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I will follow Thee,

1. I will follow Thee, my Saviour,

Wheresoe’er my lot may be;

Where Thou goest I will follow,

Yes, my Lord, I’ll follow Thee

I will follow Thee, my Saviour,

Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;

 And though all men should forsake Thee, 

2. Though the road be rough and stormy,

Trackless as the foaming sea,

Thou hast trod this way before me,

And I gladly follow Thee.

3. Though ’tis lone and dark and dreary,

Cheerless though my path may be, If

Thy voice I hear before me,

Fearlessly I’ll follow Thee.

4. Though I meet with tribulation,

Sorely tempted though I be,

I remember Thou wast tempted,

And rejoice to follow Thee.

5. Though Thou leadest through afflictions,

Poor, forsaken though I be,

Thou wast destitute, afflicted, And I only follow Thee.

Source: James L. Elginburg

 151  I will lift up my voice  and sing to your praise  Hallelujah You are King of kings I will lift up my voice  and sing to your praise Hallelujah You are King of kings Hallelujah, You are King of kings Hallelujah, You are Lord of lords I will lift up my voice  and sing to your praise Hallelujah You are King of kings
 152  I will render praises to my God,

I will praise Him as long as I live; In Hades, there are no praises, Glory be unto the Most High King. Translation of Ayeyi na mede ma Onyame
 153  I’ll build my house upon the Rock, With all patience, I will build it well, And with Jesus, I shall dwell I will build my house upon the Rock I shall not fear the rain, In the storm I’ll not be moved I’ll build my house upon the Rock, And with Jesus, I shall dwell. Translation of  ™ Mesi me dan w4 $botan so š

 154  1. I’ll do what I can for your glory, Lord, In this journey of our lives By singing and telling your story, Lord, That others may know your love.
I will, dear Lord; I will My promise I will fulfill,  , Q   O L I H   D Q G   G H D W K   , ¶ O O   I D L W K I X O   E H 
 I will, dear Lord; I will.

2.  I’ll render true service to you, dear Lord, A part of my debt to pay; By pressing your goodness to me, dear Lord, To those who are still astray.

3.  Thy service shall be my delight, dear Lord, Until I am called above; And then with the angels of light, dear Lord, Forever I’ll praise Thee, Lord. Faith Gospel Message  PH 311
 155  I’ll keep on serving you In all faithfulness  I know that my labor Won’t be in vain Translation of  ³ 0 0 N    V R   P ¶ D V R P  Wo ´


156  I’m at the foot of the mountain Climbing higher to you Stony places are on the mountain Lift me up high, Lord unto you To You, I come I come to follow you There are depths of knowing you Stretch your hand, help me come to you Opoku Onyinah
 157  I’m glad that my Saviour has finished for me, on the cross he died for me. He loved me, He suffered , He  made me whole,  On the cross He died for me. On the cross that day, my father in heaven,  On the cross that day, he set me free  , ¶ P   J O D G   W K D W   P \   6 D Y L R X U   K D V  finished for me,  On the cross he died for me. M.L. Awuku
 158  1. I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I onward bound, “Lord plant my feet on higher ground
 Lord, lift me up and let me stand By faith, on heavens tableland; Where love and joy, and light abound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground
 2. My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise, and fear dismay Though some may dwell where these abound My constant aim is higher ground
 3. Beyond the mist I fain would rise, To rest beneath unclouded skies, Above earth’s turmoil peace is found; By those who dwell on higher ground
 4. I long to scale the utmost height

Though rough the way, and hard the fight, My song, while climbing shall resound Lord, lead me on to higher ground

5. Lord, lead me up the mountain side I dare not climb without my Guide; And, heaven gained, I’ll gaze around With grateful heart from higher ground RH 393
 159  1. I'm rejoicing night and day As I walk the pilgrim way, For the hand of God in all my life I see, And the reason of my bliss; Yes, the secret all is this: That the Comforter abides with me

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