6.1. There shall be an Executive Council which shall be
responsible for the administration of The Church.
It shall be made up of fifteen (15) members comprising:
a) The Chairman
b) The General Secretary
c) The International Missions Director.
d) One (1) Apostle/Prophet/National Head elected from Africa who is not a Ghanaian by descent.
e) One (1) Apostle/Prophet/National Head elected from the Nations outside Africa
f. Ten (10) others elected from among the Apostles and Prophets in Ghana.
g. The Council may co-opt a Regional Coordinator who is not a member of the Executive Council to its meetings.
a) The Executive Council shall be responsible to the General
b) It shall implement policies and decisions of the General
c) In cases of emergency, the Executive Council may act for and on behalf of the General Council and report to the same for ratification of its said decisions
d) The Executive Council shall receive reports and memoranda from Boards, Committees, and Ministries and report to the General Council
e) During the incapacitation of the Chairman or the General Secretary or the International Missions Director, the Executive Council shall appoint an Acting Chairman or an Acting General Secretary or an Acting International Missions Director as the case may be for a period not exceeding one (1) year
f) In case of death of the Chairman or the General Secretary or the International Missions Director, the Executive Council shall convene a meeting of the General Council within three (3) months to elect a Chairman or a General Secretary or an International Missions Director as the case may be
g) The Executive Council shall be responsible for callings, upgradings, appointments, revocations, dismissals, impeachments, transfers and retirement of Ministers and national office holders of The Church. These functions shall be discharged in consultation with National and Area Heads where applicable
(h) The Executive Council may recommend policy matters for consideration by the General Council
(i) The Executive Council shall have power to take any or all administrative measures in any matter not otherwise provided for in this Constitution, provided that such measures are not contrary to the fundamental provisions of the Constitution
(j) In the event of the Chairman proceeding on leave, course or conference, the Executive Council shall appoint an Acting Chairman from among its members excluding the General Secretary and the International Missions Director, until his return.
The Chairman shall nominate candidates from the Apostles and Prophets for presentation to the General Council for simultaneous voting.
a) In respect of the Ghanaian representation on the Executive Council, the Chairman shall nominate thirteen(13) candidates from the Apostles and Prophets and present them to the General Council for voting. The first ten (10) candidates, who receive the highest votes cast, shall serve on the Executive Council
b) In respect of candidates from the external zones, the Chairman shall put up three (3) candidates for each zone to be voted upon. The candidate who obtains the highest votes shall serve on the Executive Council
c) Executive members so elected into office shall remain in office until their terms expire or retire or are removed. Vacancies thereby created shall be filled by the General Council
(d) A Chairman elected under this Constitution shall inherit
the existing Executive Council members whose terms
of office have not yet expired.
(e) The Chairman in consultation with the Executive
Council may co-opt other members either from the clergy or laity to Executive Council meetings as and when necessary on meeting-to-meeting basis.
6.4.1 VOTING
Shall be by secret ballot. –
a) Whenever vacancies occur in the Executive Council
either from or through retirement, death, resignation, removal or expiration of term of office, the vacancy shall be filled at the next General Council Meeting and the number of candidates presented to the General Council to be voted upon shall be according to the formula: Number of vacancy/vacancies to be filled plus two (2)
b)f Where the number of vacancies exceeds six (6), the formula shall be the number of vacancies to be filled
plus three (3).
The Executive Council shall meet as and when necessary. The Chairman or in his absence the Acting Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Council. Nine (9) members shall form a quorum for all meetings.
The term of office of the Executive Council members
shall be five (5) years. Members of the Executive Council maybe re-elected for further terms. Tags constitution
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