1. Christ Our Lord comes once again
Comes to judge the entire world Soon
He comes, He won’t delay
Will appear in glory, power and strength
Soon He comes, He won’t delay
All believers will appear before Him
To render account of our stewardship Soon
He comes, He won’t delay In all my ways I must be
watchful that I do not go astray Christ will tell me:
“Well done, good servant,” for my faithful stewardship Tribulations await all who did not serve
Christ the Son of God A faithful servant I shall be In all
my life and forever serve Him
2. Christ our Lord comes once again
Comes to judge the entire world
Tell me what your stand will be
The merciful judge will declare
His right judgement Tell me what your stand will be
The whole world will a-ppear before Him
To render account for works they have done
Tell me what your stand will be
You must accept Christ as the
Son of God, in order to be saved
Christ will give you eternal life, if you truly
believe in Him
Source: Opoku Onyinah || PS 45Tags Opoku Onyinah
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