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God sent His Son,

 1. God sent His Son, they called him Jesus He came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Saviour lives. 

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know He holds the  future  
And life is worth the living just because He lives 

2. How sweet to hold a new born baby And feel the pride and joy he gives But greater still the calm assurance This child can face uncertain days because Christ lives 

3. And then one day I’ll cross the river; I’ll fight life’s final war with pain; And then as death gives way to vict’ry I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives Gloria Gaiter 
 82  1. Gracious God you are We bow to worship you Gracious God you are We shall ever praise you Your mercies shall never end Your dew of grace drips down on us Like a well that springs up Never ever runs dry 2. Liberal provider you are 

You do provide for all Liberal provider you are Depend we on your providence Your affection is ever sure Your goodness covers all Like the spring and autumn rains Never fail in season. 

3. Almighty God you are Your name we ever bless Almighty God you are Your greatness we exalt Your favour never ends Your kindness never ceases Like a spring that will Never ever run dry Translation of ‘Domfo Nyame’by Opoku Onyinah || PS 81

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