Jesus! You alone I look to Imitating your works In all my ways I will follow you Then others will follow me
What an example I have! Christ Jesus I love You Rely on You Lord Depend on, look to You my all
2. What an example I have Christ the Son of God! You left Your glory
Took the form of a servant If I learn your meekness My life will be like Yours Then others will follow me
3. What an example I have! Christ the Son of Man! No sin was found in Your human nature If I trust in You I will become like You Then others will follow me
4. What an example I have Christ the Righteous One! You went to the tree Because of my sins Consumed of this love I deny myself Then others will follow me
5. What an example I have Christ the Victorious One! Resurrected from death Went to heaven above Pondering on Your victory gives me a-ssurance Then others will follow me
Opoku Onyinah
401 1. What can I offer to your, oh Lord For Your grace has taken me through. I bring up my sacrifice of praise For Your grace has done it again. Your grace has taken me through, oh Lord Your grace has done it again, oh Lord Gracious One, I bow down to you Gracious One, I bow down to you
2. What can we offer to you, oh Lord For your grace has tean us through We bring our sacrifice of praise For your grace has done it again Your grace has taken us through, oh Lord Your grace has done it again, oh Lord Gracious One, we bow down to you Gracious One, we bow down to you Opoku Onyinah
402 1. What can wash away my stain? Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
O! Precious is the flow; That makes me white as snow No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus
2. For my cleansing this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus For my pardon ,this my plea. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
3. Nothing can for sin atone. Nothing but the blood of Jesus, Nought of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
4. This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus, He is all my righteousness Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
5. Now by this I overcome; Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Now by this I’ll reach my home Nothing but the blood of Jesus! R. Lowry - RH. 33
403 What name is given here among all men And by which men must be saved? (x2) O, what name has got all power? O, what pow’r beyond compare! It is the mighty Name of Jesus Christ Who rose up from the dead Seth Asare Ofei Badu
404 What singing there will be up there, What singing there will be up there, When face to face with Jesus we shall stand. And join the heavenly choir in the better land; What singing there will be up there, What glory for the saints to share,
O Glory, glory, glory! What singing there will be up there. Hugh Mitchell PH 151
405 1. When I consider Your love for me It gives me hope of eternal life Should you take your love away from me Sin would make me wander away.
2. You called me with Your very own voice And I followed Your love and came to You To find the hope of eternal life I am walking in righteousness
3. Let Your voice of love always speak to me So I should see and do what You would do To bear much fruit in my generation Bringing others the hope of glory. Seth Asare Ofei Badu
406 When I feel the touch Of your hand upon my life It causes me to sing a song That I love you, Lord. So from deep within My spirit singeth unto Thee You are my King, You are my God And I love You, Lord. Keri Jones & David Matthew Songs of fellowship 594
407 When I look into your holiness When I gaze into your loveliness When all things that surround Become shadows in the light of you! When I’ve found the joy of reaching your heart When my heart becomes enthroned in your love, When all things that surround, Become shadows in the light of you
I worship you, I worship you The reason I live is to worship you I worship you, I worship you The reason I live is to worship you Kent Henry
408 1. When I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride
2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood
3. See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown
4. Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small; Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all. Isaac Watts - RH. 161
409 1. When peace, like a river attendeth my way When sorrows, like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know, "It is well, it is well with my soul , W L V Z H O O « Z L W K P \ V R X O «
It is well, it is well with my soul
2. Though, Satan should buffet, If trials should come Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
3. My sin-oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin - not in part but the whole Is nailed to his cross; and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.
4. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live! If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life. Thou wilt whisper thy peace to my soul.
5. But Lord, 'tis for thee, for thy coming we wait The sky, not the grave, is our goal Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord' Blessed hope! Blessed rest of my soul. H.G. Spatted R.H. 527
410 1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest- tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done. Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessing, every doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by 3. When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold, Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high
4. So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all, Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end. Johnson Oatman Jr. RH 427
411 1. When we walk with the Lord In the light of His word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey
Trust and obey! For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey
2. Not a shadow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly drives it away Not a doubt nor a fear, Not a sigh nor a tear Can abide while we trust and obey
3. Not a burden we bear, Not a sorrow we share, But our toil he doth richly repay, Not a grief nor a loss, Not a frown nor a cross. But is blest if we trust and obey.
