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He Who has called you

 107  1. He Who has called you, the Faithful One, He goes before you, orders your steps, He will never leave his own people, to suffer loss. He will protect you, take care of you. He who has called you is the Strong To-wer. Do not fear he who is in the world. The mountains shall be brought low before you. The crooked shall be made straight before you All shall see the glo-ry of the Lord (x2)  2. He who has loved you, Unfailing One He goes ahead of you, prepares the way Defeat is not seen in his own if they look up to Him. He will guide them and show them the way. Rock of Ages is He in whom you hide. Nothing can hurt you or destroy you. All strongholds shall be pulled down before you. All captives shall be set free before you. The name of God shall be glorified. (x2)  3. He who has sent you, the Son of God. Always available, to show the way. Victory is assured for you in his name, when you call him. He will provide you with all your needs. The Spiritual Rock is that which follows you. You shall lack nothing on your journey. You will drink from Him the living water. You will be fed by Him Manna from a-bove . Lord Jesus Christ shall be lifted up. (x2)  4. He who is with you, Unchanging One. He knows the future, past and present. He is never taken by surprises, ready to help. He assures you his ever presence He who is with you is the Ageless One. Do not fear he who roars like lion Breaking chains and shackles that bind people. Setting at liberty those who are oppressed. The Lord Jesus shall be glorified (x2)  5. He who has promised, the Mighty one. He carries His people on eagle’s wings. He shows strength with His arms to His own in generations. He puts down the mighty from their thrones. He who has promised is the Mighty Rock. You shall tread on serpents and scorpions. Satan falls down like lightning from heaven. Demons flee at the mention of His name. All shall see the power of the Lord. (x2)

Source: Opoku Onyinah 

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