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Article 14 - General Secretary



14.1 There shall be a General Secretary of The Church.


He must be a mature Minister with a good standard of education.


(a) He shall take minutes at the General and Executive Council meetings

(b) He shall deal with the correspondence of The Church

(c) He shall be responsible to the Chairman for the Head

Office Administration

(d) He shall perform such duties as are assigned to him by the Chairman and the Executive Council

(e) He shall be an ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees

(f) The General Secretary shall not be a field Minister while in office

(g) He shall keep the official seal of The Church.

(h)He shall report to the General Council on the performance of the Headquarters Administration

(i) He shall prepare the Agenda for General Council meetings in consultation with the Chairman.


(a) The Executive Council, regulating its own proceedings shall, after prayerful consideration, present a candidate from the list of eligible candidates, to the Electoral
College for open discussion and secret ballot

(b) Members of the Executive Council, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, National Heads and Area Heads shall
constitute an Electoral College to put forward a candidate for the General Secretaryship for approval by
the General Council

(c) Elections at the Electoral College shall be done by a secret ballot supervised by an Electoral Commission appointed by the Executive Council. Elections at the
Electoral College shall be by simple majority

(d) The candidate so elected at the Electoral College shall be presented to the General Council for approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of the members present
and voting

(e) If the candidate so presented fails to obtain the required two-thirds (2/3) majority votes from the General Council, the Electoral College shall nominate a second candidate for approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority votes
of members present and voting

(f) If the second candidate also fails to obtain the two-thirds (2/3) majority votes from the General Council, the Electoral College shall nominate a third candidate for approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of members
present and voting

(g) If the third candidate presented by the Electoral College also fails to obtain the two-thirds (2/3) majority votes, then the two (2) candidates who drew the highest number of votes shall be presented to the General Council for election on simple majority basis.

(h) Where there is a tie, it shall be resolved by the casting of lots

(i) All directive prophecies and revelations concerning candidates for consideration for the position of General Secretary shall be communicated verbally or in writing to the Executive Council through the Chairman of the Church.

(j) The Executive Council, regulating its own proceedings shall present a candidate to be voted upon by the Electoral College. The candidate so accepted by the Electoral College shall be presented to the General Council to be voted upon.

14.3.1 VOTING

Shall be by a secret ballot.


The General Secretary shall hold office for a term of five (5) years and may be re-elected for a further term only i.e. he shall not be elected to hold office for more than two (2) terms.


(a) During the absence or incapacitation of the General Secretary, the Executive Council shall appoint an Acting General Secretary to act for a period not exceeding One (1) year.

(b) In case of death, the Executive Council shall appoint a General Secretary within three (3) months.


(a) Should the General Secretary abuse his office, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to interdict him and appoint an independent body within The Church to go into the matter according to the constitution and the principles of The Church.

(b)The body appointed shall report to the Executive Council within three (3) months. If the General Secretary is found guilty and the seriousness of the offence so requires, the Executive Council shall give him a written notice of his removal from office forthwith

(c)During the period of interdiction, an Acting General Secretary shall be appointed.

14.6.1 APPEAL

(a) The General Secretary shall have the right to appeal to the General Council within one (1) month of the date of service of the removal notice

(b) The decision of the General Council shall be final.

(a) Should the General Secretary abuse his office, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to interdict him and appoint an independent body within The Church to go into the matter according to the constitution and the principles of The Church.

(b)The body appointed shall report to the Executive Council within three (3) months. If the General Secretary is found guilty and the seriousness of the offence so requires, the Executive Council shall give him a written notice of his removal from office forthwith

(c)During the period of interdiction, an Acting General Secretary shall be appointed.

14.6.1 APPEAL

(a) The General Secretary shall have the right to appeal to the General Council within one (1) month of the date of service of the removal notice

(b) The decision of the General Council shall be final.

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