4. But we never can prove The delights of His love, Until all on the altar we lay, For the favour He shows, And the joy he bestows Are for them who will trust And obey
5. Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at His feet; Or we'll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do, Where he sends we will go, Never fear, only trust and obey J.H. Sammis RH. 477
412 1. Where will you spend eternity? This question comes to you and me. Tell me, what shall your answer be? Where will you spend eternity?
Eternity! Eternity! Where will you spend eternity?
2. Many are choosing Christ today Turning from all their sins away Heav'n shall their happy portion be, Where will you spend eternity
3. Leaving the straight and narrow way Going the downward road today, Sad will their final ending be Lost thro' a long eternity
4. Repent, believe this very hour, Trust in the Saviour's grace and power Then will your joyous answer be, Saved thro' a long eternity
413 1. While I was praying somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord
2. While I was wond’ring somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord
3. Glory, glory glory, somebody touched me (x3) It might have been the hand of the Lord PH 99
414 Who am I to boast in Your presence? Dust and clay, I was made of Adam's seed, I’m flesh and blood I am saved by Your grace It's only grace It is grace that sets me free It's only grace Surely grace will sail me through
2. On my knees, I am before Your throne Jar of clay, weak and feeble By nature, I am a child of wrath My only hope is Your grace It's only grace
It is grace that makes me whole It's only grace Surely grace will take me home Opoku Onyinah
415 Who is like You In power and glory? Who is like You? Majestic and splendorous! Who is like You, In beauty and radiance? My Jesus, the Shining One (x2) Shine on me, Bright Morning Star Shine on me, my closest Friend Shine on me, Jesus, shine on me Opoku Onyinah
416 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the king? Who will be his helpers? Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go? By Thy call of mercy, By Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are thine!
2. Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army Raise the warrior psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom he died; He whom Jesus nameth Must be on his side; By thy love constraining By thy grace divine We are on the Lord's side Saviour, we are thine!
3. Jesus, thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with thine own life-blood For thy diadem; With thy blessing filling All who come to thee, Thou hast made us willing Thou hast made us free By thy grand redemption. By thy grace divine We are on the Lord's side Saviour we are thine!
4. Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe; But the king's own army
None can overthrow, Round his standard ranging, Victory is secure, For his truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure, Joyfully enlisting, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side; Saviour, we are thine. Frances R Havergal - RH. 431
417 1. “Whosoever heareth!” Shout, shout, the sound! Send the blessed tidings all the world around! Spread the joyful news wherever man is found “Whosoever will may come
³ : K R V R H Y H U Z L O O Whosoever will! Send the proclamation over vale and hill!; µ 7 L V D O R Y L Q J ) D W K H U F D O O V W K H wanderer home ³ : K R V R H Y H U Z L O O P D \ F R P H ´
2. “Whosoever cometh! Need not delay; Now the door is open, enter while you may;
Jesus is the true, the only Living way; “Whosoever will may come”
3. “Whosoever will! the promise is secure; “Whosoever will! for ever shall endure; “Whosoever will” ‘tis life for evermore; “Whosoever will may come!” Golden Bells 228
418 Why did He love me? I never can tell. Why did He suffer to save me from hell? Nothing but infinite grace from above Could have conceived such a story of love. Grace! Grace! Infinite grace! Flowing to you and me. Grace! Grace! Infinite grace From the cross of Calvary! Centenary Praise SU choruses 35
419 1. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife; When the strong tides lift and the cables strain, Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll: Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in W K H 6 D Y L R X U ¶ V O R Y H
2. It is safely moored, ‘twill the storm withstand, For ‘tis well secured by the Saviour’s hand; And the cables passed from His heart to mine, Can defy the blast, through strength divine
3. It will firmly hold in the straits of fear, When the breakers have told the reef is near, Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
4. It will surely hold in the floods of death, When the waters cold, chill our latest breath On the rising tide it can never fail, While our hopes abide within the veil!
