1. Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah! Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand; Bread of heaven! Feed me now and evermore.
2. Open Thou the crystal fountain Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through; Strong Deliverer! Be Thou still my strength and shield.
3. If I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me through the swelling torrent Land me safe on Canaan’s side;
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.
4. Saviour, come! We long to see Thee Long to dwell with thee above; And to know in full communion, All the sweetness of Thy love, Come, Lord Jesus! Take Thy waiting people home W. Williams, RH 462 || PS 88
Tags PS RH W. Williams
2. Open Thou the crystal fountain Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through; Strong Deliverer! Be Thou still my strength and shield.
3. If I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me through the swelling torrent Land me safe on Canaan’s side;
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.
4. Saviour, come! We long to see Thee Long to dwell with thee above; And to know in full communion, All the sweetness of Thy love, Come, Lord Jesus! Take Thy waiting people home W. Williams, RH 462 || PS 88
Tags PS RH W. Williams
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