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Courage, brother! do not stumble

 1. Courage, brother! do not stumble, 
Though thy path be dark as night; 
There’s a star to guide the humble; 
“Trust in God, and do the right” 
2. Let the road be rough and dreary, 
And its end far out of sight Foot it bravely! 
strong or weary, “Trust in God, and do the right” 
3. Perish policy and cunning 
Perish all that fears the light! 
Whether losing, whether winning, 
Trust in God, and do the right”   
4. Simple rule, and safest guiding, 
Inward peace, and inward light
Star up our path abiding - 
“Trust in God and do the right” 
5. Some will hate thee, some will love thee, 
Some will flatter, some will slight; 
Cease from man, and look above thee; 
“Trust in God and do the right” 
6. Courage, brother! do not stumble, 
Though thy path be dark as night; 
There’s a star to guide the humble; 
“Trust in God and do the right” 

Sources: Golden Bells 354 || PS 49

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