5. When our eyes behold, through the gathering night The city of gold, our harbour bright, We shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore, With the storms all past for evermore Priscilla J. Owens RH 322
420 With my lips I will praise you Lord; These my lips shall pra-ise You; With my lips I will show you forth; For the whole world to know you They shall tell of Your salvation; To ev’ry perishing soul With my lips I will praise you Lord; These my lips shall pra-ise You 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 0 H de P ¶ D Q R ´
Grace Gakpetor
421 Wonderful! Wonderful! This man Jesus, He is wonderful Wonderful! Wonderful! He’s reconciled us unto our God. E. K. Asamoah
422 1. Worshipping the Lord In spirit and truth That’s the kind the Father seeks I celebrate your awesome greatness Glory and power belong to our king Worshipping the Lord In spirit and truth That’s the kind the Father seeks.
2. Ascribing to the Lord Glory due His name With my lifestyle Lord, that’s my desire I celebrate Your awesome greatness Glory and power belong to our king Ascribing to the Lord Glory due His name With my lifestyle Lord! That’s my desire James Quaicoe
423 Worthy, worthy is the Lamb Worthy, worthy is the lamb Worthy , worthy is the lamb; that was slain Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, Hallelujah Praise ye the Lord PH 1
424 1. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because my blessed Saviour From my sins has ransomed me.
This is why... I love my Je...sus This is why... I love Him so... He has par... doned my transgress..sions He has washed me... white as snow
2. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because the blood of Jesus Fully saves and cleanses me.
3. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because, amid temptation, He supports and strengthens me.
4. Would you know why I love Jesus Why He is so dear to me? “Tis because, in ev’ry conflict. Jesus gives me victory.
5. Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me? ‘Tis because my Friend and Saviour He will ever, ever be. E.A. Hoffmonn - RH 645
425 1. Wounded for me, wounded for me, There on the cross he was wounded for me, Gone my transgressions and now I am free All because Jesus was wounded for me.
2. Dying for me,dying for me There on the cross he was dying For me, Now in his death my redemption I see, All because Jesus was dying for me
3. Risen for me, risen for me Up from the grave he has risen for me; Now evermore from death’s sting I am free, All because Jesus has risen for me.
4. Living for me, living for me, There on the throne he is living for me: Saved to the uttermost now I shall be. All because Jesus is living for me.
5. Coming for me ,coming for me. One day to earth he is coming for me; Then with what joy his dear face I shall see. O how I praise Him-He’s coming for me. AGR - PH 228
426 Yes, it's true, the Saviour of the world, Found himself in the arms of Simeon. Anna got a glimpse of His glory Jesus Christ, the Son of God Showed himself in the temple of the Lord He that is greater than the temple Found himself in the arms of Simeon Blessed is He who held the Lord of glory His glory has impacted him The Most High God has blessed him by shining on him. Come and see the glory of the temple Greater than the temple is here Found himself in the arms of Simeon Anna got a glimpse of Him Come to Him, the Centre of glory Come to Him, the Redeeming One Come to Him, the Saviour of the world Jesus Christ, the Son of God Opoku Onyinah
427 Yesterday, to-day, forever Jesus is the same; All may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His Name! Glory to His Name, glory to His Name All may change, but Jesus never Glory to His Name Living Songs 54
428 You are Alpha and Omega, We worship you, our Lord You are worthy to be praised We give you all the glory We worship you, our Lord You are worthy to be praised Israel Houghton
429 You are awesomely wonderful, God Creator God, Almighty God, You are awesomely wonderful, God Omnipotent God, there is none like You We worship You Grace Gakpetor
430 1. You are beautiful beyond description, Too marvellous for words Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty, enthroned above.
And I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You.
2. You are beautiful beyond description Yet God crushed You for my sin In agony and deep affliction Cut off that I might enter in Who can grasp such tender compassion? Who can fathom this mercy so free? You are beautiful beyond description Lamb of God who died for me Mark Altrogge Songs of fellowship 621
431 You are holy, You are holy You are holy, oh Lord, our God You are Majestic, You are Holy You are Holy, oh Lord our God You are Majestic, You are Holy You are Holy, oh Lord our God. Samuel Otu Appiah
432 You are my Great Redeemer, Great Redeemer You are My God, Lo-rd of lords My hope is built on you You are my fortress Hold me up, keep me on, Bind me to Yourself, Oh Lord You are my only hope 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ 0 H * \ H I R . H V H $ Z X U D G H ´ by - Opoku Onyinah
433 You are my Lord, You are my King You are my everything (x2) I will not die, but I will live To glorify the Lord (x2) J. Odoi Korang
434 You are the King of kings And the Lord of lords (x2) Who can be compared unto You? (x2) J. Odoi Korang 435 You are the Lord, you never change, We bow to you, and worship you 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I : R \ 0 2 Q \ D P H D Wonsakra da
436 You are the one I need Cause me to know Bring me to my knees You are my desire Cause me to see Hold me in your arms Bring me to your brook And feed me with your very self A touch of you can change my life And set my soul on fire To do your will Opoku Onyinah
437 You are the only Lord, Jesus We bow and worship You Your Name we glorify, Jesus You deserve glory We lift Your Name on high, Jesus Your name is so great You are the only Lord, Jesus We worship You Opoku Onyinah
438 You are the potter, I am the clay Make me what you want me to be You are the potter, I am the clay Samuel Otu Appiah
439 You are worthy of our thanks You are worthy of praise Forever, we praise your name Christ Jesus: “The Lo-rd is Conqueror, you are worthy of o-ur praise You are worthy of thanks and praise 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I ³ \ H G D Z ¶ D V H D 1 fata Z R ´ by - Opoku Onyinah
440 You were born for me You died for me To save my soul (x2) You suffered on the cross You suffered to save me Jesus my Lord, The King of kings Your death has set me free Jesus my Lord, The Lord of lords Your death has set me free Jesus my Lord, The Prince of Peace Your death has set me free A.L. Angoh
441 1. You’ve got to move, you’ve got to move You’ve got to move, you’ve got to move When the Lord gets ready, You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move
2. You may be high you may be low, The way to heaven; you may not know, But when the Lord gets ready, You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move
3. You may be rich, you may be poor, The way to heaven; you may not know, But when the Lord gets ready You’ve got to move, move, move, move, move, PH 174
442 Your Name is great above all names We praise your Holy Name (x2) We praise your Holy Name, We praise your Holy name Your name is great above all names, We praise your Holy Name Grace Gakpetor
443 1. Your resting place! I come To Heaven's Holiest place Presence of Almighty Full of goodness and grace My cup has overflowed All goodness is now mine My heart is full of praises
2. Your Presence I desire There I find rest in you Your presence soothes my heart Surrounded by Your love You fill my mouth so full Your praises I will sing My heart is full of praises
3. Before your heavenly throne Where angles surround You Adoring You always Your saints jointly declare You are the only Lord We glorify your name My heart is full of praises
4. Grace and Mercy descend From heaven’s holiest throne Upon the sons of God Receiving grace on grace Eternal God you are: Your grace will never cease My heart is full of praises Translation of ³ 0 D E D : o nwunu ase ´
Opoku Onyinah
444 Your will, not mine, be done, Your will, not mine be done; Help me to know your will for me, Your will, not mine be done. 7 U D Q V O D W L R Q R I : R S 0 Q \ 0 P H S 0 Q D 0 Q \ 0
P.B. Appiah-Adu
445 Zion's Strong Tower is You Christ Jesus Whoever believes in You Will not be put to shame (x2) A strong Tower is You Christ Jesus The Chosen Cornerstone Whoever believes won’t be put to shame Zion's Strong Tower is You Translation of Zion Abandenden by Opoku Onyinah Tags Eunice addison PS(A)
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